Time to retire the Heston meme


Thanks for admitting your mistake.

It's played.

The right-wingers also use it with a lot of unintentional irony. In that movie, he's a total non-conformist and rebel, and they march in lockstep now.

Spoken as the thug/authoritarian that you are.

Some of us have managed to do better this life.
It's played.

The right-wingers also use it with a lot of unintentional irony. In that movie, he's a total non-conformist and rebel, and they march in lockstep now.

Seems you arent receiving a whole lot of support in your push to dismantle free speech here. Dude.......use your head. Do you really think a board where you are allowed to say almost anything and swear as much as you want is going to do away with a Heston gif just because it pisses you off ? :rolleyes: I dont think so.
I LOVE mocking LWers with it. They hate it soooo much they want it deleted! Now THAT is funny!

It's also one of the main reasons why you're on my automatic threadban list.

If you're such an obnoxious troll that you'd regularly post that stupid looking piece of shit, it's because you have nothing intelligent to say.
I LOVE mocking LWers with it. They hate it soooo much they want it deleted! Now THAT is funny!


No, actually, you use it in place of an actual argument, because you are too fucking stupid to compete in the marketplace of ideas. In other words, because you don't even KNOW a thousand words, much less how to string them together into a coherent argument, you substitute a picture. It's because you are lazy and galactically fucking stupid. Like a five year old.
This thread. Taking away the Heston meme. THAT is suppressing free speech as memes are a form of communication. No need to play stupid dude,...just be honest about the fact you are unAmerican and against free speech.

Where did I take away the Heston meme?
Seems you arent receiving a whole lot of support in your push to dismantle free speech here. Dude.......use your head. Do you really think a board where you are allowed to say almost anything and swear as much as you want is going to do away with a Heston gif just because it pisses you off ? :rolleyes: I dont think so.

Where am I pushing to "dismantle free speech?"
I guess ol' Stoney doesn't understand the concepts here. Encouraging others to retire the Heston meme is ME utilizing my right to free speech. I'm not forcibly doing anything. I'm not TAKING AWAY THE MEME.

Watch him keep going on that one, though.
I guess ol' Stoney doesn't understand the concepts here. Encouraging others to retire the Heston meme is ME utilizing my right to free speech. I'm not forcibly doing anything. I'm not TAKING AWAY THE MEME.

Watch him keep going on that one, though.

What does "retired" mean for you in this context?

Admit you want it deleted, fucko.
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I LOVE mocking LWers with it. They hate it soooo much they want it deleted! Now THAT is funny!


It doesn’t bother me

It’s just you outing your self as a fucking anti American racist scum bag that the world hates
You idiots tattoo racist across your foreheads daily with your stupid crap

Get going with your race war you idiot whores

So we can put you where you belong