Time for rethink on the clitoris

Its sad that mysogeny is still so prevalent in the medical fields. You would think they would have learned more.

Rethink it? Nah, the last thing I need to do is think about it any more.

Just another weird thread...the 'Clitoris' is just a 'mini-penis'...nothing more and nothing less...is this why so many women have 'Penis-envy'?:gives:
This is a medical educational thread and important to men desiring to give their female partner maximum satisfaction. For you it is a non issue BB.
Right...Mr Stud...!...lmao

This is a medical educational thread and important to men desiring to give their female partner maximum satisfaction. For you it is a non issue BB.

and thats what your two ex-wives said as they ran like hell from your bee hive!:rolleyes:
and thats what your two ex-wives said as they ran like hell from your bee hive!:rolleyes:

Ran from me ? I think you have things backwards as usual. Plus I learned a bit after the first one, but not enough not to get married again.
Women, my main failing in life...

But I have never had one complain about their sex life with me.

Ran from me ? I think you have things backwards as usual. Plus I learned a bit after the first one, but not enough not to get married again.
Women, my main failing in life...

But I have never had one complain about their sex life with me.

us cit the man who loves women and knows all about the clitoris..because he relates... as to size!:rolleyes:
Yeah you are so popular with the women you had to MAKE up a girl friend and then post as her on here. I hjear that the last time you had sex, she said give me twelve inches and make it hurt. So you pumped three times and punched her in the eye!
LOL guys...less reading medical articles and more asking the chicks themselves. I promise that will be more successful.
This sheila's in Australia. She has shown tremendous tenacity in her research, I congratulate her. But she's given us blokes here a real problem, now we're going to get our women nagging, us, "come on you! If it's a mountain not a hill why the bloody hell can't you find it???"

I see trouble in our futures :cool:
How is the article even remotely misogynistic?

Its because the medical world took a quick look and never worried about how accurate the information was. Its because this researcher has encountered opposition to her findings that do not relate to her methods of research. It is mysogynistic because if it had been on a man they would have mapped every nerve ending by now.
LOL guys...less reading medical articles and more asking the chicks themselves. I promise that will be more successful.

Now that makes a lot of sense.

But there are still plenty of women out there that do not know their own bodies as well as you might think.

I remember reading about the "Cloaca Syndrome" or something like that. Its the idea that everything "down there" is dirty. You would be surprised at how prevalent that idea is. If you want proof, you can find numerous articles, videos, and even classes to teach a woman to masturbate. Ever heard of anyone teaching a man to masturbate? A lot of women have to be taught that its ok before they can be taught how.

Social taboos are still in place. They may not be popular, but they still effect a lot of people.
Personally I like to rethink the clitoris... It just brings me joy to rethink about it all the time...

SHhhhh.... we cant have every guy know what they are doing.. its will take away from the opportunity.

From what I hear, some don't know what they are doing and some don't give a damn as long as they get theirs.