To Answer, Or Not To Answer . . . That Is The Question.

so what you're telling us is that you have absolutely no clue about how property rights work, aren't you? you also appear to be saying that there is no right to eat.............which means the government could just put someone in a cage and then never feed them, right? is that what you're trying to say?

You're confused. You claim eating is an absolute right yet now appear to be saying it is not. Which one is it? If it is an absolute right as you claim, stopping someone from taking your food without your permission would mean you are restricting what you said is something that shouldn't be done.

Do you really have an argument or are you simply running your dick sucker because no one will listen to your nonsense? Decide and let me know.
To SmarterthanYou: How about letting them move in with you and your kind!

To SmarterthanYou: I never said you did.

Your position on Rights for illegal aliens does deny the president’s CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to send illegals back to their homelands. President Eisenhower did it before Democrats could stop him:

In 1954, Ike appointed retired Gen. Joseph "Jumpin' Joe" Swing, a former West Point classmate and veteran of the 101st Airborne, as the new INS commissioner.

Influential politicians, including Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D) of Texas and Sen. Pat McCarran (D) of Nevada, favored open borders, and were dead set against strong border enforcement, Brownell said. But General Swing's close connections to the president shielded him – and the Border Patrol – from meddling by powerful political and corporate interests.

Incidentally, preserving, protecting, and defending the country against millions of parasites demanding free stuff is supported by the presidential oath of office:

US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

NOTE: Not one touchy-feely freak ever offers to pay for all of that free stuff out of their own pockets. Naturally, forcing everybody else to pick up the tab is the moral thing to do.

To SmarterthanYou: Defending national sovereignty against foreigners invading this country is all all about self-defense. It is you and your kind that always claim moral superiority whenever you cannot get what you want legally. The stuff you and your kind always preach whenever the Constitution stands in your way is moral horseshit.

more idiocy and hyperbole.................and always going to the 'your kind' bullshit. ALL people have rights, deal with it. even the deportation process affords due process rights.
You're confused. You claim eating is an absolute right yet now appear to be saying it is not. Which one is it?
You are the one confused. You seem to think that because a person has ONE right, that supercedes the rights of all others. which is obviously a manifestation of your idiocy

If it is an absolute right as you claim, stopping someone from taking your food without your permission would mean you are restricting what you said is something that shouldn't be done.

Do you really have an argument or are you simply running your dick sucker because no one will listen to your nonsense? Decide and let me know.

I love showing the board what kind of moron you are. read my statement above, cop sucker. YOUR right to eat doesn't give you any right to my property, dumbass.
To SmarterthanYou: Hardly bullshit!

You and your kind speak, think, and act collectively. You and your kind never had an original thought in your collective lives; so it is only fair that I address you collectively.

you're relatively new here, so I can forgive your ignorance at just who I am...............but if you stay long enough, you'll see that I hate everybody, criticize everybody, and damn sure am neither left nor right, but constitutional.
You are the one confused. You seem to think that because a person has ONE right, that supercedes the rights of all others. which is obviously a manifestation of your idiocy

I love showing the board what kind of moron you are. read my statement above, cop sucker. YOUR right to eat doesn't give you any right to my property, dumbass.

When you claimed eating is a fundamental human right, it meant that it was absolute. By absolute, it means you can do it without restriction.

Your problem is you make claims using terms for which you're not familiar with the meanings then run from it when expected to support what you claimed.
you're relatively new here, so I can forgive your ignorance at just who I am...............but if you stay long enough, you'll see that I hate everybody, criticize everybody, and damn sure am neither left nor right, but constitutional.

We all know who you are. You're an arrogant piece of shit that claims what he believes is absolutely accurate then uses himself as the source then whines when others don't automatically accepts what he says.

You're also someone that believes it's OK to drive drunk without anyone being able to hold you accountable.

You're also someone that pretends to be a tough guy using his military service to try and intimidate people when the only thing you intimidate is the keyboard where you type.
When you claimed eating is a fundamental human right, it meant that it was absolute. By absolute, it means you can do it without restriction.
that's about as accurate as saying that the right to keep and bear arms means you can kill without restriction. in other words, you're making up bullshit to make yourself feel better about your idiocy

Your problem is you make claims using terms for which you're not familiar with the meanings then run from it when expected to support what you claimed.

your problem is you make claims using terms you KNOW are wrong and contradict each other because you're tired of having your ass kicked by me every fucking day of the week.
you're relatively new here, so I can forgive your ignorance at just who I am

To SmarterthanYou: New here to be sure, but after nineteen years of posting on message boards I can spot you and your kind the first time I get a response.

am neither left nor right, but constitutional.

