Time to put the brakes on the Hillary express

no problem-o; I understood what you're saying.

I'm just bummed because 2008 is the best opportunity Democrats will likely have in my lifetime to build a solid majority & really lead America in a different direction, and I don't think they can do that with Hillary. To me, choosing Hillary feels like blowing it...

I'm not resigned to Hillary as the nominee yet. But if that's what ends up to be, then the election is going to be closer, yes. I had not thought about how it was going to effect congressional races, and that's a valid point.
Listen to Hillary and her comments on going to war with Iraq before the invasion. She's speaking to a women's group who were angered by her position.

Who has a better grasp of the invasion .. a grandmother, or the Senator from New York with all her "experience" and inside information?

You might want to turn the volume down during the singing ..

no problem-o; I understood what you're saying.

I'm just bummed because 2008 is the best opportunity Democrats will likely have in my lifetime to build a solid majority & really lead America in a different direction, and I don't think they can do that with Hillary. To me, choosing Hillary feels like blowing it...

This pretty much exposes what Lorax really is and what I've always said he is: A Democrat party hack.

He poses as a moderate pretending to not be so fond of either party but really as his comments above clearly show, he concern is for the health of the Democrat party and nothing else. And guaranfuckingteed if Hillary is the Dem nominee early next year, Lorax will morph into a huge supporter of hers.
This pretty much exposes what Lorax really is and what I've always said he is: A Democrat party hack.

He poses as a moderate pretending to not be so fond of either party but really as his comments above clearly show, he concern is for the health of the Democrat party and nothing else. And guaranfuckingteed if Hillary is the Dem nominee early next year, Lorax will morph into a huge supporter of hers.

BS. The Republicans had their chance to lead, and they did an unbelievably poor job. The fact is, the best chance for progressive change in America lies w/ the Democrats, and I'd hate to see them blow it w/ a polarizing phony like Hillary.

There's nothing hackish about it. The GOP failed. I DO want the Dems to win in '08, but only if they represent real change, and Hillary does not.

Give it up....
And before anyone accuses me of being a Repub party hack, personally I would love if the Libertarian party overtook them in support, but that is a pipe dream and we all know it.

With Ron Paul and the much stronger Libertarian wing the Repubs have always had, the party represents the best hope of fiscal Conservatism and less government.
The results haven't been good in the last few years, but the history of the 90's certainly was good for them, so it's at least possible, whereas the Dems are full of Liberals who have as much interest in reducing government as they have in economics courses.
This pretty much exposes what Lorax really is and what I've always said he is: A Democrat party hack.

He poses as a moderate pretending to not be so fond of either party but really as his comments above clearly show, he concern is for the health of the Democrat party and nothing else. And guaranfuckingteed if Hillary is the Dem nominee early next year, Lorax will morph into a huge supporter of hers.

What is bad for you Dano, and what you don't realize is, your boys did such a horrible job over the past 7 years, that a lot of moderates and independents, are voting D across the line in 08.

It doesn't make them "party hacks". It makes them Americans who want their country back on track.
BS. The Republicans had their chance to lead, and they did an unbelievably poor job. The fact is, the best chance for progressive change in America lies w/ the Democrats, and I'd hate to see them blow it w/ a polarizing phony like Hillary.

There's nothing hackish about it. The GOP failed. I DO want the Dems to win in '08, but only if they represent real change, and Hillary does not.

Give it up....
Again your interest is in the Dem party, look at another quote of yours from before:
"Just when the Dems could cement a majority for a decade, they go with the most polarizing figure."

My interest is not in the Repubs or any party "cementing" power for long periods of time, it is in them doing Conservative action. Majorities don't mean as much as people think when they are not correlated to ideology. There have been more than enough Liberal Republicans to give the Liberals a majority irrespective of which party was in "power", whereas the Conservative Democrats are pretty much converted or gone since the 80's.
What is bad for you Dano, and what you don't realize is, your boys did such a horrible job over the past 7 years, that a lot of moderates and independents, are voting D across the line in 08.

It doesn't make them "party hacks". It makes them Americans who want their country back on track.

Precisely. Hacks don't start multiple threads slamming the clear party frontrunner. I don't think Dano knows what a hack is, though he certainly is one.

