Time to get ready for the only real game this week


I just checked the scores. Ohio State is losing to Purdue 16-7!

And OK is beating Texas 6-3.

There is still a lot of time in both games, but I never would have pictured Purdue hanging 16 on the OSU defense.
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Wow, OSU fell to Purdue. Somewhere the bookies are crying. That is if anyone bet on 1-5 Purdue to win.

Mott? WTF?

Ok, quick check of scores and Arkansas is beating Florida 7-3 and its almost halftime.
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Well, Florida survived a scare by hitting a field goal with 9 seconds left on the clock.

If Florida barely beats a team that Alabama soundly thrashed.......who is the best in the nation again???
ROLL TIDE!!! 20-6 over South Carolina!!

Mark Ingram ran for 246 yards and one TD. Ingram for Heisman!!

(its a good thing we have a running game, because our QB sucked!)
Well, Florida survived a scare by hitting a field goal with 9 seconds left on the clock.

If Florida barely beats a team that Alabama soundly thrashed.......who is the best in the nation again???

Bama got some 1st place votes last week, probably more this week.

SC wasn't exactly a cake walk for Bama, even though they were floundering and I think Arkansas is starting to gel, they are better than an unranked team. Fla. may have an off day, but then there's Tebow.
Bama got some 1st place votes last week, probably more this week.

SC wasn't exactly a cake walk for Bama, even though they were floundering and I think Arkansas is starting to gel, they are better than an unranked team. Fla. may have an off day, but then there's Tebow.

No it wasn't a cake walk. But it was never really close. And Bama was ahead from the first few minutes of the game.

I want Florida in the top 3, as long as Bama is there as well. That will give us a shot at the Gators in Dec and whoever else in the Rose Bowl.
No it wasn't a cake walk. But it was never really close. And Bama was ahead from the first few minutes of the game.

I want Florida in the top 3, as long as Bama is there as well. That will give us a shot at the Gators in Dec and whoever else in the Rose Bowl.

Me too. There'll be a lot of movement in the standings this week.
This weeks game of the week is Bama v. TN.

A friend sent me a quote that I liked.

"And believe me, to have been in the city of Tuscaloosa in October when you were young and full of Early Times and had a shining Alabama girl by your side -- to have had all that and then to have seen those red shirts pour onto the field, and, t...hen, coming behind them, with that inexorable big cat walk of his, the man himself, The Bear-- that was very good indeed." Howell Raines.
The Bear is gone, but Saban growls along the sidelines just like he did, and is taking us back to the top just like Bear did. It will be a great weekend.
There are not many names that can be used in the same time with the Bear. Saban, is already there in my mind. He'll convince a lot of Bama fans after he wins another NC.
There are not many names that can be used in the same time with the Bear. Saban, is already there in my mind. He'll convince a lot of Bama fans after he wins another NC.

He has already convinced them.
"Bama #1 by 14 votes over Fla. That's good, I like #2 better right up to the day after the BCS game.

Yeah, I agree that #2 spot is better during the regular season.

Although last year it seemed to be reserved for teams about to lose.

We have some great games ahead of us, but I am really looking forward to Dec and the SEC Championship.