To Answer, Or Not To Answer . . . That Is The Question.


Verified User
The Supreme Court is certainly engaging in a conspiracy to defeat the citizenship question:

It’s another dirty little secret that, for the first time, is being called out openly by some even as the far-left media continues to work to hide the truth from the American people.

Congressional districts are allocated by CITIZEN population based upon the 10-year census. That’s why Democrats and the media are now so opposed to having a citizen question included in the census. They don’t want Americans to know how many illegals are directly influencing the U.S. government. These millions of illegals are canceling out the votes of citizens and reshaping Congress, meaning those illegals are creating a Congress that works for them and not for you. If you’re okay with this go ahead and move on. If you think this is a serious breach of representative democracy then you would do well to share this information with others. Remember how much the Democrats and far-left media cried foul over some Russian social media election cycle posts? They called it an attack on America. And yet these same Democrats and far-left media openly advocate for millions of illegals voting in our elections and influencing seats in Congress.

That’s insane.

Did You Know Democrats Are Packing Congressional Seats Via Millions Of Non-Citizen Votes?
Posted on July 7, 2019 by DCWhispers

Hamlet gave me the answer to the citizenship question Chief Justice John Roberts waylaid.

Print the citizenship question on the 2020 census forms. If the SCOTUS rules in favor of illegal aliens the government can blanket the airwaves with a public service announcement. “Leave the question blank.”

In the unlikely event the Supreme Court upholds the Constitution the question must be answered. If the question remains unanswered on the forms filed by offenders they go to the shredder posthaste.

p.s. Even Hamlet would have no trouble making up his mind on this one:

Will the Supreme Court ever admit that illegal aliens are not protected by the Constitutional?

The answer is NO to everybody with an ounce of commonsense.
The census counting all the citizens does not confer them with the right to vote. Do you know non-citizens cannot vote? The rightys are actually stupid enough to believe they can. That is amazing and tells you so much about them as a group. It explains Trump. ttps://
Will the Supreme Court ever admit that illegal aliens are not protected by the Constitutional?

The answer is NO to everybody with an ounce of commonsense.

will lower intelligent life forms, like liberals and conservatives, ever admit that the constitution isn't about defining who has rights and who doesn't, but about defining the scope of the federal governments powers and it's limitations of those powers????/

all people have rights, not just Americans, have rights, otherwise we could simply kill, rape, kidnap, and enslave any non american citizen we wanted to..........
The census counting all the citizens does not confer them with the right to vote. Do you know non-citizens cannot vote? The rightys are actually stupid enough to believe they can. That is amazing and tells you so much about them as a group. It explains Trump. ttps://
will lower intelligent life forms, like liberals and conservatives, ever admit that the constitution isn't about defining who has rights and who doesn't, but about defining the scope of the federal governments powers and it's limitations of those powers????/

all people have rights, not just Americans, have rights, otherwise we could simply kill, rape, kidnap, and enslave any non american citizen we wanted to..........

Why do you support illegals being where they don't belong?
an irrelevant question to the premise at hand................just because they are here illegally does not deprive them of basic and fundamental human rights.

Not irrelevant at all especially when you include them in those you claim have rights.

Would you say eating is a fundamental human right?
Not irrelevant at all especially when you include them in those you claim have rights.

Would you say eating is a fundamental human right?

yes, because to survive, one has to eat. survival is a basic and fundamental human right. criminals, ALL criminals, have rights.
yes, because to survive, one has to eat. survival is a basic and fundamental human right. criminals, ALL criminals, have rights.

If that was true, anyone could go into a restaurant, eat a meal, then claim they didn't have to pay because they had a right to the food.

Again, why do you support illegals being in the country?
If that was true, anyone could go into a restaurant, eat a meal, then claim they didn't have to pay because they had a right to the food.

Again, why do you support illegals being in the country?

why do idiots always jump to hyperbole. just because one has a right to eat does NOT mean you have a right to the product or property of others. you KNOW this, but choose idiocy to try and prove yourself right when you've been shown to be wrong.
why do idiots always jump to hyperbole. just because one has a right to eat does NOT mean you have a right to the product or property of others. you KNOW this, but choose idiocy to try and prove yourself right when you've been shown to be wrong.

If you claim someone has a right to eat and because they don't have the money to pay for it you deny them food, you've denied them that right. That's why you lefties push to have so many things considered as rights. Someone else can then be forced to provide it to you.

You haven't shown anything but that you're a goddamn coward.

Tell me again how being in the military makes you a tough guy. I need another laugh.
will lower intelligent life forms, like liberals and conservatives, ever admit that the constitution isn't about defining who has rights and who doesn't, but about defining the scope of the federal governments powers and it's limitations of those powers????/

To SmarterthanYou: Those enumerated powers include who can come into this country. There is no limitation on sending illegal aliens back to their homelands as fast as they are picked up.

all people have rights, not just Americans, have rights,

To SmarterthanYou: Illegal aliens have no constitutional Rights.

