Timothy Walz & the Peter Principle

A couple if years ago Timmy Walz decided his Governors mansion needed a revamp. The estimated cost was something like three times the value of the existing property. That doesn't stop Timmy. His first plan was to move into a different state paid rental property owned by a GOP millionaire. Timmy's first comments were he would have to have all new carpets to the tune of $65,000 in taxpayer cash and the landlord was rubbing his hands together over all the taxpayer funded he was going to benefit from. The rent was to be a modest, $17,326 per month rent for an unknown number of months not to mention the much longer drive to the this fatass to the capitol every day.

A lot of public pressure forced this asshat to look elsewhere and he settled for a vacant U of M's president residence where he now spends his time. I believe the rent is not public at this time.
AND then there is the democrat run new luxury office building monument for themselves.

$500 million for a state building? How did we get here?

Lawmakers on Wednesday approved a nearly $500 million renovation and expansion project for the building near the Capitol that houses their offices.

After planning much of the project outside of public view, the House Rules Committee vote raised questions about how lawmakers got to the final price tag, which is set to eclipse the $310 million spent to renovate the Capitol.
' Walzing Kamala
Walzing Kamala
You'll come a-Walzing Kamala with me '

Smut me, baby

Haw, haw...............................................haw.
Walz is a closet Jew lover, You are screwed buddy. Da Jewz, it's Da Jewz.
Yep. the entire population of MN is located in a very small number of cities, (like three). Can you say CA?

Other than Duluth, you can ignore that large swath of blue in the north which is very sparsely populated.
You might also remember the Senatorial race between Frankin and Coleman where the sectary of state klept counting until Frankin had enough votes to be declared the winner and counting was stopped by then democrat Sec. of State Mark Ritchie who reshaped MN's voting laws which made it nearly impossible for a Republican to win anything.

Now wait a minute! You are trying to tell us Coleman didn't request a recount?

Tell he whole story now!

Gov. Tim Walz On "White Dudes For Kamala Harris" Call: "One Person's Socialism Is Another Person's Neighborliness"​

Are you sure about all of this? How bad did Coleman lose- by how many votes? Someone can just make this kind of allegation, and everyone on the losing side will tend to fall for it.

Most states allow felons to vote today anyway, after they have served their parole and probationary terms and commitments.
Are you sure about all of this? How bad did Coleman lose- by how many votes? Someone can just make this kind of allegation, and everyone on the losing side will tend to fall for it.

Most states allow felons to vote today anyway, after they have served their parole and probationary terms and commitments.
I refuse to contribute to your boredom. I provided some links, now stop engaging and go chase flies.
The positives for those living in Minnesota, they get rid of this deadbeat for a few months.
Walz only campaigns in three or four cities in MN which are 100% democrat contrroled. He will not enter into rural areas where he is despised. Nor will he give any interviews to any but hive minded leftie outlets. None, zip, zero, zilch, nada.
That is some funny shit.

Which were the 3 or 4 cities he campaigned in when he was elected to Congress? There was only one town of 100,000 in his congressional district.
There were only 2 towns with a population of 40,000 or more. So tell us the names of the 3 or 4 cities he campaigned in that were democratically controlled?
That is some funny shit.

Which were the 3 or 4 cities he campaigned in when he was elected to Congress? There was only one town of 100,000 in his congressional district.
There were only 2 towns with a population of 40,000 or more. So tell us the names of the 3 or 4 cities he campaigned in that were democratically controlled?
Look at the county by county map you moron.
Who is Governor Tim Waltz of Minnesota

♨️Military Service

Served 24 years in the Army National Guard, retiring with the rank of Command Sergeant Major.

Then quit the day his unit was ordered to Iraq. He also retired as a First Sargeant because he quit--that is he was demoted.
♨️Teaching Career

Taught High School for 20yrs.

1. Taught world history, geography, and other social sciences.

2. Coached Football

3. Public education advocate

I wonder what his class curricula looked like. As for "public education advocate" I see that as a negative as it is highly likely he's pro-teacher's union and argues against any alternatives to public school.

1. Served in the U.S. House of Representatives serving Minnesota's 1st Congressional District from 2007 to 2019. He was first elected in 2006 and was re-elected five times.

2. Served on several committees, including the House Committee on Agriculture, the House Committee on Armed Services, and the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

Did he do anything of note? What is his voting record? What you listed is meaningless.
♨️Governor of Minnesota

As Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz has achieved several significant accomplishments since taking office in January 2019. Here are some of the notable ones:

1. **COVID-19 Response**: Walz led Minnesota's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His administration implemented measures to control the spread of the virus, including stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, and efforts to increase testing and vaccination rates. He also established the COVID-19 Vaccine Connector to help Minnesotans find vaccination sites.

So, he followed the idiot advice of Fauci and wrecked his state's economy. He was also draconian with his actions. For example, he created a hot line to allow people to snitch to the state on violations.

There is now a hotline and email for residents to report violations: 651-793-3746 or sahviolations@state.mn.us

Nothing like a dictator running... ruining?... your state.

2. **Education**: Walz prioritized education, advocating for increased funding for public schools and early childhood education. His administration secured additional funding for schools, aimed at reducing class sizes, supporting special education, and providing mental health resources for students.

So, he advocates typical Leftist and radical Leftist positions on education. Don't forget he's all in favor of ending parental rights and keeping secret students that are being groomed for 'transition.'
3. **Economic Initiatives**: Under Walz's leadership, Minnesota has worked to boost the economy through various initiatives. This includes investments in infrastructure projects, job training programs, and support for small businesses, especially those affected by the pandemic.

Basically, he fucked up the state budget...
4. **Police Reform**: In response to the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests, Walz signed a police reform bill into law. The legislation included measures such as banning chokeholds, establishing a duty for officers to intervene in cases of excessive force, and creating a statewide database to track officer misconduct.

Defund is the word you're looking for.
5. **Environmental Policies**: Walz has emphasized environmental sustainability and clean energy. His administration set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. He has also supported initiatives to protect Minnesota's natural resources and combat climate change.

He's your typical radical Leftist greentard.
6. **Healthcare**: Walz has worked to improve healthcare access and affordability in Minnesota. His administration expanded MinnesotaCare, the state's public health insurance program, and supported measures to lower prescription drug costs.

Wants the government to run this and your life if possible...
7. **Equity and Inclusion**: Walz has made efforts to address racial and economic disparities in Minnesota. This includes initiatives to support communities of color, improve access to affordable housing, and promote economic opportunities for underserved populations.

Read that as all for DIE and Social and Economic Justice in the worst ways of the radical Left.
These accomplishments reflect Governor Walz's focus on public health, education, economic growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability during his tenure.

Basically, the guy's to the radical Left of radical Leftist Kamel Toe Harris.