Today at the grocery store

Wrong! Each nation has a culture and with that people behave somewhat differently. You can't compare one nation to another in terms of crime really, but rather only to itself. For example, in the US, if suddenly tomorrow every Black in the country disappeared somewhere between a third and half of all US crime would vanish with them. That's a cold, hard, fact.

That chart proves it. While the raw percentage is shown, you have to account for the fact that Blacks make up about 12% of the population.

Here, they account for that partially.

Blacks are 12.5% of the population and commit about a third of all crimes, or roughly triple the amount in proportion to their presence in society.

That's exactly true.

That's why laws that may work in other nations wouldn't necessarily work here.

Also with political systems, what works in one nation may not be the best for another.
We experienced one of those nuts at our Kroger store last year. A little shorty britches man, all dressed in camouflaged pants and a Trump T-shirt with Trump riding a tank, sporting a double holster with 2 pearl handled 45's, and his wife wearing normal clothing came into the store. His wife was shopping up and down the aisles, but her husband was standing at the front of the aisles watching her and everyone else as she shopped up and down the aisles.

I walked past the guy and he starred me in the eye in a very suspicious way. But I just ignored the freak. He stared down a couple of Mexican guys in the same manor, and one of them said to the man, "What are you looking at"? The man put his hand on his gun, and said, "I am looking at you taco man"! Well, the Mexican man went and reported the incident to the store manager.

Within a minute the store manager, a Black man, approached the retard and told him that he couldn't come in the store and threaten or intimidate customers and use racial language in the store, and asked him to leave. The retard said, "I know my rights Nigger, and you can't tell me to leave".:whoa:

Well the store manager just called the police on his cell phone. The Police station is right across the street, so they showed up in less than 3 minutes. Two Policemen came in and the Manager pointed the retard with the guns out, and the police approached the man and asked him to leave the store. As they were in an argument, his wife walked up and just left her basket in the self check-out lanes, proceeded to walk out, and told her husband, "I am getting sick and tired of you getting us thrown out of stores everywhere we go", and he followed her out like a little sheep with his tail between his legs.

WOW! JUST WOW! Never saw anything like this in my life! The shoppers were scared, during all the confrontations this man had with everyone, and who knew whether the man was going to pull his guns out and just start shooting people.:palm:

sure....we all believe that happened.......(chuckle)....
We experienced one of those nuts at our Kroger store last year. A little shorty britches man, all dressed in camouflaged pants and a Trump T-shirt with Trump riding a tank, sporting a double holster with 2 pearl handled 45's, and his wife wearing normal clothing came into the store. His wife was shopping up and down the aisles, but her husband was standing at the front of the aisles watching her and everyone else as she shopped up and down the aisles.

I walked past the guy and he starred me in the eye in a very suspicious way. But I just ignored the freak. He stared down a couple of Mexican guys in the same manor, and one of them said to the man, "What are you looking at"? The man put his hand on his gun, and said, "I am looking at you taco man"! Well, the Mexican man went and reported the incident to the store manager.

Within a minute the store manager, a Black man, approached the retard and told him that he couldn't come in the store and threaten or intimidate customers and use racial language in the store, and asked him to leave. The retard said, "I know my rights Nigger, and you can't tell me to leave".:whoa:

Well the store manager just called the police on his cell phone. The Police station is right across the street, so they showed up in less than 3 minutes. Two Policemen came in and the Manager pointed the retard with the guns out, and the police approached the man and asked him to leave the store. As they were in an argument, his wife walked up and just left her basket in the self check-out lanes, proceeded to walk out, and told her husband, "I am getting sick and tired of you getting us thrown out of stores everywhere we go", and he followed her out like a little sheep with his tail between his legs.

