Wah wah wah. But no, no snowflakes to see here, folks. lol
And here comes the ad hom, right on schedule. I see my Arrow of Truth has hit home. It's funny that you Reichwingers think that MSM (which includes CNN to you) is "dishonest, partisan hateful" propaganda, but the dreck that you absorb that confirms your bias is not. It's not funny ha-ha though. It's funny as in sick and pathetic.
It goes like this. We'll pretend that the topic is climate change, for the sake of illustrating this scenario.
RWer: (posts some bullshit from OANN claiming that the planet is not warming)
LWer: That's not true. (posts a counter from a more credible source like NOAA or Journal of Atmospheric Sciences)
RWer: That's a liberal source! I'm not going to read it!
Kind of like the other day when you asked members to state one thing in America that needs repair, and I did so -- and your dozen posts in response were just partisan bullshit and propaganda. You never did address the thoughtful reply that I provided in response to your OP. It was about national health care, remember?
That's not unexpected since evidently your only reason for being here is to promote your fascist nutbaggery propaganda, and wait for the echoes from the faithful to come back to you.