Timothy Walz & the Peter Principle


Pocket lint
This asshat sat on his ass for two full days following the riots after Saint George Floyd assumed room temperature.

The looting and burning was on every news outlet in the Twin Cities with the newscasters openly asking, where is our governor, why has he not called out the National Guard?
Over a billion dollars worth of private and public property was looted and burned and to this day, much has yet to be replaced including banks, a police precinct, and a couple of post offices. BTW, the precinct has yet to be rebuilt and the area where the Patron Saint of Fentynal died is still under mob rule.

On day two, the rioting and looting continued on Lake Street EXCEPT for those businesses that had armed store owners and their friends standing in the doorway with loaded shotguns and AR15's in hand.

After the carnage of night one and day two were broadcast on the national airwaves, other cities were riddled with destruction all in the name of "free shit".

Night three, after there was little left to loot and under pressure from business leaders and Washington DC, Walz finally called on the National Guard to put a stop to this, and within a very few hours, relative calm was restored in the Twin Cities, but the rioting continued in other democrat run cities.

Walz said later that he wanted these thugs to "get it out of their system."

Feeding Our Future founder among 48 people charged in $250 million federal food aid fraud scheme

Walz and the MN dept. of education kept writing checks to people who said they were feeding hundreds of kids a week. The addresses of these "feeding stations" were many times vacant buildings. No one from the MN Department of Education or Federal Government ever checked to see how someone could feed thousands of kids two or three meals a day, let alone check any of the listed addresses to see if they were viable. After the fraud became apparent, the then Walz appointed Secretary of Education, resigned from her position in embarrassment only to immediately find another job that somehow managed to get lucrative contracts with the Walz administration.

Walz has avoided this topic like the plague and has since never given an interview to any outlet that might call him out for an explanation for this, the largest covid scam in the country.
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And then there is this gem which is in addition to the $250 million in a previous case a couple of years eariler.

Child Care Fraud Confirmed by State Auditor’s New Report

Something like $150 MILLION in cash was transported out of MN in suitcases bound for Omar's home country of Somalia.
Again, no comments from Walz as to the failures of those in charge.

See a connection here? The Somalis are great at scamming the system and nobody says anything.
And then there is the new Somali scam brewing where kids declared to have "autism" get special care including all day care at no cost and for some reason this gives a certain race of people who for some reason are now having a lot of kids on the "spectrum", free time. Not to mention all the new centers to care for these kids. Stay tuned as MN will be in the news again.
A few other lowlights of Tim Walz reign as governor of MN.


Report says Minnesota issued $428 million in unemployment overpayments across three years

Who is Governor Tim Waltz of Minnesota

♨️Military Service

Served 24 years in the Army National Guard, retiring with the rank of Command Sergeant Major.

♨️Teaching Career

Taught High School for 20yrs.

1. Taught world history, geography, and other social sciences.

2. Coached Football

3. Public education advocate


1. Served in the U.S. House of Representatives serving Minnesota's 1st Congressional District from 2007 to 2019. He was first elected in 2006 and was re-elected five times.

2. Served on several committees, including the House Committee on Agriculture, the House Committee on Armed Services, and the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

♨️Governor of Minnesota

As Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz has achieved several significant accomplishments since taking office in January 2019. Here are some of the notable ones:

1. **COVID-19 Response**: Walz led Minnesota's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His administration implemented measures to control the spread of the virus, including stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, and efforts to increase testing and vaccination rates. He also established the COVID-19 Vaccine Connector to help Minnesotans find vaccination sites.

2. **Education**: Walz prioritized education, advocating for increased funding for public schools and early childhood education. His administration secured additional funding for schools, aimed at reducing class sizes, supporting special education, and providing mental health resources for students.

3. **Economic Initiatives**: Under Walz's leadership, Minnesota has worked to boost the economy through various initiatives. This includes investments in infrastructure projects, job training programs, and support for small businesses, especially those affected by the pandemic.

4. **Police Reform**: In response to the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests, Walz signed a police reform bill into law. The legislation included measures such as banning chokeholds, establishing a duty for officers to intervene in cases of excessive force, and creating a statewide database to track officer misconduct.

5. **Environmental Policies**: Walz has emphasized environmental sustainability and clean energy. His administration set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. He has also supported initiatives to protect Minnesota's natural resources and combat climate change.

6. **Healthcare**: Walz has worked to improve healthcare access and affordability in Minnesota. His administration expanded MinnesotaCare, the state's public health insurance program, and supported measures to lower prescription drug costs.

7. **Equity and Inclusion**: Walz has made efforts to address racial and economic disparities in Minnesota. This includes initiatives to support communities of color, improve access to affordable housing, and promote economic opportunities for underserved populations.

These accomplishments reflect Governor Walz's focus on public health, education, economic growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability during his tenure.
Then, MN with its newq all democrat run house and senate, discovered all that Heels Up Harris/brandon money that was being shoveled into MN, there was an $18,000,000,000 that's right, $18 BILLION Surplus for a State with something like 3 million households so Ithat translates to about $6000 per person overpayment.

INSTEAD, the all democrat legislature voted to spend the entire $18,000,000,000 surplus AND raised taxes on the population to boot.

