Today's lesson in the constitution


a link to wiki about the life of John Marshall keep not showing up when I try to post it


Combat experience during the Revolution helped him develop a continental viewpoint. After admission to the bar in 1780, he entered the Virginia assembly and rose rapidly in state politics. He had good looks, a charismatic personality, and a debater’s gifts. A Federalist in politics, he championed the Constitution in his state’s ratification convention.
Marshall basically created the court we now know


yeah, so was jefferson. they both debated about restricting and limiting their new federal government to preserve individual freedom. ironically, they both did 180s once they obtained a government position
yeah, so was jefferson. they both debated about restricting and limiting their new federal government to preserve individual freedom. ironically, they both did 180s once they obtained a government position

prove your point with FACTS

the founders designed the SCOTUS huh
then use the amendment process and not judicial fiat.

you should take that up with the government then, because you fucktards give them an inch, they take a mile and you idiots don't bat an eye

the founders desinged the SCOTUS

you now hate it and claim its evil

see you dont care about this nation

just move
yeah, so was jefferson. they both debated about restricting and limiting their new federal government to preserve individual freedom. ironically, they both did 180s once they obtained a government position

Jefferson was an Anti-Federalist and had no part in writing the Constitution. Only Federalists who favored a stronger central government participated in writing the document.
yes and the vast majority of the right wings ideas are anti federalist crap that didnt get into the constitution.

I have tried to get these people to discuss the federalist papers

they refuse everytime
they know that their bullshit is bullshit

they are the sociopathic party

now newly owned by Russia
The right loves “original intent” until it no longer suits their purpose. The 2nd is a perfect example, as the original intent was in the context of a militia, not unlimited personal possession.

According to my State's laws, I fit the original intent YOU claim. Care to make more excuses or false claims?
First words of the second' A well regulated militia".

According to my State's laws, I'm in the militia. Next?

How about you show me the words "abortion", "food stamps", "healthcare", "Medicaid", etc. in the Constitution.
they were not against rules

they were against a KING or QUEEN making all of them.

they setr up a system where the PEOPLE made the rules collectively

They weren't against anyone, whomever it happened to be, making the rules. They were against, whomever it happened to be, abusing their rights/liberties. Had King George not been so abusive, I dare say the war for independence wouldn't have taken place. If you read the Declaration of Independence, it addresses what the king was doing not that A king was doing it.
and that version wasn't ratified, or is that a concept you can't understand?

Here was your request, fucking halfwit:

"show me one single piece of documentation from the framers that supports your moronic position."

I gave you EXACTLY that from Madison himself. The INTENT speaks for itself. There exists no indication why the Senate removed certain portions, as their deliberations were never recorded.

You want original intent? You got it. MILITIA.
Here was your request, fucking halfwit:

"show me one single piece of documentation from the framers that supports your moronic position."

I gave you EXACTLY that from Madison himself. The INTENT speaks for itself. There exists no indication why the Senate removed certain portions, as their deliberations were never recorded.

You want original intent? You got it. MILITIA.

You don't think as an individual I should own guns, come to the fucking location you've posted pictures of indicating it's where you claim I live, come and try to get them, coward.
yes and the vast majority of the right wings ideas are anti federalist crap that didnt get into the constitution.

I have tried to get these people to discuss the federalist papers

they refuse everytime

I'll be your Huckleberry . . . And since we are discussing the origin and nature of rights and their recognition and protection, let's discuss 84.
The most important foundational principle that explains "original intent" regarding rights is that rights are not dependent upon the words chosen to secure them. Rights exist not because a provision of the Bill of Rights recognizes and secures them; rights exist because "We the People" never granted to government any power to dictate to the citizen on those interests.

Any "interpretation" that includes imparting the words "well regulated militia" with conditioning, qualifying or repressive action on the right to arms is illegitimate. You are fulfilling the Federalists fears and warnings against trying to list rights and codify their protection. As they said in Federalist 84, because the body of the Constitution so specifically sets-out the powers of government, calling out that things shall not be done, when no power was ever granted to do those things, is redundant, dangerous and absurd.
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