
Aint I a cutie? HEH HEH
MY MY MY, You people do have a problem with me don't you ?

even to the point of inplying my death. TOUGH. taint gonna happen for the next twenty years, but I must admit, you are beginning to remond me of the "Lord of the Floes" or "the wild boys of Peter pan" maybe even the Manson Gang. You poor things, someone has disparaged the name of your GURU Saint DAMO.
Boy, I wish I was a GURU, more people would vote my way, maybe a nice Libertarian government would become a possibility.
MY MY MY, You people do have a problem with me don't you ?

even to the point of inplying my death. TOUGH. taint gonna happen for the next twenty years, but I must admit, you are beginning to remond me of the "Lord of the Floes" or "the wild boys of Peter pan" maybe even the Manson Gang. You poor things, someone has disparaged the name of your GURU Saint DAMO.

Ok... 99.9999% of the time when I give my word to someone I stand by it. This is the 0.0001% of the time. I take back my promise not to alter your quotes anymore. Since you are insistent upon posting stupid crap like this and refuse to stop bitching.... I am going to do it as often as I please. If YOU don't like it, TOUGH.

I also encourage everyone else to do the same to diaperdon... perhaps when he is done crying he will friggin die already.
MY MY MY, You people do have a problem with me don't you ?

even to the point of inplying my death. TOUGH. taint gonna happen for the next twenty years, but I must admit, you are beginning to remond me of the "Lord of the Floes" or "the wild boys of Peter pan" maybe even the Manson Gang. You poor things, someone has disparaged the name of your GURU Saint DAMO.

Holy crap dude. You're off the edge of the map. I suggest you take a break, or go to another board if this place pisses you off so much.

MY MY MY, You people do have a problem with me don't you ?

even to the point of inplying my death. TOUGH. taint gonna happen for the next twenty years, but I must admit, you are beginning to remond me of the "Lord of the Floes" or "the wild boys of Peter pan" maybe even the Manson Gang. You poor things, someone has disparaged the name of your GURU Saint DAMO.

Sometimes, even now, I feel sorry for you. I wish that there was some way to make you happy enough that you didn't feel the need to call me a slut, or follow Damo around and say nasty things about him, or complain about people's thread titles all of the time.

If you would put something just a little bit nicer out here, you'd get it back, really. You don't have to "win a popularity contest". Just don't go out of your way to be so nasty to and about everybody.
MY MY MY, You people do have a problem with me don't you ?

even to the point of inplying my death. TOUGH. taint gonna happen for the next twenty years, but I must admit, you are beginning to remond me of the "Lord of the Floes" or "the wild boys of Peter pan" maybe even the Manson Gang. You poor things, someone has disparaged the name of your GURU Saint DAMO.

I'm not a "disparager" of you.
Sometimes, even now, I feel sorry for you. I wish that there was some way to make you happy enough that you didn't feel the need to call me a slut, or follow Damo around and say nasty things about him, or complain about people's thread titles all of the time.

If you would put something just a little bit nicer out here, you'd get it back, really. You don't have to "win a popularity contest". Just don't go out of your way to be so nasty to and about everybody.
Look who's talking aboit being nasty. DUH
Thank YOU, now will you please change me? I have been looking for someone to help me, but everyone here is a Jackass, yet I keep coming back hoping beyond all hope that someone will agree with me. Now that I have found you, I will be your bestest friend forever if only you would change me.

I know...but if you can just put aside the evilness and general slutiness of the messenger, and take a look at the message.

Jesus said that's what people should do.
I beleive Jesus was right, but you don't do that.
What is really comical about this is that you say absolutely nothing of merit, offer no fruitfull conversations, and then you complain about what I do? or try to change the impetus. rediculous. The Freak in your tag seems quite accurate.
Seriously doniston, take a look in the mirror. People do not want to hear your constant complaining. Do not worry, I shall smite you just as soon as Lucifer and I get done deciding who gets stuck with you afterwards.

LOL That should be epic!
LOL That should be epic!

Well at this stage we have come to two conclusions....

1) It is not fair to humans to leave him on earth much longer


2) Neither of us wants him

At this point I have told Luci that he gets him and guess what happens... NOW luci wants to reform... "find Jesus" and all.... just to avoid getting stuck with that cranky old bastard. Jesus got a good laugh out of that.