Time's Up O'Reilly....

I listen to news all day long and am on the computor checking the news on several sights all day long.

I have found that Olberman tells it like it is and the rest get it right sometimes.

Oliely rarely tells the truth.

Its hard to listen to him because he spews nothing but bullshit whenever I try to watch him.

I know this means nothing to some of you but I dont care.

I have been right on almost every thing I have been talking over the years I have know you people.

The ones who hate me most on here have been the most wrong on the facts in the end.

I now take certain peoples insults as compliments.

To those people (and you know who you are) thanks.
Well said Darla, Same from me, except for the oberman part. Although I was wrong on Regan cutting off unmeployment benefits for Vets, which I admitted my mistake on.
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I listen to news all day long and am on the computor checking the news on several sights all day long.

I have found that Olberman tells it like it is and the rest get it right sometimes.

Oliely rarely tells the truth.

Its hard to listen to him because he spews nothing but bullshit whenever I try to watch him.

I know this means nothing to some of you but I dont care.

I have been right on almost every thing I have been talking over the years I have know you people

The ones who hate me most on here have been the most wrong on the facts in the end.

I now take certain peoples insults as compliments.

To those people (and you know who you are) thanks.

Well, I would argue most people feel they are right most or all of the time (myself included). As far as Olbermann and O'Reilly it's not surprising you or anyone else would think the person they agree with is "telling it like it is" vs. the person you disagree with is "a lying piece of crap".

You are basically defining partisanship and speaking about the narrow prism most of us view political issues through.
I listen to news all day long and am on the computor checking the news on several sights all day long.

I have found that Olberman tells it like it is and the rest get it right sometimes.

Oliely rarely tells the truth.

Its hard to listen to him because he spews nothing but bullshit whenever I try to watch him.

I know this means nothing to some of you but I dont care.

I have been right on almost every thing I have been talking over the years I have know you people.

The ones who hate me most on here have been the most wrong on the facts in the end.

I now take certain peoples insults as compliments.

To those people (and you know who you are) thanks.

Desh, I don't know why anybody hates you. That I don't get.
Well, I would argue most people feel they are right most or all of the time (myself included). As far as Olbermann and O'Reilly it's not surprising you or anyone else would think the person they agree with is "telling it like it is" vs. the person you disagree with is "a lying piece of crap".

You are basically defining partisanship and speaking about the narrow prism most of us view political issues through.

Right. Or...we could move onto empirical evidence, and look at say, who was right about Iraq? Or is the fact that there were no wmd's in Iraq, a "feeling" a person has?
I feel there were no wmd's in Iraq.

Well, I fee that there were wmd's in Iraq.

Oh look, there's a "debate' over whether or not there were wmd's in Iraq.
Desh I was entirley non partisan on my stand against the invasion of Iraq.
Like I say I need no one to tell me what to think.