Time to Revisit the Legalized Murder Travesty

Of course the answer to the question is "AMEND THE CONSTITUTION." Ya'll righties would rather take constitutional short cuts like the Democrats do and just ignore the Constitution.

BTW, amending the Constitution won't eliminate abortions. It will punish young girls and women and abortion doctors and force the operations into the back alleys or to foreign countries where only those who can afford that cost will get abortions. Unwanted children will likely increase. Those are the consequences. Are you prepared for them? What punishments do you promote for those who abort? Righties are always short on those specifics.

Where does the Constitution say "abortion".

There is no such thing as an unwanted child.

You consider someone killing an unborn child as being punished yet you have no problem with that life being taken.

What consequences? Someone taking responsibility for a choice they made. I wish they would. The rest of us wouldn't be forced to fund choices we're told to butt out of and people like you wouldn't expect us to donate to charities of your choice.
You don’t donate to homes for unwed mothers, anti-charity anti-woman. You ignore the Constitution and can’t produce any organization that you promote that wishes to amend the Constitution to protect the lives of the unborn, anti-Constitution. You oppose a woman’s right to privacy and her right to control her own body. Anti-Constitution anti-freedom, pro BIG intrusive government.

No! What you are is a fucking intrusive BIG government moralist busybody that believes you are ordained by God to mind other people’s business and take the powers of God upon your own sorry ass.

I don’t vote because I’m no sucker stupid enough to encourage the duopoly bastards and their crooked rigged election racket.

I educate your sorry ass about “how things should be” as mandated by the Constitutional rule of law.”

Nice to know by your own admission that you speak for “NO ONE.” :rofl2:

Educating your sorry partisan brainwashed ass about the constitutional rule of law is “doing nothing?” Your voting in the duopoly’s rigged crooked elections is “doing something?:dunno::rofl2::cof1:

No, I don't donate to certain you think I should. I didn't make the choice the woman made to spread her legs for someone that's not her husband that resulted in her becoming an unwed mother. That means, because she made the choice that I was told was none of my business, it doesn't become my business when she can't afford the choice. If she wants the choice, she pays the price.

I'm not the one playing God because I'm not the one that's killing innocent life.

You couldn't teach a fish to swim.

I bet you believe not voting means you're getting things done. You're the kind that wonders why you don't win the lottery despite never having purchased a ticket.
The only thing you proved is that you’re a fucking liar!

I take responsibility for ASKING YOU A QUESTION I deny telling you or even recommend to you that you DO ANYTHING, and you can’t prove any different!

You don't take responsibility for what you did. You claim to believe in freedom and choice then when someone doesn't donate to charities you specifically think are good, you throw out things like "anti women". If you truly believed in choice, no such statements would be made. You'd accept that I made the choice to not donate to certain ones and STFU about anything related to them.

Your own words prove you oppose freedom and choice. Not my problem you're such a pussy and try to lie your way out of it. You hide behind your words then can't defend your actions when called out on your lies. Most of you anarchists are like that.
Of course the answer to the question is "AMEND THE CONSTITUTION." Ya'll righties would rather take constitutional short cuts like the Democrats do and just ignore the Constitution.
well I'm not lefty.....they don't bother changing the constitution......they simply ignore it.....

BTW, amending the Constitution won't eliminate abortions. It will punish young girls and women and abortion doctors and force the operations into the back alleys or to foreign countries where only those who can afford that cost will get abortions.

the difference between us is is you don't mind punishing young girls BEFORE they get pregnant......you want capital punishment before they are even born........

Unwanted children will likely increase. Those are the consequences. Are you prepared for them? What punishments do you promote for those who abort? Righties are always short on those specifics.
there are no unwanted children......there are people waiting to adopt children....
well I'm not lefty.....they don't bother changing the constitution......they simply ignore it.....

the difference between us is is you don't mind punishing young girls BEFORE they get pregnant......you want capital punishment before they are even born........

there are no unwanted children......there are people waiting to adopt children....

