To our Liberal friends on JPP

Information management plus emotional manipulation works, as it is spelled out in the the front section of The Abusers Handbook.
Like I said from the beginning, I didn't vote for Oz in the primary, but the thought of Fetterman representing this state is dismal.

As I said from the jump if it is anywhere near close the Failed Elite Class will get the D proclaimed the winner....the Revolution rarely fails to accomplish the mission, which is why America is going down the tubes.
Awww... Mastriano just lost in PA. Score another point for democracy. I sure hope ExcessPain doesn't jump off a roof!
Yah, I know buddy. Sorry your "red wave" was so low flow. You can "downgrade" to a thinner panty shield now.

People I disagree with were elected. It is what it is. Like I said, I'm not changing or giving up anything I do now.
People I disagree with were elected. It is what it is. Like I said, I'm not changing or giving up anything I do now.

I wasn't planning on asking you to give anything up, unless you're defending the "stolen election" propaganda, your vote is as relevant as mine.