Timing of shutdown is no accident!

everybody hates you nobody likes you

just go eat a worm

look you childman,

your childish games are meaningless with me.

why not try facing thes cold hard facts I just laid in front of you?

because you cant face facts.
why not try facing thes cold hard facts I just laid in front of you?

because you cant face facts.

The sky is blue. Grass is green.

Suck on those hard cock facts, bitch.

You can't argue with me because I just bury you with facts.

Of course, they're entirely irrelevant to the subject at hand, but they're cold hard facts nonetheless. :rolleyes:
which fact did you post?

all I see is complete stupidity from you.

BTW cockbreath you insult people all the time hypocrit
I gave you TAPE of your leaders saying completely UNAMERICAN things about Americans.

Stuff they said while they thought fools like you were not listening.

YOU are the people they want to use.

and you lie prone and ready even while knowing what they are doing to this country
I gave you TAPE of your leaders saying completely UNAMERICAN things about Americans

None of which had anything to do with anything anyone was talking about.

Your stream-of-conscious rants may get applause inside your own bees' nest skull, but out in the world they look frighteningly unstable.
dude your party leaders on TAPE telling you plainly what you think they want is all a sham.

they are talking to the power brokers when they said these things.

Your the minion.

the power brokers are the money people who are paying for a republican product that YOU think is something else.

Its why they court the terminally stupid voters like you.

facts mean nothing to you but a wink and a "you bet cha" from a ponytailed Alaskan idiot is all you need
Does anyone think it's a coincidence that the shutdown is the same day the ACA exchanges open?

Manufactured crisis!

What would be your thoughts if the Democrats refused to keep the government open unless the legislation included a ban on all firearms?

How A Government Shutdown Could Wreak Havoc On Obamacare
The president insists that when it comes to the Affordable Care Act, Republicans “can’t shut it down.” But a government shutdown could seriously impede the law’s implementation.


WASHINGTON — A government shutdown could have a seriously detrimental impact on the most crucial part of the Obamacare rollout this week: the push to get young people to buy health insurance.

Health policy observers say that by blowing the opening of health care exchanges off the front page and making it more difficult to correct glitches in the online registration system — the means by which most young people will interact with Obamacare — a shutdown has the potential to significantly impact the health care law, at least in the near term.

The most dramatic impact it could have on the law is making it harder for the government to address bugs in the online health insurance exchanges. With fewer workers available to fix problems as they arise Tuesday, when they go live, word of mouth could spread fast among young adults that the process of enrolling online is cumbersome and inconvenient, said Michael Ramlet, CEO of the health care policy tipsheet Morning Consult, and a former expert at the right-leaning think tank American Action Forum.


Bill McInturff, a top pollster for Public Opinion Strategies, a respected firm used for market research by the insurance industry, said there are early signs that the White House focus on health care is slowly raising interest in the topic among young people. But Obamacare supporters need that number to rise by a lot — and the talk of a government shutdown is perfectly timed to make that job far tougher, McInturff said. Young people don’t spend a lot of time consuming news as a general rule, the pollster said, so a story really has to get a ton of attention to breakthrough into their consciousness.
yes the republicans are trying everything they can to harm the new program but then so are you
even in light of that you will pretend that the left and the right are all the same.

Its mind numbingly silly
When this program goes into full roll the republicans know their party will have to completely change.

they will claim the credit for it in the years to come.

Just like they tried to claim the credit for the Clinton surpluses
When this program goes into full roll the republicans know their party will have to completely change.

they will claim the credit for it in the years to come.

Just like they tried to claim the credit for the Clinton surpluses

1) Dear moron, there was not one single year Clinton had an actual surplus. How many times must you lie?

2) Congress controls the purse strings, not the President. The Rep Congress and Clinton worked to try and bring us an actual surplus and came close in 2000, so they should get credit for that. But you are an idiot if you think Clinton did it on his own.
How A Government Shutdown Could Wreak Havoc On Obamacare
The president insists that when it comes to the Affordable Care Act, Republicans “can’t shut it down.” But a government shutdown could seriously impede the law’s implementation.


WASHINGTON — A government shutdown could have a seriously detrimental impact on the most crucial part of the Obamacare rollout this week: the push to get young people to buy health insurance.

way to stir up negative hype and fearmongering.
Most wars have been financed with some form of revenue enhancement or another, we had never cut taxes in the face of a war, until Bush thought he could have it all.

Wrong again dipshit; all wars were financed by deficits. Look the facts up sometime instead of removing all doubt what a simple minded fool you really are.

I like the Exchanges. It will be more expensive to cover my wife (my work pays for my insurance, but adding a spouse is $550+/month, so I buy hers separately), but covering our future children will be MUCH less costly, and insurance companies won't be allowed to fuck with the American public anymore, so in the end it's a win. Plus, as I make my way into the upper level of the middle class, I honestly don't mind paying a little more knowing that people that need health insurance are getting it.

Republicans can seriously go fuck themselves. Unless they ditch the Tea Party lunatics, there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that I vote for them in 2016. Basically the only candidates I'd consider supporting would be Christie or Hunstman, but given the GOP's present course, I think they'll nominate some nutjob like Rand Paul or Rick Santorum. I'll be voting Dem in 2014.

The problem with THEORIES like the ACA, yes it is leftist theory which historically has never been right, is that they are based on a false narrative that will never materialize. Then by the time gullible sheeple like you wake up to that reality, it will be too late to do anything constructive to dismantle it and trillions will have been pissed away.

The main problem with this moronic narrative is that in order to achieve the savings claimed by this morass of idiot legislation is the bet that millions upon millions of young Americans will sign up paying MORE than they otherwise would have had to under the current system and that they will not opt to just pay the penalties.

This moronic and poorly thought out legislation passed unilaterally by Democrats who admitted they didn't know what was in it will cost this economy and the American people who actually work and pay taxes trillions; not to mention destroy jobs.

If you lefttards love universal cradle to grave Government controlled Socialist welfare; move to France! After all, the French system is working so well for them. Riots, Union shutdowns, economic malaise and low productivity rates. Gotta love them Eurotards!
the affordable care act is not a theory you fucking idiot.

Its a supreme court sanctioned LAW of this land
1) Dear moron, there was not one single year Clinton had an actual surplus. How many times must you lie?

2) Congress controls the purse strings, not the President. The Rep Congress and Clinton worked to try and bring us an actual surplus and came close in 2000, so they should get credit for that. But you are an idiot if you think Clinton did it on his own.

Here is a useful montage to remind people just how resistant Clinton was to balancing the budget. And yet, when it was all done, he took all the credit.

Of course, liberals will not watch and obediently divert their eyes.

the CBO gives the lions share of the credit to the 1993 ombra passed without one single republican vote