To our Liberal friends on JPP

This is another divisive post from someone who claims not to be divisive. Sorry to disappoint you LIG, astute people know midterm elections are usually lost by the majority in control. I won’t be jumping off any roof, and I don’t think the majority of non Trumpers will be, either. You have a nice day.

Just stop. You support a party that is all about derision, division and failure. Run along little brain-dead thread trolling dumbass. :palm:
You got to give a life pal, we have all lived thru elections we like, plus those we hate, and there will be another next year, and the year after that, etc., if your day is defined by an election, you go to get out more, lot more

Shrill, delusional, repugnant lying leftist asshole says what? :laugh:
To be frank, I don't give a damn if they walk out on roofs or in the middle of traffic. Or if the libtards here walk out in the ocean in a storm and get sucked out to sea.

They didn't a shit when they were forcing citizens to get a jab or live under a bridge.

Now, I don't care what happens to them. They deserve it.


Same here. :thumbsup:
To be frank, I don't give a damn if they walk out on roofs or in the middle of traffic. Or if the libtards here walk out in the ocean in a storm and get sucked out to sea.

They didn't a shit when they were forcing citizens to get a jab or live under a bridge.

Now, I don't care what happens to them. They deserve it.


I am actually going to the theater tonight, stopping by my favorite Irish pub for a few pints beforehand, and tomorrow when I arise the world will pretty much look like the world today, although I will at some point check out this forum for the humor
Tell yourself whatever gets you to sleep at night.

People are angry and fed-up and all the whitewashing in the world can't change it.
As you once stated, no need to be divisive, no need to wish harm on others. There have always been opposing points of view on issues, but now people wish to resolve it with violence against those who don’t agree with them. It’s not my way of dealing with issues, I once believed you thought the same way, seems you’ve changed your way of thinking.

I sleep just fine, because I live by the code of doing no harm, nor do I wish harm.
Indeed you are. Sad you have no self-awareness. Now run along thread trolling dipshit. :laugh:
Just stop. You support a party that is all about derision, division and failure. Run along little brain-dead thread trolling dumbass. :palm:
Shrill, delusional, repugnant lying leftist asshole says what? :laugh:

To be frank, I don't give a damn if they walk out on roofs or in the middle of traffic. Or if the libtards here walk out in the ocean in a storm and get sucked out to sea.

They didn't a shit when they were forcing citizens to get a jab or live under a bridge.

Now, I don't care what happens to them. They deserve it.

I guess it sucks to be you today, as you once told another divisive poster.
The only thing I see coming ashore in a wave is a SHIT TON OF TRASHY GARBAGE that we will all end up having to clean up in the next election!

Doubt impeachment. Republican majority won't be huge and there should be enough members to oppose the vote knowing acquittal in the Senate is certain and for that reason getting heat from GOP Senators not to force them to go through with the futility of it.

Thanks. That's my take on this whole RED WAVE/BLUE RESISTANCE nonsense. If the (R)s win a majority it will be scant, and ditto for the (D)s. Either way, nothing that benefits the American citizens will pass in the next two years. Well, maybe a plaque or two honoring some forgotten no-one.
This is another divisive post from someone who claims not to be divisive. Sorry to disappoint you LIG, astute people know midterm elections are usually lost by the majority in control. I won’t be jumping off any roof, and I don’t think the majority of non Trumpers will be, either. You have a nice day.

Yep, for example I remember Obama saying in 2010 that the Dems got a shellacking, yet he went on to win a 2nd term in 2012.