WOW! JUST WOW! Never saw anything like this in my life! The shoppers were scared, during all the confrontations this man had with everyone, and who knew whether the man was going to pull his guns out and just start shooting people.:palm:

lets just say, for a second, that this actually to counter this bullshit, I received a huge thank you and a ribeye steak from my local kroger manager because I had a gun on me. I was walking from the parking lot to the door when the manager was walking two individuals out who were trying to shoplift from the store, arguing and threatening the manager. When they got about 20 yards from the front entrance, those two turned around and started advancing on the manager, so I yelled at them to turn around and keep walking. They looked at me like they were getting ready to include me in their attack until they saw that I had an openly carried handgun............they turned back around and left the property. That manager said hello to me every time he saw me in his store from then on.
I, for one, always look forward to gun fights at the supermarket.

In the past, we could always see them on movies and television....lots of "Westerns."
As that's no longer the case, we've been having them in elementary schools and concerts instead.

As even the most casual observer would likely agree, however,
the supermarket makes a far superior venue for gunfights.

Cleanup on aisle six!!!
I, for one, always look forward to gun fights at the supermarket.

In the past, we could always see them on movies and television....lots of "Westerns."
As that's no longer the case, we've been having them in elementary schools and concerts instead.

As even the most casual observer would likely agree, however,
the supermarket makes a far superior venue for gunfights.

Cleanup on aisle six!!!

Nothing like watching a can of corn explode that's for sure.
THAT has to be the most vacuous, imbecilic, childish, stupid, moronic, clueless, thing EVER posted on this board, and there is a lot of really stupid stuff posted here.

"THAT has to be the most vacuous, imbecilic, childish, stupid, moronic, clueless, thing EVER posted on this board, and there is a lot of really stupid stuff posted here."

Your half baked reply demonstrates all the adjectives that you used.
"THAT has to be the most vacuous, imbecilic, childish, stupid, moronic, clueless, thing EVER posted on this board, and there is a lot of really stupid stuff posted here."

Your half baked reply demonstrates all the adjectives that you used.

Must be tough for you to have a limited vocabulary and get flummoxed so easily.
I, for one, always look forward to gun fights at the supermarket.

In the past, we could always see them on movies and television....lots of "Westerns."
As that's no longer the case, we've been having them in elementary schools and concerts instead.

As even the most casual observer would likely agree, however,
the supermarket makes a far superior venue for gunfights.

Cleanup on aisle six!!!

And just think, the body bags could be on aisle ten with the trash bags! How apropos!
lets just say, for a second, that this actually to counter this bullshit, I received a huge thank you and a ribeye steak from my local kroger manager because I had a gun on me. I was walking from the parking lot to the door when the manager was walking two individuals out who were trying to shoplift from the store, arguing and threatening the manager. When they got about 20 yards from the front entrance, those two turned around and started advancing on the manager, so I yelled at them to turn around and keep walking. They looked at me like they were getting ready to include me in their attack until they saw that I had an openly carried handgun............they turned back around and left the property. That manager said hello to me every time he saw me in his store from then on.

Well Good for you Gun Guy! :good4u:

Our two stories are not in conflict with each others. There is much positive things to be said for good Samaritans with guns.

I just wanted the event I witnessed, to be told, so that people know and understand that carrying a gun unto a crowded public place, can also be a problem, if the gun is used to intimidate people or threaten people for no reason.

I have a friend, who happens to be the drummer in my band, and he never leaves home without his 45 ACP. But he carries it in a manner that is not seen by the public as he conceals his holster under his underwear in a special padded simple holster. He always never puts his shirt-tail in, so it helps hide his weapon. He even carries it into nightclubs, restaurants, or anywhere and everywhere we go- and no one even knows it. I didn't even know he was carrying it, until he told me. I just told him, be careful and don't shoot your dick off! :laugh:
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sure....we all believe that happened.......(chuckle)....

Yes, it happened! And I don't care if you believe it or not. If I had not been there and witnessed this myself, and someone told me about this, it would be hard for me to believe that idiots like SHORTY BOY even exists.

But, obviously they do! And it gives other legitimate gun carriers a bad name!
I saw three people, two men and one woman open carrying firearms.

It made me feel extremely safe.

In Arizona we are also allowed to carry concealed weapons without a permit so who knows how many more had them.

Arizona is the greatest state in the nation.

There is a lot I like about Arizona.