Timmy Walz signed ALL the spending bills BUT he did manage to parcel out what he called a Walz cleck for $218 to eligible taxpayers.
We can talk about his National Guard service where he lied about his rank and managed to bail out of service the minute he discovered his unit was about to be called up for overseas duty. Plenty of members of his battalion will address this in interviews.
Who is Governor Tim Waltz of Minnesota

♨️Military Service

Served 24 years in the Army National Guard, retiring with the rank of Command Sergeant Major.

♨️Teaching Career

Taught High School for 20yrs.

1. Taught world history, geography, and other social sciences.

2. Coached Football

3. Public education advocate


1. Served in the U.S. House of Representatives serving Minnesota's 1st Congressional District from 2007 to 2019. He was first elected in 2006 and was re-elected five times.

2. Served on several committees, including the House Committee on Agriculture, the House Committee on Armed Services, and the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

♨️Governor of Minnesota

As Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz has achieved several significant accomplishments since taking office in January 2019. Here are some of the notable ones:

1. **COVID-19 Response**: Walz led Minnesota's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His administration implemented measures to control the spread of the virus, including stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, and efforts to increase testing and vaccination rates. He also established the COVID-19 Vaccine Connector to help Minnesotans find vaccination sites.

2. **Education**: Walz prioritized education, advocating for increased funding for public schools and early childhood education. His administration secured additional funding for schools, aimed at reducing class sizes, supporting special education, and providing mental health resources for students.

3. **Economic Initiatives**: Under Walz's leadership, Minnesota has worked to boost the economy through various initiatives. This includes investments in infrastructure projects, job training programs, and support for small businesses, especially those affected by the pandemic.

4. **Police Reform**: In response to the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests, Walz signed a police reform bill into law. The legislation included measures such as banning chokeholds, establishing a duty for officers to intervene in cases of excessive force, and creating a statewide database to track officer misconduct.

5. **Environmental Policies**: Walz has emphasized environmental sustainability and clean energy. His administration set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. He has also supported initiatives to protect Minnesota's natural resources and combat climate change.

6. **Healthcare**: Walz has worked to improve healthcare access and affordability in Minnesota. His administration expanded MinnesotaCare, the state's public health insurance program, and supported measures to lower prescription drug costs.

7. **Equity and Inclusion**: Walz has made efforts to address racial and economic disparities in Minnesota. This includes initiatives to support communities of color, improve access to affordable housing, and promote economic opportunities for underserved populations.

These accomplishments reflect Governor Walz's focus on public health, education, economic growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability during his tenure.
To begin with read about his actual military career...
Here are a few comments from a local sports writer turned podcaster who HATES TRUMP.
He explains the Walz governorship perfectly. Remember this guy is no Republican.
I think I have it started at about 11 minutes in,

This asshat sat on his ass for two full days following the riots after Saint George Floyd assumed room temperature.

The looting and burning was on every news outlet in the Twin Cities with the newscasters openly asking, where is our governor, why has he not called out the National Guard?
Over a billion dollars worth of private and public property was looted and burned and to this day, much has yet to be replaced including banks, a police precinct, and a couple of post offices. BTW, the precinct has yet to be rebuilt and the area where the Patron Saint of Fentynal died is still under mob rule.

On day two, the rioting and looting continued on Lake Street EXCEPT for those businesses that had armed store owners and their friends standing in the doorway with loaded shotguns and AR15's in hand.

After the carnage of night one and day two were broadcast on the national airwaves, other cities were riddled with destruction all in the name of "free shit".

Night three, after there was little left to loot and under pressure from business leaders and Washington DC, Walz finally called on the National Guard to put a stop to this, and within a very few hours, relative calm was restored in the Twin Cities, but the rioting continued in other democrat run cities.

Walz said later that he wanted these thugs to "get it out of their system."
The people of Minnesota seem to like him!
Walz only campaigns in three or four cities in MN which are 100% democrat contrroled. He will not enter into rural areas where he is despised. Nor will he give any interviews to any but hive minded leftie outlets. None, zip, zero, zilch, nada.
Citation? He was elected by popular vote!
Let's talk China Virus policies where he abused and extended his lockdown powers to the point of driving out small businesses in droves. He made Newsome and Whitmer look like conservatives. It's effect on MN's economy?
IRS statistics,
Income reported to the IRS from MN households in 2017 showed a $217 million dollar reduction of incoming taxable $$$ to the state coffers.
In 2022 that loss of taxable income to the State has risen to over $2 Billion
2023 is yet to be reported by the IRS.
Minnesota is one of the highest taxed states in the nation.
Stay tuned.
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We can talk about his National Guard service where he lied about his rank and managed to bail out of service the minute he discovered his unit was about to be called up for overseas duty. Plenty of members of his battalion will address this in interviews.

Thanks...there's plentv more to read about..
Citation? He was elected by popular vote!
Yep. the entire population of MN is located in a very small number of cities, (like three). Can you say CA?

Other than Duluth, you can ignore that large swath of blue in the north which is very sparsely populated.
You might also remember the Senatorial race between Frankin and Coleman where the sectary of state klept counting until Frankin had enough votes to be declared the winner and counting was stopped by then democrat Sec. of State Mark Ritchie who reshaped MN's voting laws which made it nearly impossible for a Republican to win anything.

' Walzing Kamala
Walzing Kamala
You'll come a-Walzing Kamala with me '

Smut me, baby

Haw, haw...............................................haw.