Time to put the brakes on the Hillary express

I doubt that with the description of the people in the church where you were a board member.

Actually I was Chairman of the Trustees. Can ya believe that ?

Most of the people in the church were liberals at heart. The new minister was hard core republican, And some of the fill in ministers.
they equated liberal to satan....
Unfortunately, in spite of all the angst, Hillary is your candidate, Hillary is your next president. Whomever wins the democratic nod will be the next president as republicans have been reduced to a hapless mass of confusion.

She leads all challengers because of the womens vote and women will ensure she's the next president.

Time to make lemonade from this lemon we've been handed.
Unfortunately I will have to vote for her if that is the only choice I have.

I will vote , I wont vote for someone who has NO chance of winning, and I dont think the Rs are going to put up someone who I think would be a safer bet for the US.
it's to gain control
that's the main reason she will win
dems have to have a centerist
a turbo-lib would be crushed like Dukakis:clink:
it's to gain control
that's the main reason she will win
dems have to have a centerist
a turbo-lib would be crushed like Dukakis:clink:

You know even less about politics than you do about economics.

Republicans are salivating over the prospect of facing Hillary. Ask yourself why.
You know even less about politics than you do about economics.

Republicans are salivating over the prospect of facing Hillary. Ask yourself why.

I'm in between you and Top here, though I agree he knows jack about politics.

But...the R's claim they are "salivating" over the idea of running against whichever candidate the dems put up. Hillary is a tough candidate, i would not be "salivating" over running against her, and I don't believe they are.

On the other hand, her high negatives, and her ability to galvanize the extreme right, whom are so stupid that they actually believe she is an extreme lefty, is cause for concern.
Perhaps salivating was a bit strong. But let's face it - national elections, at least the past few, have come down to firing up the base (see: gay marriage ballot initiatives, 2004).

The GOP base is disheartened, and all but conceding defeat in '08. Hillary is a powerful, powerful motivator for them, and fires up their base like no other. She'll help with their fundraising and with their get-out-the vote efforts.

I think she'll still win, but as the article that I posted said, it will hurt the rest of the Dem ticket....
onemoron, who on the dem side can beat hillary.
She's crushing Obama 48% to 22%, edwards gets less than Ross Perot.
onemoron, who on the dem side can beat hillary.
She's crushing Obama 48% to 22%, edwards gets less than Ross Perot.

Both Edwards & Obama do better against GOP candidates in head-to-head polls.

Besides, this has nothing to do with the point that the Democrats, as a whole, will do much worse with Hillary at the top of the ticket. Instead of cementing a majority, they'll end up losing ground...
I'm in between you and Top here, though I agree he knows jack about politics.

But...the R's claim they are "salivating" over the idea of running against whichever candidate the dems put up. Hillary is a tough candidate, i would not be "salivating" over running against her, and I don't believe they are.

On the other hand, her high negatives, and her ability to galvanize the extreme right, whom are so stupid that they actually believe she is an extreme lefty, is cause for concern.
I recognize the validity of your point. they are salavating because she is the only one they would be able to beat even with the best possible candidate. (so far they haven't found one)
Both Edwards & Obama do better against GOP candidates in head-to-head polls.

Besides, this has nothing to do with the point that the Democrats, as a whole, will do much worse with Hillary at the top of the ticket. Instead of cementing a majority, they'll end up losing ground...
I honestly believe it is the only shot the Rs have at the White House as well. More Rs and righty Independants will show at the polls to vote against her than they will for any other candidate. Especially now when they are so hacked at the R Party for following Bush so lock-step.
Perhaps salivating was a bit strong. But let's face it - national elections, at least the past few, have come down to firing up the base (see: gay marriage ballot initiatives, 2004).

The GOP base is disheartened, and all but conceding defeat in '08. Hillary is a powerful, powerful motivator for them, and fires up their base like no other. She'll help with their fundraising and with their get-out-the vote efforts.

I think she'll still win, but as the article that I posted said, it will hurt the rest of the Dem ticket....

I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have commented until I read the whole article.
I'm in between you and Top here, though I agree he knows jack about politics.

But...the R's claim they are "salivating" over the idea of running against whichever candidate the dems put up. Hillary is a tough candidate, i would not be "salivating" over running against her, and I don't believe they are.

On the other hand, her high negatives, and her ability to galvanize the extreme right, whom are so stupid that they actually believe she is an extreme lefty, is cause for concern.

I honestly beleieve that a proper third party or independent ticket could beat them both. (Usually not. but this time, yes)
I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have commented until I read the whole article.

no problem-o; I understood what you're saying.

I'm just bummed because 2008 is the best opportunity Democrats will likely have in my lifetime to build a solid majority & really lead America in a different direction, and I don't think they can do that with Hillary. To me, choosing Hillary feels like blowing it...