Time for rethink on the clitoris

I dont think about it too much. Guys seem to think about their penises much more frequently than women ponder their clitorises.

I do think I ponder penises more than I do clitorises though.

I'm only thinking about my penis in the way that I'm imagining it being inside a vagina.
I am rethinking again too. Yep, nice thoughts and rethoughts.

And Desh, I don't think about my penis nearly as often as I think about women's butts. Much more pleasant thought.

I also think you would have been more accurate if you had said:

"Guys seem to think WITH their penises much more frequently than women ponder their clitorises.
I dont think about it too much. Guys seem to think about their penises much more frequently than women ponder their clitorises.

I do think I ponder penises more than I do clitorises though.

hmm I seem to ponder them at the same time...together. pondering now.
Me too, I keep realizing all of the new things I can do to it in light of this new study...

P.S. don't let the Muslim world get ahold of this data.
Could we please stop with the 'OH YEAH HEHE IM RETHINKING IT LOL IM SO FUCKING WITTY' comments?

Sorry Watermark, my fondness for pondering that delightful spot far outweighs my desire not to offend you.

If I don't offend you, I make you less unhappy.

If I ponder more, I make me smile. And I make plans to make two people VERY happy.
Let's just get totally candid. Size matters, right ladies? It must, because I get so many calls from crazy women who just want IT, real hard, but no relationship after, or even tender holding.