To our Liberal friends on JPP

Yes, and there were Republican wins in your state also, some very good Republicans I might add, so it was not all that bad for you.

Your state has the best NFL team this year.

Look at what happened in my redneck state last night!

We Democrats in Texas took an ass-whooping! But we knew it was going to happen- and had time to prepare for it.

Yeah, our local reps are good.

The Steelers? We ain't doin' so good!
Oh, you mean the Eagles. They have
been kickik' ass so far this year Fly...

I saw. Maybe they are sick and tired
of all the illegals flooding in and Biden
isn't doing anything to stop them. Oh,
maybe if he didn't allow all those dirty
asylum seekers to wander all over the
country. How many don't speak English?
Well, I have to give you "props" for even debating today. Your other trumpworld friends are strangely silent today.

I am an old white guy. I can debate, too. They are here, although Legion is missing (but I'm sure he's lurking around somewhere).
Yeah, our local reps are good.

The Steelers? We ain't doin' so good!
Oh, you mean the Eagles. They have
been kickik' ass so far this year Fly...

I saw. Maybe they are sick and tired
of all the illegals flooding in and Biden
isn't doing anything to stop them. Oh,
maybe if he didn't allow all those dirty
asylum seekers to wander all over the
country. How many don't speak English?

No one is gonna' keep the Steelers down for long! I see a lot of bright spots on this team.

Quarterback transitions take a little time for things to start clicking on every cylinder. And Big Ben's were some pretty damn hard shoes to fill right thar!
No one is gonna' keep the Steelers down for long! I see a lot of bright spots on this team.

Quarterback transitions take a little time for things to start clicking on every cylinder. And Big Ben's were some pretty damn hard shoes to fill right thar!

Yes, the Steelers won't be down long. We have some good players...if they can stay healthy. I'd say this is a transition year and may not be a winning season.

I like this new kid at QB. He needs to learn. Ben's first year wasn't that good, so I'm optimistic that this kid will be just fine. And the fans like him, so that's gonna help his motivation.
Please don't go on any roofs today. Stay safe.
This didn't age well already. :rofl2:
Agreed, since it's more likely a Trumper will throw themselves off a roof than a Democrat.

The Red Wave turned into a ripple with a couple drips left to play out. What will Kevin McCarthy have to give up to become Speaker of a House with such a narrow majority? He wants to be Speaker to set his place in history but the history books will list him as an ineffectual loser who held a small margin for a couple years.

The radicals will force him to impeach Biden under threat of firing him so he'll agree to do it. I expect some impeachment proceedings by next Spring or Summer. Crazy, yes, but that's the circus many Americans will carry in their memory a year later.

So the election did not turn out the way you were fully expecting.

Reports are that Trump is screaming in fury.

All I hoped for was wrestling control from the wicked witch of the west. Mission accomplished

You people are obsessed with the man
Agreed, since it's more likely a Trumper will throw themselves off a roof than a Democrat.

The Red Wave turned into a ripple with a couple drips left to play out. What will Kevin McCarthy have to give up to become Speaker of a House with such a narrow majority? He wants to be Speaker to set his place in history but the history books will list him as an ineffectual loser who held a small margin for a couple years.

The radicals will force him to impeach Biden under threat of firing him so he'll agree to do it. I expect some impeachment proceedings by next Spring or Summer. Crazy, yes, but that's the circus many Americans will carry in their memory a year later.


What hope is there for a country that has even one district willing to have someone like this classless bitch represent it in its Congress?
What hope is there for a country that has even one district willing to have someone like this classless bitch represent it in its Congress?

Diversity. Isn't that part of the Democratic slogan? LOL

I really am looking forward to the circus. I think it will be part of a catharsis for the American people. A learning point. I have the highest faith most people will choose to do the right thing and, in the end, Americans will become better for it. It's a process.
Oh? Texan now huh? Welcome to our beautiful REDNECK state!

Your official inititiation is- you have to eat a red jalapeno whole, chase it down with a Double shot of Tequila, pee on a tree, and take your AR-15 out into the woods, and don't come back till you kill something on the endangered wildlife list!

Don't worry, every man woman and child Texan has to do this!

Good Luck! :laugh:
That's what Bronx NY boy scout troop has to do to get their first patch.