To our Liberal friends on JPP

Good they should spend every day of the next 2 years impeaching that lying child groping retarded bastard

There is no way they will impeach anyone. their majority is going to be so small they won't have enough ignorant jackasses to even try.
There is no way they will impeach anyone. their majority is going to be so small they won't have enough ignorant jackasses to even try.

Yep, this almost certainly takes that off the table. A single digit majority won't have the votes.
Anyone besides me curious about TD's sporadic, rapid-fire posting style? He posts for a day or two, disappears for 3-4 days then returns.

Do you miss me dipshit? Unlike you, I have a fabulous life and have been in Canada visiting my newborn granddaughter. Politics is secondary to most everything else. But it's precious how you miss me.

Carry on snowflake. :laugh:
Do you miss me dipshit? Unlike you, I have a fabulous life and have been in Canada visiting my newborn granddaughter. Politics is secondary to most everything else. But it's precious how you miss me.

Carry on snowflake. :laugh:

No, geezer, just curious. I'm always curious when JPP's wacky science-deniers, angry geezers and/or elderly demented go MIA. To be perfectly honest, I'm curious when any active member of JPP goes MIA. I like numbers and like keeping count. LOL

You're free to claim Joe Biden is a socialist coke-snorting pedophile and that you have a "fabulous life". In my experience hateful people either have hateful lives or they are sadists who shouldn't be trusted by anyone. Liars lie and should never be trusted either. Sure, we all lie a bit, but chronic angry liars are unreliable. Never trust them.

Back in the last century and before 9/11, I was on a large Texas ultralight forum where we all knew each other. Every once in a while, one member ended up dead. Lots of lamentations, but in most cases, although often unsaid out of respect for the dead, it was known by most that it was only a matter of time because the person was an idiot.*

More tragic are those who were good, safe and intelligent pilots. Usually the latter's deaths weren't their fault. Idiots killed themselves out of stupidity....a point of disagreement I have with Democrats who want to protect the idiots. LOL

In cases of good pilots, it was often another pilot (an idiot), an idiot mechanic or some other uncontrollable factor which killed them. Sometimes they did fuck up, but there were always extenuating factors. I've been lucky a few times myself, but learned from my mistakes. Idiots rarely, if ever, learn from their mistakes.

Although you don't strike me as evil, per se, you are a very angry person and you viciously attack anyone who disagrees with you because, IMO, you are weak and dying. This scares you and you build yourself up by being vicious. The alternative is you are a sociopath.

My experiences have taught me to identify who can be completely trusted, who can be trusted within limits and those who cannot be relied upon at all. You fall into the latter group, TD. Not because you are old, but because your attitude is selfish and hateful. Such people are angry and cannot be relied upon to have good judgement.

*After a while, I started becoming more vocal about who was most likely to kill themselves out of stupidity. Obviously some, like you, disliked me for it. C'est la vie! God only expects us to do our best.
How so halfwit? It takes zero bravery to come to a tiny political blog. :palm:

Zero wits too as you prove daily, geezer. LOL

Please tell me again how happy and successful you are to come to this "tiny political blog" and spread your venom. This isn't the only one, is it, "grandpa". You spend all day doing drivebys on other forums, dontcha?

I'm guessing you belong to at least 2-3 more forums upon which you post daily. You seem the type.