Today, October 8th, marks six years.......

.....since my mother passed away. I think about her often. Not quite every day, but close to that. My mother was a kind, gentle and intelligent soul that taught me many things about life. She instilled a love of reading books in me and also a love of music. She encouraged me to give certain kinds of music a try that I probably wouldn't have without her encouragement. She taught me to always treat others with kindness and respect, without prejudice against any age, color or ethnic background. Most of all she taught me to respect myself and accept myself as I am. I miss her dearly and always will. I didn't tell her "I love you" enough, but I'm sure she knew I did. So in honor of her life, I will cease to make fun of others on this site. I know nothing of your backgrounds and your lives and it's not kind to make awful jokes about you. I don't KNOW you. I have no idea what you've been through. I may make comments towards a group, liberals for example, but I will not attack individuals anymore. It's not who I really am. I AM a kind person, thanks in part to my mother and my father, and will strive to be just that on these threads. Thank you. Signed, Steve

Most people were raised right by their parents, taught well by their teachers and Sunday School teachers- THEN LAND SOMEWHERE LIKE HERE.

The first thing you do, is voice your own opinion that differs with Truth Deflector, Sailor, Prophet, Teflon Don, or many of the other Trump supporters, and you are instantly called every name in the book.

You shake it off at first, but then every time you comment, they feel obligated to call you an idiot, low IQ, Faggot, or scumbag, or any number of things.

So, you can ignore their attacks, or sling the same shit they slung at you- RIGHT BACK IN THEIR FACE!

I think the Bible refers to that as "An Eye for and Eye" and some people are going to refer to that as "Stooping to their level" while some are going to refer to that as "Fighting Fire with Fire" while someone else may refer to that as "Feeding the Trolls".

The point I am trying to make is, some very bad people with very poor communications skills, with no sense of respect for others opinions, make it real difficult to be a civil or productive and positive forum member.

It's a shit pit, a shark tank, and if you want to endure it, you better be prepared to get yourself dirty, and swim with the sharks!
.....since my mother passed away. I think about her often. Not quite every day, but close to that. My mother was a kind, gentle and intelligent soul that taught me many things about life. She instilled a love of reading books in me and also a love of music. She encouraged me to give certain kinds of music a try that I probably wouldn't have without her encouragement. She taught me to always treat others with kindness and respect, without prejudice against any age, color or ethnic background. Most of all she taught me to respect myself and accept myself as I am. I miss her dearly and always will. I didn't tell her "I love you" enough, but I'm sure she knew I did. So in honor of her life, I will cease to make fun of others on this site. I know nothing of your backgrounds and your lives and it's not kind to make awful jokes about you. I don't KNOW you. I have no idea what you've been through. I may make comments towards a group, liberals for example, but I will not attack individuals anymore. It's not who I really am. I AM a kind person, thanks in part to my mother and my father, and will strive to be just that on these threads. Thank you. Signed, Steve

You honor your mother greatly, I'm sure she would be proud. What a lovely person she was, thanks for sharing.
I just want to say thank you to those of you who commented nicely and sanely on this thread. My mother would have appreciated your kind words.