Time to retire the Heston meme

No, actually, you use it in place of an actual argument, because you are too fucking stupid to compete in the marketplace of ideas. In other words, because you don't even KNOW a thousand words, much less how to string them together into a coherent argument, you substitute a picture. It's because you are lazy and galactically fucking stupid. Like a five year old.

It's also one of the main reasons why you're on my automatic threadban list.

If you're such an obnoxious troll that you'd regularly post that stupid looking piece of shit, it's because you have nothing intelligent to say.

I love that AHZ and Stoney really think they're getting under the skin right now.

It's cool. I love that movie. The OP was just a suggestion.
It's played.

The right-wingers also use it with a lot of unintentional irony. In that movie, he's a total non-conformist and rebel, and they march in lockstep now.
Oh, the Right loves the flag. It's the diaper dopers who can't stand it. Heston is playing one of you. ;)