Dano reads into things what he wants to read into them. Fact is, the country is on the wrong course, by a mile, and the way the GOP candidates are talking, they are not positioned as the party of change right now...
What is bad for you Dano, and what you don't realize is, your boys did such a horrible job over the past 7 years, that a lot of moderates and independents, are voting D across the line in 08.

It doesn't make them "party hacks". It makes them Americans who want their country back on track.
I don't disagree a lot of independents think like that, I'm just saying Lorax isn't one of them. I've heard plenty of independents want to vote Dem for the war for example, but never heard any give 2 shits about the "health" of the Dem party or salivate over how many years the Dem party can cement a majority if they get the right candidate...

Lorax disguises it well enough, but when he talks to fellow Liberal Democrats he let's his guard down and the truth of what he thinks comes out.
Dem party lover and nothing but.
You always have to take stuff out of context. Here is the quote in its entirety:

"Why are primary voters even considering Clinton? Just when the Dems could cement a majority for a decade, they go with the most polarizing figure. Nominating Clinton is like throwing a life preserver to the GOP when they're on the verge of drowning:"

My interest, as anyone who has read my posts on FP or JPP knows, is not having Hillary as the '08 nominee. I'm looking for real change, and she is not it.
And look - I feel bad that you're consistently embarassed on this board with your "Dems want you to smell bad" posts, but you just make it worse when you try these kinds of baseless attacks....
I don't disagree a lot of independents think like that, I'm just saying Lorax isn't one of them. I've heard plenty of independents want to vote Dem for the war for example, but never heard any give 2 shits about the "health" of the Dem party or salivate over how many years the Dem party can cement a majority if they get the right candidate...

Lorax disguises it well enough, but when he talks to fellow Liberal Democrats he let's his guard down and the truth of what he thinks comes out.
Dem party lover and nothing but.

If you want change, and you are not just plain dumb, you know you need the other party to have a majority for years, in order to reverse this damage.
If you want change, and you are not just plain dumb, you know you need the other party to have a majority for years, in order to reverse this damage.
Sung to the tune of "I Want Candy"

I want Gridlock,
It's what made the 90s great,
I want Gridlock!

(I'll have to think of the rest of the song later...)
Dano needs to believe I'm a hack, for whatever reason. It's just not the case.

I can dig up at least 20 threads that I started on both FP & JPP - not comments, mind you, but threads I started - skewering Reid, Pelosi, Hillary, the Dem party, et al. I have openly wished that Reid & Pelosi were not the majority leaders, pretty much smacking down Dano's little theory that I'll be Hillary's #1 supporter come next year (I won't be, btw, and I'll bet anyone the farm on that one).

Let's see Dano match the threads I've started slamming Dems with threads he's started slamming Republicans - head to head. Whattya say, DeMano?
You always have to take stuff out of context. Here is the quote in its entirety:

"Why are primary voters even considering Clinton? Just when the Dems could cement a majority for a decade, they go with the most polarizing figure. Nominating Clinton is like throwing a life preserver to the GOP when they're on the verge of drowning:"

My interest, as anyone who has read my posts on FP or JPP knows, is not having Hillary as the '08 nominee. I'm looking for real change, and she is not it.

Tell you what Lorax, find me another "independent" who fretted over the health of the Dem party and salivated over them cementing a majority for a decade and I'll believe you.
So good luck with your hopeless quest!
Tell you what Lorax, find me another "independent" who fretted over the health of the Dem party and salivated over them cementing a majority for a decade and I'll believe you.
So good luck with your hopeless quest!
LOL. Umm... "uscit"?
Dano needs to believe I'm a hack, for whatever reason. It's just not the case.

I can dig up at least 20 threads that I started on both FP & JPP - not comments, mind you, but threads I started - skewering Reid, Pelosi, Hillary, the Dem party, et al. I have openly wished that Reid & Pelosi were not the majority leaders, pretty much smacking down Dano's little theory that I'll be Hillary's #1 supporter come next year (I won't be, btw, and I'll bet anyone the farm on that one).

Let's see Dano match the threads I've started slamming Dems with threads he's started slamming Republicans - head to head. Whattya say, DeMano?
You only "skewered" them because you believed they were damaging the Dem party's chances, I remember your Reid comment well for example, you were worried how what Reid said would play out on talk radio and it boding bad for the Dem party.