Timothy Walz & the Peter Principle

What a bunch of unfounded LIES and BULLSHIT!

You can smell the BUTT HURT here in this thread!

It is so thick- you could cut it with a knife!



Yep. the entire population of MN is located in a very small number of cities, (like three). Can you say CA?

Other than Duluth, you can ignore that large swath of blue in the north which is very sparsely populated.
You might also remember the Senatorial race between Frankin and Coleman where the sectary of state klept counting until Frankin had enough votes to be declared the winner and counting was stopped by then democrat Sec. of State Mark Ritchie who reshaped MN's voting laws which made it nearly impossible for a Republican to win anything.

OMFG. How stupid can you be to claim that?
The top 3 cities in the state of MN have a population of about 846,000. The state has a population of 5,700,000.
I guess in your idiotic world less than 15% is the same as 100%.

The Sec of State doesn't count ballets and can't stop counting ballots. The ballots were counted in the counties where they were cast by local officials. Disputed ballots were sent to the state canvassing board which is 5 people, one of them is the Sec of State.
OMFG. How stupid can you be to claim that?
The top 3 cities in the state of MN have a population of about 846,000. The state has a population of 5,700,000.
I guess in your idiotic world less than 15% is the same as 100%.

The Sec of State doesn't count ballets and can't stop counting ballots. The ballots were counted in the counties where they were cast by local officials. Disputed ballots were sent to the state canvassing board which is 5 people, one of them is the Sec of State.

Look at the votes by county. Get back to us.

5,7000,000 are not registered to vote.

We can get into Mark Ritchie and how he tweaked Mn voting laws tomorrow if you like
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Yep. the entire population of MN is located in a very small number of cities, (like three). Can you say CA?

Look at the votes by county. Get back to us.

5,7000,000 are not registered to vote.

We can get into Mark Ritchie and how he tweaked Mn voting laws tomorrow if you like
Do you know the difference between a county and a city?
For instance, Hennepin County contains more than 30 different municipalities and 13 of the largest 20 cities in MN.

Lionfish proving once again he doesn't have a brain which is why he supports Trump.

It seems you think everyone registered to vote is required to vote or do vote. Voter registration is not the same number as people that voted.
(HInt - Not everyone in Minneapolis is registered to vote or eligible to vote since children live in the city so your argument fails miserably. )
If you don't know the difference between a city and a county, I don't think we can expect you to explain laws being tweaked.
Then quit the day his unit was ordered to Iraq. He also retired as a First Sargeant because he quit--that is he was demoted.

I wonder what his class curricula looked like. As for "public education advocate" I see that as a negative as it is highly likely he's pro-teacher's union and argues against any alternatives to public school.

Did he do anything of note? What is his voting record? What you listed is meaningless.

So, he followed the idiot advice of Fauci and wrecked his state's economy. He was also draconian with his actions. For example, he created a hot line to allow people to snitch to the state on violations.

There is now a hotline and email for residents to report violations: 651-793-3746 or sahviolations@state.mn.us

Nothing like a dictator running... ruining?... your state.

So, he advocates typical Leftist and radical Leftist positions on education. Don't forget he's all in favor of ending parental rights and keeping secret students that are being groomed for 'transition.'

Basically, he fucked up the state budget...

Defund is the word you're looking for.

He's your typical radical Leftist greentard.

Wants the government to run this and your life if possible...

Read that as all for DEI and Social and Economic Justice in the worst ways of the radical Left.

Basically, the guy's to the radical Left of radical Leftist Kamel Toe Harris.
Worth reposting...:)
Do you know the difference between a county and a city?
For instance, Hennepin County contains more than 30 different municipalities and 13 of the largest 20 cities in MN.

Lionfish proving once again he doesn't have a brain which is why he supports Trump.

It seems you think everyone registered to vote is required to vote or do vote. Voter registration is not the same number as people that voted.
(HInt - Not everyone in Minneapolis is registered to vote or eligible to vote since children live in the city so your argument fails miserably. )
If you don't know the difference between a city and a county, I don't think we can expect you to explain laws being tweaked.
Fuck you moron. Look at the map I gave you twice. It shows the concentrated voting areas where that dimwit has all his support.
Lest we not forget the Walz "turn in your neighbor for violating my stay at home rules"
Oddly enough the phone numbers have recently been scrubbed from the internet.
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A couple if years ago Timmy Walz decided his Governors mansion needed a revamp. The estimated cost was something like three times the value of the existing property. That doesn't stop Timmy. His first plan was to move into a different state paid rental property owned by a GOP millionaire. Timmy's first comments were he would have to have all new carpets to the tune of $65,000 in taxpayer cash and the landlord was rubbing his hands together over all the taxpayer funded he was going to benefit from. The rent was to be a modest, $17,326 per month rent for an unknown number of months not to mention the much longer drive to the this fatass to the capitol every day.

A lot of public pressure forced this asshat to look elsewhere and he settled for a vacant U of M's president residence where he now spends his time. I believe the rent is not public at this time.

Lest we not forget the Walz "turn in your neighbor for violating my stay at home rules"
Oddly enough the phone numbers have recently been scrubbed from the internet.
Not enough money or time to redefine him... Or her...
This asshat sat on his ass for two full days following the riots after Saint George Floyd assumed room temperature.

The looting and burning was on every news outlet in the Twin Cities with the newscasters openly asking, where is our governor, why has he not called out the National Guard?
Over a billion dollars worth of private and public property was looted and burned and to this day, much has yet to be replaced including banks, a police precinct, and a couple of post offices. BTW, the precinct has yet to be rebuilt and the area where the Patron Saint of Fentynal died is still under mob rule.

On day two, the rioting and looting continued on Lake Street EXCEPT for those businesses that had armed store owners and their friends standing in the doorway with loaded shotguns and AR15's in hand.

After the carnage of night one and day two were broadcast on the national airwaves, other cities were riddled with destruction all in the name of "free shit".

Night three, after there was little left to loot and under pressure from business leaders and Washington DC, Walz finally called on the National Guard to put a stop to this, and within a very few hours, relative calm was restored in the Twin Cities, but the rioting continued in other democrat run cities.

Walz said later that he wanted these thugs to "get it out of their system."
Good thing the National Guard did their duty instead of cutting and running like Tampon Tim did when he received the call.

In the rioters defense..they Really NEEDED free Nikes and booze. :dunno: