To Republicans past and present. Why are/were you a republican?
What drew you in?
What was it about the party that made you vote for them?
I suspect the only answer you will accept is “I hate black people and want to bring back slavery”
So why don’t you go with that
No other answer will satisfy you
What drew you in?
What was it about the party that made you vote for them?
At age 18, I was influenced by my father and older relatives, who were immigrants who had direct and adverse experiences with totalitarian Soviet and Chinese communism. On top of that, they came from a socially conservative, orthodox background which was generally not consistent with some of the liberal, free-thinking, secular traditions that came out of the 1960s.
My father was convinced that the Republican Party was more committed to resisting Soviet communism - and I went along with it. I am probably one of the few people here who have cast a vote for Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.
As I got older, wiser, and more experienced, I realized that the Republican Party, especially beginning in the late 80s and early 90s, was becoming a Reactionary rightwing party beholden to our corporate overlords and fully willing to make common cause with racists and bigots. I wanted no part of that. The progressive John Andersons and Lowell Wickers of the party simply ceased to exist.
The modern Republican party is the party of George Dumbya Bush, Sarah Palin, and Donald J. Trump. There is not a thoughtful, tolerant, and free-thinking person alive today who could possibly be comfortable with that.
Didn't learn a damned thing all those years and grew more intolerant and ignorant.
Yo seriously dumb dimwit; he didn't ask what made you leave the Republicans. Liberals are the most pathetic dense people on the planet.
.Democrats now more educated than Republicans, Pew survey finds
According to a Pew Research Center poll released this week, Democrats are now the party of college graduates, especially those with post-graduate work.
Meanwhile, people with a high-school degree or less, by far the larger group, slightly lean toward Republicans.
What drew you in?
What was it about the party that made you vote for them?
What drew you in?
What was it about the party that made you vote for them?
Democrats now more educated than Republicans, Pew survey finds
According to a Pew Research Center poll released this week, Democrats are now the party of college graduates, especially those with post-graduate work.
Meanwhile, people with a high-school degree or less, by far the larger group, slightly lean toward Republicans.
Carter vs. Ford. Ford was far better.
Reagan vs. Carter. No contest there.
Reagan vs. Mondale. Mondale wasn't a bad candidate, actually probably one of the better dems in my lifetime, but Reagan had been doing a very good job.
Bush Sr. vs. Dukakis. I knew nothing about Dukakis. Bush Sr. seemed OK .
Clinton vs. Bush Sr. I considered BJ to be a low class white trash scalawag typical of Southern democrat politicians of that time (I grew up in Louisiana, google Edwin Edwards). Turned out I was right.
Bob Dole vs. Clinton. See above ^
Then I left the party. Or should I say the party left me.
As far as local politics I don't vote along party lines although lately dims seem hell bent on catering to public inebriates, criminals and ensuring lifetime wealth for muni employees that put in 20 yrs with no advanced education.
I was in the military when Reagan was giving us good pay raises, but I was too young to understand politics. Most of the higher ranking folks pushed the younger and newer military members towards voting Republican since Republicans were giving us better raises at that time.
After the 2014 midterms where the landslide Repub victory gave us a bunch of Repubs that wouldn't follow through on what I voted for, I knew I was done voting for Repubs, but I also knew that I wouldn't be voting Democrat either. This was the perfect storm for Trump to hijack the Repub platform, since he was fighting both the establishment Repubs that I was so angry with, AND the Democrats. It was like a completely different party, and Trump was killing two birds with one campaign. I only voted Repub this last time around because I wanted to see Trump beat both parties.
If many felt like you do and had abandoned the Republican Party for ideological purity, Hillary would be the one choosing Supreme Court Justices right now instead of Trump.
I want you to think about that and let is soak in for a moment.
If many felt like you do and had abandoned the Republican Party for ideological purity, Hillary would be the one choosing Supreme Court Justices right now instead of Trump.
I want you to think about that and let is soak in for a moment.
No, they are not. You can cling to that pile of stupid if it helps you to sleep at night snowflake. But I would argue that anyone who argues FOR Government welfare and dependency isn't smart at all. They are naive and really quite ignorant of economists, history and human psychology.
You are actually way too feeble and mind-numbingly boring for me to waste my valuable time on. Bye.
I am glad you asked that question. I began life in my youth being very liberal. Then, as I got older and went to college to study sociology, business and economics, and learned much more about our founders beliefs and the Constitution, I realized that liberalism was based on a lie.
What is that lie you might ask? The lie that Government should provide for the people. This is exactly what our founders feared the most and, I believe, why they stated that America's demise would not come from outside of her borders, but from within. The insidious ideology of the liberal left that argues that we should trust Government to protect us and provide for us which breeds professional politicians who realize that with low information voters, they can get and stay elected by promising them stuff extracted by the government from others who "have too much."
Our Democratically controlled urban sewers are a small microcosm of the result these policies would bring to the rest of the country. Our founders didn't trust the voters, therefore, the electoral college. Our founders didn't trust politicians, therefore, the idea of a PART time legislature.
I realized that the Democratic Party was morphing into everything our founders warned us against. It's end game is a Marxist Fascism where the Government controls everything of importance and controls what is considered politically correct speech.
While the Republicans have not had a stellar record, they still represent much closer, the original intent of our founders. Therefore, I tend to vote Republican. The ultimate goal of Conservatism should be to prevent the left from gaining political power and putting their anti-Constitutionalists on the Supreme Court. The left cannot win honestly anywhere it runs; therefore, it turns to dishonest jurists who attempt to legislate from the bench.
That is why I seldom vote Independent even when there are times they are not lunatics and actually make Constitutional sense.
I believe that individuals do much better when they are educated and independent with a limited Government and have choices in a free market. I believe that a Government that is limited to defending our nation, our borders, creates and defends our laws and copyrights and patents is best for the people.
Liberals will argue that they care more when they create dependency on Government handouts. I say they are creating slaves and nourishing poverty and societal decline. History is littered with the failure of the Liberal progressive ideology; why anyone would foolishly believe it is a good thing defies commons sense, intelligence and logic.
That, is what drew me into the party.