Timing of shutdown is no accident!

The GOP is grossly misreading the US public. The problem is that you have GOP House reps from districts that are so safely gerrymandered that any sort of compromise will be met with unhappy constituents leading primary challenges from the right. These folks have no motivation to compromise. However, the fact is that though polls show the majority of Americans oppose the ACA those polls also show that the majority of the American public support health care reform and modernization. That a substantial portion of those whom oppose the ACA, like myself, have done so because the believe it is a half measure and does not go far enough in making the needed and required reforms.

In short, the house GOP is going to lose this political gambit. They may wait till Tuesday to cave in and mainly just lose face or they can wait to cave after Oct 1 and lose elections. The ACA is now settled law. Shutting down the government cause a vocal minority opposes a settled matter of law is not how our system of governance works.

I am amused by the brain dead claims of sheeple who gullibly believe that only Republican districts are gerrymandered and are perfectly willing to overlook the hypocrisy and lies that defines the Democrat Party.

The majority of Americans are not WiTH this president or the clown like antics of his head puppet Harry Reid. Let's hope that they wake up in 2014 to overcome the massive leftist propaganda machine in the media and neuter this embarrassment of a President by putting Republicans in the majority in the Senate. Then, perhaps, some sanity can prevail.

Obama himself called raising the debt limit a sign of failure; what a buffoon like clown to now claim it is so important he is not going to even sit down with House Republicans; but perfectly willing to talk with terrist sympathizing Iranian leaders.

This President is a punk that only the dumbest brain dead lemmings can still support.
they know this bill will thoroughly SHAME the republican party.

It will work

people will love it

it will become a third rail.

that is when the republicans will claim it as THEIR success.

they do it all the time.

they are complete weasels who neve never never never admit they are wrong, they go straight to lies instead
I'm amused when the brain dead leftists claim that trillion dollar deficits, high unemployment and 2.1 million fewer participating in the workforce are a manufactured crisis.

It is almost as amusing as the incredible hypocrisy of this embarrassing pip und of a President who claimed that raising debt limits was irresponsible and a sign of failed leadership. But then, the brain dead disciples of ignorance don't care about the collapse of the American economy as long as they can fool sheeple into believing its someone else's fault and that they care more than anyone else.

It's official; the DNC is the party for retarded asshats.
they know this bill will thoroughly SHAME the republican party.

It will work

people will love it

it will become a third rail.

that is when the republicans will claim it as THEIR success.

they do it all the time.

they are complete weasels who neve never never never admit they are wrong, they go straight to lies instead

It is the pinnacle of irony and hypocrisy when a vulgar lying asshat impugns others as lying.
yet again I will turn out to be completely correct and you will deny it was ever said.

you and your cohorts have no use for the truth
I'm amused when the brain dead leftists claim that trillion dollar deficits, high unemployment and 2.1 million fewer participating in the workforce are a manufactured crisis.

It is almost as amusing as the incredible hypocrisy of this embarrassing pip und of a President who claimed that raising debt limits was irresponsible and a sign of failed leadership. But then, the brain dead disciples of ignorance don't care about the collapse of the American economy as long as they can fool sheeple into believing its someone else's fault and that they care more than anyone else.

It's official; the DNC is the party for retarded asshats.

well maybe he was protesting the FACT that Bush kept refusing to actually PAY for the wars he was starting.

Go get the entire statement of obamas on the issue
Its hardly an unrelated issue....its needs funding...funding in the next budget.

Obama has made the ultimatum....Republicans have said no.

As I mentioned, if Reps threatened a dem president with not funding the govt unless all abortions were banned, would you have the dem pres. 'compromise' ?

(close you left eye and have another look)

If the repubs threatened to not fund the govt unless all abortions were banned, I would definitely NOT have the president compromise by agreeing to that.

If it was a repub president, and the dems threatened to shut down the govt unless abortions up to 9 months were legal and paid for, would you agree the president should compromise?

And the funding the repubs were threatening to withhold from the ACA in this round wouldn't have stopped it anyway; it has funding from other sources.

Now their amendment to postpone it for a year is just stupid when the exchanges open TOMORROW.
What would be your thought if the Republicans refused to keep the government open unless the legislation included a ban on all abortions ?

About the same as it is with what the Republicans are doing RIGHT now with health care.
You mean the public who voted the GOP into control of the Congress in 1994 and 2010 to fight against Democrat health care reforms?

Is that the public you're talking about?

There is a majority of elected officials in the House who would vote for a clean Bill, but Boehner wont allow such a straight up or down vote.
Its hardly an unrelated issue....its needs funding...funding in the next budget.

Obama has made the ultimatum....Republicans have said no.

As I mentioned, if Reps threatened a dem president with not funding the govt unless all abortions were banned, would you have the dem pres. 'compromise' ?

(close you left eye and have another look)

No, the President should never negotiate with terrorists, foreign or domestic, even if they hold the United States hostage.
they know this bill will thoroughly SHAME the republican party.

It will work

people will love it

it will become a third rail.

that is when the republicans will claim it as THEIR success.

they do it all the time.

they are complete weasels who neve never never never admit they are wrong, they go straight to lies instead

20 years from now all Republicans will claim, ohh, ya, I always supported the ACA (they wont call it Obamacare then), just like I have always supported Medicare and Social Security!
well maybe he was protesting the FACT that Bush kept refusing to actually PAY for the wars he was starting.

Go get the entire statement of obamas on the issue

Just curious... but do you actually believe that Bush didn't pay for the wars? That the US government refused to pay military contracts and military personnel?

Or is it because the wars were not in an official budget?
Just curious... but do you actually believe that Bush didn't pay for the wars? That the US government refused to pay military contracts and military personnel?

Or is it because the wars were not in an official budget?

I think what she is saying is that the wars were tacked onto the federal debt, instead of raising revenue to pay for them.
I think what she is saying is that the wars were tacked onto the federal debt, instead of raising revenue to pay for them.

So in other words, doing what Congresses and Presidents have been doing since Ike? Running up the debt?

How has Obama done on paying for everything he is promising people? Any federal debt run up the past four+ years?
So in other words, doing what Congresses and Presidents have been doing since Ike? Running up the debt?

How has Obama done on paying for everything he is promising people? Any federal debt run up the past four+ years?

Most wars have been financed with some form of revenue enhancement or another, we had never cut taxes in the face of a war, until Bush thought he could have it all.
Most wars have been financed with some form of revenue enhancement or another, we had never cut taxes in the face of a war, until Bush thought he could have it all.

Also... WWII was a massive run up of debt, it was not 'paid for' with current revenues. It was paid for by increasing the debt at the time of war and then paying it off. Something both parties have forgotten how to do. Which is why the debt continues to increase every single year.

Did tax receipts go up or down after the tax cuts of 2003?

In 2005-2007, what direction was the size of the deficits going?

That is not the point. If your claim was absolute then we should simply have a 0.5% flat tax, and the government would be wealthy. Tax cuts don't always generate revenue, and tax increases do not always reduce them. A surcharge on oil to pay for the war, would likely had added to revenues.
That is not the point. If your claim was absolute then we should simply have a 0.5% flat tax, and the government would be wealthy. Tax cuts don't always generate revenue, and tax increases do not always reduce them. A surcharge on oil to pay for the war, would likely had added to revenues.

Jarod... not once did I say it was absolute. Not once. I asked you what happened in THAT case.