Today at the grocery store

Yes, you are. You are a gun craven and an intellectual coward. It explains why you need others to do your thinking for you. Not only do you find thinking for yourself to be too much work, it frankly terrifies you. It's better to let others tell you what to believe and how to think, and then you can blame others for "disagreeing."

I bet you've always been an idiot. Did you notice how, at no time, are you ever able to justify your cowardly need to render law-abiding citizens defenseless? You can't justify any of your leftist positions. You are too stupid to apply any critical reasoning and to formulate a genuine opinion that you can justify. You make it easy to mock the shit out of you.


Yes, you are. You are a gun craven and an intellectual coward. It explains why you need others to do your thinking for you. Not only do you find thinking for yourself to be too much work, it frankly terrifies you. It's better to let others tell you what to believe and how to think, and then you can blame others for "disagreeing."

I bet you've always been an idiot. Did you notice how, at no time, are you ever able to justify your cowardly need to render law-abiding citizens defenseless? You can't justify any of your leftist positions. You are too stupid to apply any critical reasoning and to formulate a genuine opinion that you can justify. You make it easy to mock the shit out of you.


So you are a lunatic!

Thanks for sharing!
I saw three people, two men and one woman open carrying firearms.

It made me feel extremely safe.

In Arizona we are also allowed to carry concealed weapons without a permit so who knows how many more had them.

Arizona is the greatest state in the nation.

I have a different perspective, Tink.

Coming from an original state that considers 1912 yesterday,
I see Arizona, to which I've been but once,
to be an insufferable shithole.

As I've already said in this post, it's all a matter of perspective.

Here in Boston, we do need a permit for concealed carry.

Now I carry the permit, but I don't bother with the firearm.

What the hell would I do carrying a gun here in beautiful, idyllic Boston.....
other than put an unattractive bulge in the line of my suit?

We're not the same.
We both know it.
Massachusetts and Arizona DON'T belong in the same republic.
I have a different perspective, Tink.

Coming from an original state that considers 1912 yesterday,
I see Arizona, to which I've been but once,
to be an insufferable shithole.

As I've already said in this post, it's all a matter of perspective.

Here in Boston, we do need a permit for concealed carry.

Now I carry the permit, but I don't bother with the firearm.

What the hell would I do carrying a gun here in beautiful, idyllic Boston.....
other than put an unattractive bulge in the line of my suit?

We're not the same.
We both know it.
Massachusetts and Arizona DON'T belong in the same republic.

You have this in Boston?

I saw three people, two men and one woman open carrying firearms.

It made me feel extremely safe.

In Arizona we are also allowed to carry concealed weapons without a permit so who knows how many more had them.

Arizona is the greatest state in the nation.

Would you feel less safe if it was three black people carrying firearms in the grocery store? Like what if you saw three ghetto thugs carrying pistols in the freezer aisle?
The first image didn't take but there is a new one.

You can go back and look at it now.

I once stupidly left the beautiful Las Vegas Strip to grab a glance of the Grand Canyon.

It's a huge hole in the ground--a flaw in the earth's surface.

It certainly didn't compare to the colorful lights of the Strip for beauty.

That may be a photo of something else. I'm not a geological expert.
Would you feel less safe if it was three black people carrying firearms in the grocery store? Like what if you saw three ghetto thugs carrying pistols in the freezer aisle?

For me, it would depend on how they were dressed and if they had visible tats I could read. They're in all red or blue, problem. Tats read gangster, problem. Otherwise, maybe a problem, maybe not a problem. All they have is a holstered pistol visible, and not the above, not a problem.

Example. A few years ago I was at a tropical fish store with some of the grandkids. They were picking out some new adds to an aquarium we had at the time. A black guy was in the store, one of several. He alone made me nervous. He was in loose clothes, all red or nearly so. All I could think was "Blood." That he was a gangster and wearing his colors. That's a danger sign. No gun visible, nothing like that, just his attire.

Same would go for bikers in the store wearing colors. What do their colors read, and what do their visible tats say.
It's no use, leftists work tirelessly to achieve tyranny through fear, and that includes demanding a society in which law-abiding women are easily raped, with the option of easily murdering them thereafter. But that can't happen very effectively if women can defend themselves against violent crime. Ergo, leftists become incensed at the image you posted above, i.e. of a woman who cannot be easily dominated by a tyrannical government through fear. The tyrannical government cannot claim to be the messiah-savior to desperate women who fear violent assailants if women are already secure in their persons with full confidence that they can defend themselves. Leftists don't want confident, secure women ... they want groveling, terrified women who will do whatever the government demands of them lest they become brutalized again and again until they submissively comply to the government's orders. Women who support the DNC are either being mind-fucked or are being physically beaten into doing so, becoming the groveling, OBEDIENT women that the DNC desires, women who are totally dependent upon the DNC for everything from permission to go to the bathroom to being told what opinions are authorized to be held.

