Normally, grocery stores are defenselessness zones, of the type that leftists promulgate throughout the country so that law-abiding citizens remain defenseless before violent crime. Leftists like violence and death for some reason, especially when the victims are law-abiding citizens, and relish the thought that the executed has never expressed any desire to die. This is why leftists are forever attacking the 2nd Amendment, forever trying to confiscate the firearms of law-abiding citizens and forever establishing defenselessness zones wherever people congregate.
The icing on the cake is that if any law-abiding citizen should feel uneasy about being herded into a defenselessness zone, the leftists ask condescendingly "Is there a reason why you don't already feel safe in a [insert otherwise innoccuous location]?" If the idea of preferring the protection of firearms is ever mentioned, the leftists respond with "How the hell does complete strangers packing heat make you feel safe? You don't know them. You gun nuts are just weird."
So the short answer is: Fuck you stupid, leftist gun-cravens who need to render law-abiding citizens defenseless before violent crime just because the only way you can get any happiness in your miserable lives is to impose misery and death onto others.