Will the Supreme Court ever admit that illegal aliens are not protected by the Constitutional?

The answer is NO to everybody with an ounce of commonsense.

Note that citizens in foreign countries are not protected by the U.S. Constitution, nor does the Constitution protect illegal aliens after they are deported. That is why the New World Order crowd invented the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Bottom line: If that garbage takes hold, the United Nations will order the U.S. Military to enforce those non-existent Rights more rigorously than the federal government enforces the original Bill of Rights.

otherwise we could simply kill, rape, kidnap, and enslave any non american citizen we wanted to..........

To SmarterthanYou: “WE” means you. Decent Americans do not commit such crimes, nor do Americans threaten such acts. In fact, the homelands illegal aliens come from do not do such things.

In short: Millions of immigrants invading this country mainly consist of economic refugees falsely claiming political asylum. Everything that is happening to our national border is being engineered by the United Nations. Every tragedy is carefully orchestrated for three reasons:

1. Television mouths constantly wailing about the children.

2. Democrat scum constantly wailing about racism.

3. The political power and influence of the global government crowd.
If you claim someone has a right to eat and because they don't have the money to pay for it you deny them food, you've denied them that right. That's why you lefties push to have so many things considered as rights. Someone else can then be forced to provide it to you.
so what you're telling us is that you have absolutely no clue about how property rights work, aren't you? you also appear to be saying that there is no right to eat.............which means the government could just put someone in a cage and then never feed them, right? is that what you're trying to say?
To SmarterthanYou: Those enumerated powers include who can come into this country. There is no limitation on sending illegal aliens back to their homelands as fast as they are picked up.
I have never denied that as a governmental power.

To SmarterthanYou: Illegal aliens have no constitutional Rights.
completely incorrect, or as i stated earlier we could just execute, kidnap, rape, or enslave any illegal that comes across the border because they have no rights............

Note that citizens in foreign countries are not protected by the U.S. Constitution, nor does the Constitution protect illegal aliens after they are deported. That is why the New World Order crowd invented the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
i'm not talking about people in foreign countries, i'm specifically talking about people within the borders of the USA, whose constitution directs the federal government to act in a certain way.

Bottom line: If that garbage takes hold, the United Nations will order the U.S. Military to enforce those non-existent Rights more rigorously than the federal government enforces the original Bill of Rights.
that's complete idiocy. read above.

To SmarterthanYou: “WE” means you. Decent Americans do not commit such crimes, nor do Americans threaten such acts. In fact, the homelands illegal aliens come from do not do such things.
don't presume to be all high and mighty 'moral police' when you're sitting here advocating that illegals also have no rights........NO RIGHTS..........think about that, if you have the logical ability to do so.
You haven't shown anything but that you're a goddamn coward.

Tell me again how being in the military makes you a tough guy. I need another laugh.

and yet, here I am.........killing it and you with knowledge you should already know............cowardly cuck cop sucker
The census counting all the citizens does not confer them with the right to vote. Do you know non-citizens cannot vote?

They cannot vote in federal elections but some localities allow non-citizens (not illegals) to vote. It was seriously considered in NY a couple of years ago.
which means the government could just put someone in a cage and then never feed them, right? is that what you're trying to say?

To SmarterthanYou: How about letting them move in with you and your kind!

I have never denied that as a governmental power.

To SmarterthanYou: I never said you did.

Your position on Rights for illegal aliens does deny the president’s CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to send illegals back to their homelands. President Eisenhower did it before Democrats could stop him:

In 1954, Ike appointed retired Gen. Joseph "Jumpin' Joe" Swing, a former West Point classmate and veteran of the 101st Airborne, as the new INS commissioner.

Influential politicians, including Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D) of Texas and Sen. Pat McCarran (D) of Nevada, favored open borders, and were dead set against strong border enforcement, Brownell said. But General Swing's close connections to the president shielded him – and the Border Patrol – from meddling by powerful political and corporate interests.

Incidentally, preserving, protecting, and defending the country against millions of parasites demanding free stuff is supported by the presidential oath of office:

US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

NOTE: Not one touchy-feely freak ever offers to pay for all of that free stuff out of their own pockets. Naturally, forcing everybody else to pick up the tab is the moral thing to do.

don't presume to be all high and mighty 'moral police' when you're sitting here advocating that illegals also have no rights........NO RIGHTS..........think about that, if you have the logical ability to do so.

To SmarterthanYou: Defending national sovereignty against foreigners invading this country is all all about self-defense. It is you and your kind that always claim moral superiority whenever you cannot get what you want legally. The stuff you and your kind always preach whenever the Constitution stands in your way is moral horseshit.