Of course the answer to the question is "AMEND THE CONSTITUTION." Ya'll righties would rather take constitutional short cuts like the Democrats do and just ignore the Constitution.
BTW, amending the Constitution won't eliminate abortions. It will punish young girls and women and abortion doctors and force the operations into the back alleys or to foreign countries where only those who can afford that cost will get abortions. Unwanted children will likely increase. Those are the consequences. Are you prepared for them? What punishments do you promote for those who abort? Righties are always short on those specifics.
Where does the Constitution say "abortion".
There is no such thing as an unwanted child.
You consider someone killing an unborn child as being punished yet you have no problem with that life being taken.
What consequences? Someone taking responsibility for a choice they made. I wish they would. The rest of us wouldn't be forced to fund choices we're told to butt out of and people like you wouldn't expect us to donate to charities of your choice.