I agree that there is no such thing as an unwanted child but for different reasons. If someone make a choice to do what it takes to create a child knowing that those actions can produce that result, they can't claim that they didn't want it to happen. They can only claim they didn't intend it to happen. There is a difference and that difference isn't an excuse to simply kill it because you didn't intend it to happen.
Thanks for proving you don't care about personal responsibility.

You keep posting things irrelevant to the discussion. I never said abortion wasn't legal. I said having one because a woman doesn't like the results of spreading her legs knowing what could happen makes her irresponsible.

And your solution for that is what? Lets see if you have the balls to post the punishments you propose for her irresponsibility.
You've asked multiple time do I give to homes for unwed mothers. When I said no, you went into a rant about how I was anti charity and I wasn't doing anything to reduce abortions, and all sorts of other nonsense. Are you going to tell me that all that meant something other than what I claimed you said?

I’m claiming it was all the truth. I never recommended you do anything. I simply reported the facts. Then you lied and claimed I was telling you what to do, but you can’t produce a single post of mine to back your fucking lie up.

You can say things without actually saying those very words. I wouldn't expect a do nothing pussy that hides behind his computer thinking running his damn mouth about how things should be done to understand that.

Who’s fucking computer are you hiding behind asshole? If you think you can intimidate me bigshot think again. You can’t match me intellectually or any other way numbnuts!

My keyboard runs with facts and truths backed by constitutional text that you can’t dispute. You can call that “running my mouth,” but that’s because you have no rational arguments in opposition, dipshit!
Still not a BORN PERSON as required by the Constitution, idiot!

The Declaration isn’t the national rule of law the Constitution is, dopey!

It’s not a BORN PERSON as required by the Constitution for constitutional protection, moron!

Silly is as silly says, idiot! The CONSTITUTION requires a BORN PERSON as eligiblity for constitutional protection. What part of that do you not understand, goofy?

As far as the Constitution is concerned numb-nuts, a person is created and eligible for constitutional protection when they are BORN. I know you can’t accept that fact, but you have no rational argument in opposition. You’re reaching for straws to build a fucking strawman, goofball!

Show me the WORD "BORN" in relation to abortion in the constitution or any amendment...if that word does not exist, IT CAN"T BE SUBJECT TO AMENDMENT by a judge, especially a judge at the federal level as the CONSTITUTION declares with specific language in a most unambiguous manner that any WORDS not found in the Constitution belong to the STATES/PEOPLE....see Article 10 of the states bill of rights....

Correct me if I am wrong.....SCOTUS is part of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The Constitution and the following 1st 10 amendments were drafted as a firewall....AGAINST BIG BROTHER FED by THE PEOPLE/STATES. Now you are attempting to tell me that Amendment 10 is somehow rescinded (void of any kind of super majority ratification from THE PEOPLE/STATES) by the words contained in the 14th Amendment? Really? By a simple opinion from SCOTUS void of any of the required methods that are needed to rescind or change even a single word in the Standard of Law called the Constitution?

SCTOUS does not possess the authority to TRANSLATE the constitution....they are allowed to enforce that standard as written and compare that written, ratified (by super majority) law with any new law....they are not allowed to add to the constitution nor to opine that a word means something other than the simple English in which it is written. For instance. Freedom "OF" religion cannot be changed by opinion to mean FREEDOM "FROM" religion....as many radical judges opine. If the contract is subject to be changed by BIG BROTHER void of any kind of representation...that makes this nation some kind of "Oligarchy" ruled by individuals that have never been elected by THE PEOPLE...but hired by political parties to represent their desires.

Again, I will stand corrected if you can show me in the literal words of the constitution....the words, Marriage, Baby, Born, Abortion etc., without having to bring up some radical opinion by a federal judge that completely ignored Amendment 10 of the Constitution. If these words do not LITERALLY exist in writing in the constitution...they belong to THE PEOPLE/STATES to make law how they will in relation to everything not included in the contract among the states called the United States Constitution. Waiting. FYI: A judges opinion is not THE CONSTITUTION....and if that opinion changes the wording of the Constitution void of any super majority ratification by THE PEOPLE/STATES....that opinion is unconstitutional as hell.

