To our Liberal friends on JPP

Who is it you will attack this time when you lose?

Do remember

This time the cops will draw weapons and shoot you
Who is it you will attack this time when you lose?

Do remember

This time the cops will draw weapons and shoot you
Agreed about cops against Pedo Nazis, White Supremacists and other violent assholes.

OTOH, I expect the Republicans to take the House today but the Senate may be a tossup for a few weeks. Regardless who wins, the margin will be thin...again.

The Republicans will probably impeach Biden in the Spring, but can't convict since they won't have a 2/3s majority.
Agreed about cops against Pedo Nazis, White Supremacists and other violent assholes.

OTOH, I expect the Republicans to take the House today but the Senate may be a tossup for a few weeks. Regardless who wins, the margin will be thin...again.

The Republicans will probably impeach Biden in the Spring, but can't convict since they won't have a 2/3s majority.

Good they should spend every day of the next 2 years impeaching that lying child groping retarded bastard
The Republican money manufactured polls to skew the perception of the swing up in voters

They know they are losing

They manufactured the “red wave” by producing gamed polls

They were trying to get fewer voters to show up and vote

And AGAIN when it all melts away like the bullshit it is

They can gin up election stealing crap again

This is Why the polls are all over the place
Agreed about cops against Pedo Nazis, White Supremacists and other violent assholes.

OTOH, I expect the Republicans to take the House today but the Senate may be a tossup for a few weeks. Regardless who wins, the margin will be thin...again.

The Republicans will probably impeach Biden in the Spring, but can't convict since they won't have a 2/3s majority.

Doubt impeachment. Republican majority won't be huge and there should be enough members to oppose the vote knowing acquittal in the Senate is certain and for that reason getting heat from GOP Senators not to force them to go through with the futility of it.
I'm not a liberal - but I've definitely been through elections that didn't go the way I want. I think most Americans have.

And it's okay. That's democracy. If the people you want to win end up losing, you just move on to the next one. That last part is good advice for everyone, btw.
Doubt impeachment. Republican majority won't be huge and there should be enough members to oppose the vote knowing acquittal in the Senate is certain and for that reason getting heat from GOP Senators not to force them to go through with the futility of it.

There's a difference between impeachment and conviction. Pelosi resisted impeaching Trump over Ukraine because she could do the math. However, the new radical lefties elected in the 2018 Mid-terms* pushed her into it with the threat of losing her Speaker position.

I expect the same will happen this time around on the Republican side. McCarthy is already downplaying impeachment for the same reason as Pelosi: they don't have the numbers. However, with all the RW wackadoodles being elected, all screaming for Biden's impeachment, I suspect he'll succumb to their demands by Spring/Summer.

*the irony being it was done with Trump's help as he got rid of anyone opposing him. Note that the Democrats may have shot themselves in the foot by supporting RW election deniers and now facing the prospect of seeing those idiots elected to Congress.
There's a difference between impeachment and conviction. Pelosi resisted impeaching Trump over Ukraine because she could do the math. However, the new radical lefties elected in the 2018 Mid-terms* pushed her into it with the threat of losing her Speaker position.

I expect the same will happen this time around on the Republican side. McCarthy is already downplaying impeachment for the same reason as Pelosi: they don't have the numbers. However, with all the RW wackadoodles being elected, all screaming for Biden's impeachment, I suspect he'll succumb to their demands by Spring/Summer.

*the irony being it was done with Trump's help as he got rid of anyone opposing him. Note that the Democrats may have shot themselves in the foot by supporting RW election deniers and now facing the prospect of seeing those idiots elected to Congress.
Election deniers.

Muh Russia.

Member dat?
Election deniers.

Muh Russia.

Member dat?

Russia interferes in our elections. Remember that, Lig? Are you really going to side with Putin on this???
Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election
The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In
June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that
Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks
that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month.
Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in
October and November.
Good they should spend every day of the next 2 years impeaching that lying child groping retarded bastard

Thanks for proving, once again, you're not only a triggered geezer, but a triggered wackadoodle.

Did you ever condemn Trump for his pedophilia? No, you haven't. In fact, have you ever condemned Trump for anything? I doubt it.

Biden is lame, but I doubt he's a criminal. He's a one-term President. The only reason he was nominated is that the Democrats are so fucked up, they had no one who was closer to being able to win a national election.

The only reason the Democrats are babbling now about running him again is because they have no one better. Regardless, he won't run again even if he wanted to do so. Jill wouldn't have it. Unlike Pedo Don, Sleepy Joe is a family man. He believes in family first, not personal ego.

FWIW, notice Melania is nowhere to be seen. Why? Because there's no fucking way she's going to go back to DC. Trump may be one of the few bachelors and divorced dads to run for President.

Do you really think Trump can beat DeSantis?
Actually, don't.....

Roofs are great sniper positions.
