Time to Revisit the Legalized Murder Travesty

It's what I choose not to do. If you truly believed what you say, you'd simply say OK and move on.

Move on from what? From your fucking lies claiming I said something I didn’t say and you can’t prove I did? That’s funny!:rofl2: There’s nothing to move on from!:dunno::rofl2::cof1:
There is no constitutional protection for the unborn. Constitutional protections, rights, privileges and immunities are specifically guaranteed to "the born" by the Constitution. Only a constitutional amendment can guarantee constitutional protection for the unborn.

The abortion issue is easily settled by either obeying the Constitution as is now, or by amending it to protect the lives of the unborn. Political fools ignore the rule of law the founders gave us because they'd rather use issues like abortion to slander and defame their partisan opponents.

Or SCOTUS simply could follow the "legal precedent" established by the very first legal document ever drafted by a congress of these United States, The Declaration of Independence which clearly states that all men are "CREATED" (not born but created, as science proves that creation comes from CONCEPTION) EQUAL...with the right to LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit...........

Its not rocket science. SCOTUS totally ignored 200 years of legal precedence that was established in giving each state the right to decide upon such issues. Instead of kicking this case (Roe v. Wade) back down to the state from which it originated as countless other Supreme Courts did as dictated by Article 10 of the Constitution....this radical SCOTUS in 1973 decided to define life void of considering any type of APPLIED SCIENCE....instead this self professed declarer of life declared that the magical female vagina defined human life and life did not exist prior to existing that magical birth canal. Magical because one moment its a THING...in the next instant...ITS A HUMAN LIFE worthy of protecting. What? Are all c-section births subject to be legally "euthanized" because they are not alive as defined by LEGAL PRECEDENCE? Or is it the WOMB that is magic and defines life...everything inside is a thing...everything outside is a human life?

Or consider the OATH taken by all physicians.....1st do NO HARM. What does that make any physician that kills that example of humanity residing in the womb void of any kind of due process?

The strange thing? Courts consider it a living thing when they are considering parental rights and support when they CHECK the DNA to determine if that individual life within the womb belongs to any certain FATHER and the penalties that come with that proven science.

Stranger yet is the legal practice of declaring that thing in the womb the personal property of the female who gets to decide if that "thing" lives or dies void of any input from the Father...but "BAM" once that thing clears that magical birth canal its a "dual" responsibility again.

At conception its a dual responsibility...once conceived its the property of the female....once passed through the magical birth canal....its a dual responsibility when the father MUST legally support that life he had no say about just minutes ago. A strange legal precedent indeed.

What? That "thing" could not live void of its mother life support? Really? That same thing can't legally live by itself for the next 18 years void of its mothers support...but it suddenly becomes a crime to KILL that thing once its breeches the magical canal that defines human life....ACCORDING TO SCTOUS. LAMO. Real Clear Politics Indeed. About as clear as mud.
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When yo chastise for a choice with which you disagree, you contradict what you say about rights to do what you want. My desire to not give to certain charities isn't violating your rights but you sure seem to think you have a say in what you think I should do.

Post my quote Osama and prove I said what “you should do.”

It's like playing the lottery. Unlike you, I can make a difference.

The only difference you ever made Osama was to encourage the crooked duopoly politicians by voting in their rigged elections. The only part you can claim to have made is to vote for crooked bastards that have violated the Constitution hundreds of times, Congratulations Osama!

You think doing nothing does.

I’m doing way, way more that’s logical and honest than you Osama, I’m educating you and your ilk. I make post backed by constitutional text. I promote actual limited government while you vote for and promote massive authoritarian government.

I may lose but I'll lose trying.

Trying to do what? Proving you’re a duped sucker? Hell Osama, you’ve succeeded beyond your wildest dreams!:rofl2:

You'll lose because you're a quitter and a coward.

No losers here Osama! I’m here educating your sorry duped sucker ass!:cof1:
Or SCOTUS simply could follow the "legal precedent" established by the very first legal document ever drafted by a congress of these United States, The Declaration of Independence which clearly states that all men are "CREATED" (not born but created,

"CREATED." is a finished product, dopey! It's "BORN", fool! It's past tenths, moron! Try again!
"CREATED." is a finished product, dopey! It's "BORN", fool! It's past tenths, moron! Try again!

Dummy......a finished product is DEAD. Any biological life form that consumes energy and GESTATES...continues to grow until maturity...is ALIVE. According to Applied Science. Funny indeed.....BORN does not appear anywhere in the Declaration of Independence. Question? If its not a human life once conceived/created....WHAT LIFE FORM IS IT? A dog, a tree, a cow?