And you call yourself a "Libertarian" and believe in "FREE WILL"......really? Yet you advocate a political Oligarchy....and its clear that you do if you can't show me the words Born, Marriage, Abortion, Baby...etc., in the literal words that were RATIFIED BY THE PEOPLE.
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You said people should be able to do what they want and when they want as long as it doesn't violate anyone else's rights. I choose not to donate to the charities to which you think I should give (i.e. - unwed mothers).

Post my quote please that proves “I THINK” you should give anything to anybody, asshole!

By not doing so, it's not violating a single right of anyone.

Who said it did, moron?

Therefore, when I say no I won't, rather than running your dick skinner, you should move on and say OK, it's his right to say no. You can't.

It’s your right to say NO, shit-for-brains! It’s also evidence that you’re anti-charity and don’t give a fuck about reducing abortions, huh dipshit?

You promote choice and freedom, or you claim you do, then when you don't like an answer, cry like a typical cowardly pussy about it.

Cry? That’s your idiot opinion. I only post facts, asshole.

I don't give a rat's ass if any of those single mothers do without as a result of their choice to have kids they can't afford. THEY made the choice, they get to pay the price. If they can't, tough shit. They want to be left alone. That includes funding of the choices they can't afford.

Of course, you’re a fucking busybody authoritarian preaching morals to others while you haven’t the morals of a rabid dog or an ounce of charity in your body. You don’t believe in a God, you think you are a God. You’re really a Pussy Wimp with no solutions and only your BIG government authoritarianism to sooth your prejudices.
Where does the Constitution say "abortion".

Where does the Constitution say “assault weapons?” Does it say the people have the right to keep and bear assault weapons?

Does the Constitution say rights, privileges and immunities are guaranteed to “PEOPLE BORN?” Do those rights, privileges and immunities guarantee abortion rights? If not, why not. Explain your opposition.

There is no such thing as an unwanted child.

You claim a child is being murdered when aborted, who wanted that child?

You consider someone killing an unborn child as being punished yet you have no problem with that life being taken.

But you just said “there’s no such thing as an unwanted child,” Apparently by your own proclamation there is no “child” being killed, because there’s no such thing as an unwanted child.

What consequences? Someone taking responsibility for a choice they made.

For every action there is a “consequence,” moron! What consequence would you have those who abort a pregnancy suffer? What consequence will automatically occur to society from your consequences for an abortion?
No, I don't donate to certain you think I should.

Again, post my quote where I said you should donate to anything. I understand that you can’t.

I didn't make the choice the woman made to spread her legs for someone that's not her husband that resulted in her becoming an unwed mother.

“The woman spread her legs,” That’s your outrage, right? How come you never show by post your outrage for the male that didn’t keep his dick in his pants? Oh! I bet I know, you’re what the feminazis call a male shovenist pig, huh?

That means, because she made the choice that I was told was none of my business, it doesn't become my business when she can't afford the choice. If she wants the choice, she pays the price.

What is the price? If you could make abortion illegal tomorrow, what punishments would you promote be delivered to those involved in an abortion? Where’s your balls? Articulate what you think the law should be and the punishments therewith. I’ll understand if you don’t.

I'm not the one playing God because I'm not the one that's killing innocent life.

According to you there is no “innocent being killed.” There’s no such thing as an unwanted child, remember. What doesn’t exist can’t be killed, huh?

You couldn't teach a fish to swim.

I can teach you the Constitution though, huh?

I bet you believe not voting means you're getting things done. You're the kind that wonders why you don't win the lottery despite never having purchased a ticket.

What has your voting gotten done?