Once again, the reason that the idea of well armed women is so totally unacceptable to leftists is that leftists need for law abiding women to be able to be easily raped and for law abiding citizens in general to be easily killed or brutalized by violent criminals; hence leftists need for law-abiding citizens to be rendered totally defenseless, not armed, against violent crime.

I've seen plenty of people open carry in restaurants down here.

I know you can't on schools and I believe government buildings and there are some other restrictions also, if you do carry you need to learn the law on it that's for sure.

The right's worship and fascination with guns is just weird. Their purpose is simply to kill people. How can that be regarded as a good thing? Having said that, if I thought I needed a gun I'd get one. I just don't.
We experienced one of those nuts at our Kroger store last year. A little shorty britches man, all dressed in camouflaged pants and a Trump T-shirt with Trump riding a tank, sporting a double holster with 2 pearl handled 45's, and his wife wearing normal clothing came into the store. His wife was shopping up and down the aisles, but her husband was standing at the front of the aisles watching her and everyone else as she shopped up and down the aisles.

I walked past the guy and he starred me in the eye in a very suspicious way. But I just ignored the freak. He stared down a couple of Mexican guys in the same manor, and one of them said to the man, "What are you looking at"? The man put his hand on his gun, and said, "I am looking at you taco man"! Well, the Mexican man went and reported the incident to the store manager.

Within a minute the store manager, a Black man, approached the retard and told him that he couldn't come in the store and threaten or intimidate customers and use racial language in the store, and asked him to leave. The retard said, "I know my rights Nigger, and you can't tell me to leave".:whoa:

Well the store manager just called the police on his cell phone. The Police station is right across the street, so they showed up in less than 3 minutes. Two Policemen came in and the Manager pointed the retard with the guns out, and the police approached the man and asked him to leave the store. As they were in an argument, his wife walked up and just left her basket in the self check-out lanes, proceeded to walk out, and told her husband, "I am getting sick and tired of you getting us thrown out of stores everywhere we go", and he followed her out like a little sheep with his tail between his legs.

WOW! JUST WOW! Never saw anything like this in my life! The shoppers were scared, during all the confrontations this man had with everyone, and who knew whether the man was going to pull his guns out and just start shooting people.:palm:

So, I think you nailed a big part of the hidden rationale of the right's gun culture. It's the trumptard fantasy to intimidate and murder minorities - they consider that heroic. Remember how the trumptards rallied around Rittenhouse and Zimmerman? Killing unarmed minorities is their fantasy. Sick shit.
Normally, grocery stores are defenselessness zones, of the type that leftists promulgate throughout the country so that law-abiding citizens remain defenseless before violent crime. Leftists like violence and death for some reason, especially when the victims are law-abiding citizens, and relish the thought that the executed has never expressed any desire to die. This is why leftists are forever attacking the 2nd Amendment, forever trying to confiscate the firearms of law-abiding citizens and forever establishing defenselessness zones wherever people congregate.

The icing on the cake is that if any law-abiding citizen should feel uneasy about being herded into a defenselessness zone, the leftists ask condescendingly "Is there a reason why you don't already feel safe in a [insert otherwise innoccuous location]?" If the idea of preferring the protection of firearms is ever mentioned, the leftists respond with "How the hell does complete strangers packing heat make you feel safe? You don't know them. You gun nuts are just weird."

So the short answer is: Fuck you stupid, leftist gun-cravens who need to render law-abiding citizens defenseless before violent crime just because the only way you can get any happiness in your miserable lives is to impose misery and death onto others.


Total troll post award.

Total troll post award.
I'll take that as an admission that you can't rebut anything that I posted. That's quite a compliment. Thank you. Imagine how meaningful it would have been if it had come from someone who wasn't "special needs."


Most of the grocery stores in areas like that have armed security guards
Nope. It is not the case that most grocery stores in those areas have armed security guards. Besides, you are just being your typical moron self, trying to make excuses for forcing law-abiding citizens to be defenseless, and you are doing a shitty job. Why don't you offer up an argument to support your position?

Oh, that's right, your position is indefensible, and you're too stupid to be able to express any sort of coherent argument in the first place.

You're a dishonest moron, i.e. the worst kind.

So, why do you find the idea of law-abiding citizens being able to defend themselves so totally unacceptable? Moron.
