Time's Up O'Reilly....

See? Wash, rinse, repeat.

He is not. I constantly hear him talking about how, (paraphrasing) "It should have never gotten here, but they fouled it up"

his "they know that they have six months and it's over" remark followed the previous paraphrased statement along with a diatribe of how screwed up the war has been.

But you don't listen and you just repeat the regular line, and take one line from several hours of show to "promote" your opinion.

It just shows a total ignorance of the man's opinion on this subject and an urge to continue repeating how much you "know".

No, I mean he's an apologist in that he always sticks by Bush's strategy in iraq. He supported the surge.

And for the last four years, I've been hearing him say stuff like, "if it doesn't get better, we should get out in 12 months".

then, when the 12 months roll around, he pretends like he never said that. So he's a weasel. He's supporting bush, even though he won't come out and say it.
Seriously, dude isn't satisfying many people at all promoting his opinion. The cheerleaders hate him because he says this is a debacle and compares it to Viet Nam, the left hates him because he isn't stating how it was "illegal"...
The "cheerleader" comment is in reference to O'Reilly's shows prior to & in the 1st year or so after the actual invasion.

He is not that way now; I will admit that. I wasn't trying to imply that he's a cheerleader now. However, even a casual viewer can easily discern that he is much more concerned about the left, who he claims are 'joyous' about our setbacks in Iraq, than they are with the admin, who YES he has said mismanaged the war, but who he has NEVER criticized for the initial decision to invade, which he still calls noble.
The "cheerleader" comment is in reference to O'Reilly's shows prior to & in the 1st year or so after the actual invasion.

He is not that way now; I will admit that. I wasn't trying to imply that he's a cheerleader now. However, even a casual viewer can easily discern that he is much more concerned about the left, who he claims are 'joyous' about our setbacks in Iraq, than they are with the admin, who YES he has said mismanaged the war, but who he has NEVER criticized for the initial decision to invade, which he still calls noble.
They are. He agrees it is a debacle, but wishes the rhetoric to be toned down. He is a dichotomy of beliefs and willingly admits "I don't know what the solution is" constantly on his radio show when talking about it.

Seriously, before I started taking Ninjitsu I would never have this knowledge of his opinion and would have just let the thread go on as I never watch his show on TV and if I wasn't in the car I wouldn't listen to his show on the radio either.
O'Reily will never formally call for a withdrawl of troops. Unless and until Bush does. He keeps making calls for some future "soft" date for withdrawl, but when that time actually rolls around, O'Reilly pretends like he never said it, and supports staying longer: as with the surge.

O'Reily is emotionally invested in NOT admitting the democrats are right. That's the way he views this war.
He wants the rhetoric toned down, yet routinely accuses the left (baselessly) of "celebrating" setbacks & casualties, and feeling "joyous" about them. And I'm sorry - he IS obsessed with this aspect of the issue, much more so than w/ the incompetence of the admin, at least on his TV show.

Prior to the election, he launched a campaign on his show which he repeated just about every day, insinuating that terrorists were rooting for a Democrat win.

I don't think he's a partisan Republican, but he IS an overblown windbag who has a crazy obsession with the left & with the antiwar movement. He does nothing on his TV show to "tone down" the rhetoric, if that is his goal...
He wants the rhetoric toned down, yet routinely accuses the left (baselessly) of "celebrating" setbacks & casualties, and feeling "joyous" about them. And I'm sorry - he IS obsessed with this aspect of the issue, much more so than w/ the incompetence of the admin, at least on his TV show.

Prior to the election, he launched a campaign on his show which he repeated just about every day, insinuating that terrorists were rooting for a Democrat win.

I don't think he's a partisan Republican, but he IS an overblown windbag who has a crazy obsession with the left & with the antiwar movement. He does nothing on his TV show to "tone down" the rhetoric, if that is his goal...
What part of "they are" in the previous post made it somehow unclear that I was agreeing with you?
Frankly, and I don't want to sound stupid, but I wasn't sure what part of my quote your "they are" referred to. My "they" in the last sentence was a typo, and should have been "he is."
O'Reily will never formally call for a withdrawl of troops. Unless and until Bush does. He keeps making calls for some future "soft" date for withdrawl, but when that time actually rolls around, O'Reilly pretends like he never said it, and supports staying longer: as with the surge.

O'Reily is emotionally invested in NOT admitting the democrats are right. That's the way he views this war.
I doubt he will because he believes that leaving behind chaos would be more disastrous than staying "in this mess". Then will say something like, "I don't know what the solution is, but leaving at this time isn't it."

He said on that radio show posted in the first thread, "I don't agree with a withdrawal date, but this... then your quote, follwed by the rest that I posted and a long-winded diatribe about how messed up Bush has been on this.
who gives a rats ass about what this idoit says, he has been wrong on every damn thing he ever said.

When will actual forsight and truth ever matter again to the right who listen to the likes of this fool?
who gives a rats ass about what this idoit says, he has been wrong on every damn thing he ever said.

When will actual forsight and truth ever matter again to the right who listen to the likes of this fool?

Geez, that's not generalizing too much.
The dickwad lies all the time and anyone who doesnt realize that is an idiot.

Im really tired of the 25% of this country who dont want truth tand just want bullshit.

Trying to pretend its a choice between anything else is just more lies.
The dickwad lies all the time and anyone who doesnt realize that is an idiot.

Im really tired of the 25% of this country who dont want truth tand just want bullshit.

Trying to pretend its a choice between anything else is just more lies.

Ok. Are there particular lies you have in mind? And may I ask what 25% of the country you are referencing?

Based on my interpretation of what you are saying, in my opinion, it would be the equvialent of me saying "Michael Moore is a dickwad and a liar and anyone who supports or believes him is an idiot and I'm sick of them being brainwashed and not thinking for themselves."
who gives a rats ass about what this idoit says, he has been wrong on every damn thing he ever said.

When will actual forsight and truth ever matter again to the right who listen to the likes of this fool?

Ah, the money post!

Excellent point Desh.

the man is a lying sack of whit and anyone who cant see this is a complete fool

So you base this assesment off of what media matters says? Hey, you are free to believe what you would like. I'm not even claiming O'Reilly's never wrong or anything of the such. But to claim someone is always wrong and people are idiots who listen to him because Media Matters says so is a strech in my opinion.
The nightly business report and news on PBS. Other factual articles on the web and in print that just do the news and not the hype.
I will admit they are getting harder to find in thei day of the "liberal" media ;)
Go to the govt sites and actually read speech transcripts and such, not just a few soundbytes and opinions by pundits.