Timing of shutdown is no accident!

Clinton: "But the pain we'd inflict on our elderly, our students, and our economy just isn't worth the pain."

Three years later;

Clinton: "Shazam! Lookit! I balanced the budget!"

18 years later:

Desh: "Scowl! Howl! It was Clinton you feckin' idiot! Don't be a lair!"
Clinton + Republican Congress = Surplus. Bush + Republican Congress = Deficit. Hmmmmm . . . Looks like Clinton was the determinative factor to me.
Clinton + Republican Congress = Surplus. Bush + Republican Congress = Deficit. Hmmmmm . . . Looks like Clinton was the determinative factor to me.

If you're completely comatose, maybe. Here's the real equation:

Newt Gingrich + Republican Congress = balanced budget.

Republican Congress - Newt Gingrich = deficit.
the affordable care act is not a theory you fucking idiot.

Its a supreme court sanctioned LAW of this land

Dear moron; please learn to use the "reply with quote" function and stop spamming the thread with your incredible ignorance.

Thank you,
Yet you do not hate the Democrat Party? Where is the difference in your mind?
I hate both.

They both want income tax, the genocide we call the war on drugs, a federal reserve, nationalized schools, social absurdity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or should I say,,,,,,,, a marxists state.

They both trade liberty for security, and then try to fix the problem they caused instead of reversing the laws that created the problems.
I can't think of anything that would give Obama and Obamacare a bigger shot in the arm then what Tea Party republicans are doing on the world stage today.

It's just fucking incredible.

All along I've been predicting another disaster for democrats in the midterms, similar to what happened to them in 2010. However, I did not account for the absolute mindboggling ignorance of the Republican Party. My analysis was flawed. It assumed that republicans were smarter than this. It assumed that there were more powerful voices within the party than teabaggers.

As with the 2012 elections, Obama's best weapon was the Tea Party .. who narrowed the republican field to idiots. Here they are handing victory to Obama again .. unless of course Obama 'folds.'
Clinton + Republican Congress = Surplus. Bush + Republican Congress = Deficit. Hmmmmm . . . Looks like Clinton was the determinative factor to me.

except for a few facts...

1) Clinton NEVER had an actual surplus, the national debt went up every single year
2) Bush inherited a market downturn that led to a recession early in his first term. The market downturn led to a decrease in revenue via cap losses rather than the cap gains taxes that Clinton enjoyed.
3) Bush with a Democratic Congress in 2007-2008 led to MASSIVE deficits. Whereas the deficits prior to that were declining after the market downturn years of 2000-2002.
except for a few facts...

1) Clinton NEVER had an actual surplus, the national debt went up every single year
2) Bush inherited a market downturn that led to a recession early in his first term. The market downturn led to a decrease in revenue via cap losses rather than the cap gains taxes that Clinton enjoyed.
3) Bush with a Democratic Congress in 2007-2008 led to MASSIVE deficits. Whereas the deficits prior to that were declining after the market downturn years of 2000-2002.