People who play lotteries are suckers! Government never uses the proceeds for what they advertise they will use it for. They usually bribe votes with it and you’re the kind of moron that thinks you’re gonna get rich donating to a great cause when really you’re just paying another tax government will waste.:rofl2:
well I'm not lefty.....they don't bother changing the constitution......they simply ignore it.....

And y'all righties don't, huh? The Patriot Act. prescription drugs for seniors. Faith based initiative.

the difference between us is is you don't mind punishing young girls BEFORE they get pregnant......you want capital punishment before they are even born........

On the contrary! I'm pro life! I'm also anti-BIG government and anti-busybody authoritarian. I'm pro-God and I promote the idea that abortion is God's domain and not the business of rightwing busybodies.

there are no unwanted children......there are people waiting to adopt children....

How come so many children live in orphanages until adulthood? How come so many children are only placed in private homes because government pays people to take them in? How come so many children are abused in private homes where the government paid people to take them in? "No such thing" is a fallacy and a lie distributed by rightwing moralist taking on the authority of God.
And your solution for that is what? Lets see if you have the balls to post the punishments you propose for her irresponsibility.

life in prison for abortion providers......long term psychological treatment for anyone insane enough to kill their unborn children......
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How come so many children live in orphanages until adulthood?

because the government doesn't terminate parental rights in cases where the birth parents refuse to release (which by the way rather destroys your unwanted child argument).....

How come so many children are only placed in private homes because government pays people to take them in?

those are children in foster care, not children who have been released for adoption.....
On the contrary! I'm pro life! I'm also anti-BIG government and anti-busybody authoritarian. I'm pro-God and I promote the idea that abortion is God's domain and not the business of rightwing busybodies.

and yet you want people to kill their children?......I suggest you also need long term psychological counseling.......
Who's the "pro-abortion people?" I'm anti-abortion! I'm pro-woman, pro-Constitution and pro-life! I'm anti-BIG government, anti-authoritarianism and anti-busybody-ism.

If you support someone being able to choose to have an abortion, you're pro abortion. Can't pass that there's a difference bullshit argument on me. I'm smarter than you.

You're not anti big government. When the Supreme Court INTERPRETED that an amendment meant a woman could have an abortion, that was expanding government not limiting. You're not anti busy body. You've already asked and indicated that because I oppose abortion I should donate to homes for unwed mothers calling me anti charity because I choose not to do so. That's a busy body.
Post my quote please that proves “I THINK” you should give anything to anybody, asshole!

Who said it did, moron?

It’s your right to say NO, shit-for-brains! It’s also evidence that you’re anti-charity and don’t give a fuck about reducing abortions, huh dipshit?

Cry? That’s your idiot opinion. I only post facts, asshole.

Of course, you’re a fucking busybody authoritarian preaching morals to others while you haven’t the morals of a rabid dog or an ounce of charity in your body. You don’t believe in a God, you think you are a God. You’re really a Pussy Wimp with no solutions and only your BIG government authoritarianism to sooth your prejudices.

So now you deny using the word of God to say people should donate to charity? I knew you weren't man enough to own up to what you said. I'm not anti charity. I'm anti a busy body like you thinking it's your place to even suggest charities to which other should donate.

Yeah, cry like a pussy claiming someone is anti charity because he chooses not to donate to what you support. That's crying, bitch and you're damn good at being a crying bitch.

I have morals. I don't support killing innocent life, you do.

I've offered solutions. Take responsibility for spreading your legs even if the result isn't what you intended. That's an option you don't like but it doesn't mean it's not an option.

You think what you believe is correct simply because you believe it. Never has been and never will be the case. You whine and cry when people don't agree with or do things your way. That's the sign of a pussy that hides. Simple fact is you don't like what I believe but in the end, no matter what you think of yourself, there isn't a damn thing you can or are even able to do about it but run your dick sucker. You don't even vote then want to talk to me about changing things. I may not succeed by voting but I least I won't lose due to a lack of being a fucking lazy piece of shit that won't get off his ass and make an effort. Running your mouth isn't effort, it's talking shit and talking shit never gets anything done, BOY.