That's real logic...if what you declare were a fact of science....there would be no childhood....a fully developed creation would come from that magical birth canal. OUCH! There would be no CAUSE nor NEED for any legal protection until that CREATION was 18 years old. Or better yet....no infant child could be considered created as long as that child was growing and the femi-nazis could kill any person until they were (wink, wink) CREATED FULLY DEVELOPED. LAMO. I gots more popcorn...continue to illogically rationalize away murder via spinning.
You’re a funny small minded man Osama.

You insinuate that you DON’T believe that what you believe others should believe. That’s funny! You accuse me of doing what you sure as hell do as though it’s a sin for me and you’re innocent of same. You Osama are a fucking hypocrite!

That statement also makes you a fucking liar Osama. Quote me where I ever said “YOU SHOULD” support any fucking thing! I simply ask you “IF” you supported particular charities.

Prove it and quote me Osama! I’ll understand if you don’t and can’t!

Since you made it my business with your confessed single solution to abortion being the female serving the consequences alone for aborting proving the pig you are and the denouncing you need.

No real “MAN” is anti-charity, anti-woman, anti-Constitution and anti-freedom. Only Pussy brained authoritarian busybodies do that.

Can’t stay on topic Osama? I understand that you can’t!:rofl2:

I didn't accuse you of doing anything. I proved you did.

I didn't think you were man enough to own up to what you said. Typical Libertarian believing you can do what you want then not take responsibility for it,.

I'm not anti charity, anti woman, anti Constitution or anti freedom. What I am is someone that expects those who make decisions in life to be responsible for all aspects of those decisions. That's what I practice so that's what I expect. You've admitted you don't vote yet you still run your damn mouth about how things should be. When you choose to take part, you can say what should happen. When you refuse and make excuses why you don't, no one gives a damn about what you think others should do.

A MAN does something. A pussy tells others what he thinks should be done then hides behind excuses for not doing it. Keep hiding pussy.
According to constitutional law, it is. A woman has the right to privacy security in her person, (Amendment 4). Only ”PERSONS BORN” have constitutional protections, (Amendment 14.) Prohibiting abortions would require a constitutional amendment!

Thanks for proving you don't care about personal responsibility.

You keep posting things irrelevant to the discussion. I never said abortion wasn't legal. I said having one because a woman doesn't like the results of spreading her legs knowing what could happen makes her irresponsible.
Post my quote Osama and prove I said what “you should do.”

The only difference you ever made Osama was to encourage the crooked duopoly politicians by voting in their rigged elections. The only part you can claim to have made is to vote for crooked bastards that have violated the Constitution hundreds of times, Congratulations Osama!

I’m doing way, way more that’s logical and honest than you Osama, I’m educating you and your ilk. I make post backed by constitutional text. I promote actual limited government while you vote for and promote massive authoritarian government.

Trying to do what? Proving you’re a duped sucker? Hell Osama, you’ve succeeded beyond your wildest dreams!:rofl2:

No losers here Osama! I’m here educating your sorry duped sucker ass!:cof1:

You've asked multiple time do I give to homes for unwed mothers. When I said no, you went into a rant about how I was anti charity and I wasn't doing anything to reduce abortions, and all sorts of other nonsense. Are you going to tell me that all that meant something other than what I claimed you said? You can say things without actually saying those very words. I wouldn't expect a do nothing pussy that hides behind his computer thinking running his damn mouth about how things should be done to understand that.
Move on from what? From your fucking lies claiming I said something I didn’t say and you can’t prove I did? That’s funny!:rofl2: There’s nothing to move on from!:dunno::rofl2::cof1:

You said people should be able to do what they want and when they want as long as it doesn't violate anyone else's rights. I choose not to donate to the charities to which you think I should give (i.e. - unwed mothers). By not doing so, it's not violating a single right of anyone. Therefore, when I say no I won't, rather than running your dick skinner, you should move on and say OK, it's his right to say no. You can't. You promote choice and freedom, or you claim you do, then when you don't like an answer, cry like a typical cowardly pussy about it.

I don't give a rat's ass if any of those single mothers do without as a result of their choice to have kids they can't afford. THEY made the choice, they get to pay the price. If they can't, tough shit. They want to be left alone. That includes funding of the choices they can't afford.
its a sad world when people created with logical minds use them to argue that they should be able to kill their unborn children.....there can be no greater sin than this......
Dummy......a finished product is DEAD. Any biological life form that consumes energy and GESTATES...continues to grow until maturity...is ALIVE.