To SmarterthanYou: So far it has escaped me.

Independents, moderates, progressives, or whatever they go by these days swear they are impartial fence-straddlers defending the Constitution til death do they part, yet every time they fall off their fence they land on the port side. Based on everything you said in my threads you fit the Democrat mold to a T.
To SmarterthanYou: New here to be sure, but after nineteen years of posting on message boards I can spot you and your kind the first time I get a response.

To SmarterthanYou: So far it has escaped me.

Independents, moderates, progressives, or whatever they go by these days swear they are impartial fence-straddlers defending the Constitution til death do they part, yet every time they fall off their fence they land on the port side. Based on everything you said in my threads you fit the Democrat mold to a T.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ok go with that.
that's about as accurate as saying that the right to keep and bear arms means you can kill without restriction. in other words, you're making up bullshit to make yourself feel better about your idiocy

your problem is you make claims using terms you KNOW are wrong and contradict each other because you're tired of having your ass kicked by me every fucking day of the week.

You're the one that said eating is a fundamental right. It's clear you don't know what fundamental means.

You couldn't kick you own ass but tell me again how having been in the military makes you think you're a tough guy. Those keys on that keyboard must be taking a beating as tough as you are, boy.
You couldn't kick you own ass but tell me again how having been in the military makes you think you're a tough guy. Those keys on that keyboard must be taking a beating as tough as you are, boy.

To CFM: Right on.

Over the years I noticed that Democrats who served in the military always talk tough as though anybody who served is also a liberal America-hater? Vietnam, à la John Kerry, became the strategy message board libs use.

Sad to say, America-haters lining up with the overwhelming majority of men and women who served to the defend their country is very effect. Regardless of how clever they are, this is what Democrats will always be:

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet Union [they] would have remained neutral for the duration. As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of those countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not defeat Germany anyway; so he thought he got a good deal in the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was correct in 1939. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union alone Germany would have won hands down.

American Communists/Socialists began screaming for a second front after“Operation Barbarossa.” Prior to Hitler’s double-cross American Communists switched loyalties fasted than greased lightning.

Had Hitler not stuck it to Old Joe every American Socialist/Communist would have been conscientious objectors throughout WWII.

NOTE: Communist supporters came out of the woodwork to demonstrate for Communism during the Vietnam War.
Never said it meant that. If you think that's what I said, you're as dumb as the typical 85 IQ black.

your dumbass said that if there's a fundamental right to eat, then you could walk in to any restaraunt and help yourself. don't walk it back now, moron.

You're confused. You claim eating is an absolute right yet now appear to be saying it is not. Which one is it? If it is an absolute right as you claim, stopping someone from taking your food without your permission would mean you are restricting what you said is something that shouldn't be done.
your dumbass said that if there's a fundamental right to eat, then you could walk in to any restaraunt and help yourself. don't walk it back now, moron.

You're the one that said eating is a fundamental right. Nowhere did I say it was, boy.

Sad how you misrepresent what someone else says to make yourself feel better. No wonder you received a dishonorable discharge. You're nothing but a dishonorable piece of shit.
You're the one that said eating is a fundamental right. Nowhere did I say it was, boy.

Sad how you misrepresent what someone else says to make yourself feel better. No wonder you received a dishonorable discharge. You're nothing but a dishonorable piece of shit.

you dont undertand fundamental rights. you don't understand much of anything, cuck boy. no wonder you bluster bullshit all the time, you're just a plain cop sucking piece of shit........
you dont undertand fundamental rights. you don't understand much of anything, cuck boy. no wonder you bluster bullshit all the time, you're just a plain cop sucking piece of shit........

It's you that clear doesn't understand them. That's why you claim something is then support things that deny someone something you say they have.

You're just a miserable, dishonorably discharged waste of taxpayer money. Whatever you did to deserve it is on the same level as treason.
It's you that clear doesn't understand them. That's why you claim something is then support things that deny someone something you say they have.
you believing that a fundamental right gives you the power to take property from another tells us all that you're a moron who doesn't understand crap.

You're just a miserable, dishonorably discharged waste of taxpayer money. Whatever you did to deserve it is on the same level as treason.

and this tells us that you need to make up shit to make yourself feel better and manly because your wife likes doing black men.