Still not a BORN PERSON as required by the Constitution, idiot!

According to Applied Science. Funny indeed.....BORN does not appear anywhere in the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration isn’t the national rule of law the Constitution is, dopey!

Question? If its not a human life once conceived/created....WHAT LIFE FORM IS IT? A dog, a tree, a cow?

It’s not a BORN PERSON as required by the Constitution for constitutional protection, moron!

That's real logic...if what you declare were a fact of science....there would be no childhood....a fully developed creation would come from that magical birth canal. OUCH!

Silly is as silly says, idiot! The CONSTITUTION requires a BORN PERSON as eligiblity for constitutional protection. What part of that do you not understand, goofy?

There would be no CAUSE nor NEED for any legal protection until that CREATION was 18 years old. Or better yet....no infant child could be considered created as long as that child was growing and the femi-nazis could kill any person until they were (wink, wink) CREATED FULLY DEVELOPED. LAMO. I gots more popcorn...continue to illogically rationalize away murder via spinning.

As far as the Constitution is concerned numb-nuts, a person is created and eligible for constitutional protection when they are BORN. I know you can’t accept that fact, but you have no rational argument in opposition. You’re reaching for straws to build a fucking strawman, goofball!
Still not a BORN PERSON as required by the Constitution, idiot!

The Declaration isn’t the national rule of law the Constitution is, dopey!

It’s not a BORN PERSON as required by the Constitution for constitutional protection, moron!

Silly is as silly says, idiot! The CONSTITUTION requires a BORN PERSON as eligiblity for constitutional protection. What part of that do you not understand, goofy?

As far as the Constitution is concerned numb-nuts, a person is created and eligible for constitutional protection when they are BORN. I know you can’t accept that fact, but you have no rational argument in opposition. You’re reaching for straws to build a fucking strawman, goofball!]

you realize of course that when the question is why do you refuse to extend the right to life provided in the constitution to the unborn, the argument that you have to be "born" to have rights under the constitution doesn't actually answer the question, right?......
you realize of course that when the question is why do you refuse to extend the right to life provided in the constitution to the unborn, the argument that you have to be "born" to have rights under the constitution doesn't actually answer the question, right?......

Of course the answer to the question is "AMEND THE CONSTITUTION." Ya'll righties would rather take constitutional short cuts like the Democrats do and just ignore the Constitution.

BTW, amending the Constitution won't eliminate abortions. It will punish young girls and women and abortion doctors and force the operations into the back alleys or to foreign countries where only those who can afford that cost will get abortions. Unwanted children will likely increase. Those are the consequences. Are you prepared for them? What punishments do you promote for those who abort? Righties are always short on those specifics.
I didn't accuse you of doing anything. I proved you did.

The only thing you proved is that you’re a fucking liar!

I didn't think you were man enough to own up to what you said. Typical Libertarian believing you can do what you want then not take responsibility for it,.

I take responsibility for ASKING YOU A QUESTION I deny telling you or even recommend to you that you DO ANYTHING, and you can’t prove any different!
I'm not anti charity, anti woman, anti Constitution or anti freedom.

You don’t donate to homes for unwed mothers, anti-charity anti-woman. You ignore the Constitution and can’t produce any organization that you promote that wishes to amend the Constitution to protect the lives of the unborn, anti-Constitution. You oppose a woman’s right to privacy and her right to control her own body. Anti-Constitution anti-freedom, pro BIG intrusive government.

What I am is someone that expects those who make decisions in life to be responsible for all aspects of those decisions.

No! What you are is a fucking intrusive BIG government moralist busybody that believes you are ordained by God to mind other people’s business and take the powers of God upon your own sorry ass.

You've admitted you don't vote yet you still run your damn mouth about how things should be.

I don’t vote because I’m no sucker stupid enough to encourage the duopoly bastards and their crooked rigged election racket.

I educate your sorry ass about “how things should be” as mandated by the Constitutional rule of law.”

When you choose to take part, you can say what should happen. When you refuse and make excuses why you don't, no one gives a damn about what you think others should do.

Nice to know by your own admission that you speak for “NO ONE.” :rofl2:

A MAN does something. A pussy tells others what he thinks should be done then hides behind excuses for not doing it. Keep hiding pussy.

Educating your sorry partisan brainwashed ass about the constitutional rule of law is “doing nothing?” Your voting in the duopoly’s rigged crooked elections is “doing something?:dunno::rofl2::cof1: