Today's right wing grievances

Awesome. I have him on ignore. The fact that he is posting right wing propaganda videos validates my decision. Poor white men. Funny, but I seem to get along just fine.

You have swallowed the demon's seed and I guess it agrees with you.

Or you agree with it.

No matter. It's all the same thing to you.
Always did think that their throwing the epithet "Snowflakes!" at the other side was little more than classic projection.
Both sides complain about the other, that’s expected. But the term snowflake came about when democrat voters retreated into safe rooms with coloring books and stuffed unicorns wearing diaper pins after the hillbag lost. Now that was pretty darn pathetic.
Both sides complain about the other, that’s expected. But the term snowflake came about when democrat voters retreated into safe rooms with coloring books and stuffed unicorns wearing diaper pins after the hillbag lost. Now that was pretty darn pathetic.

I think that's a narrative made up by right wing media. It's been repeated so often that it's become 'truthy' in the right wing echo chamber. Where there a handful that complained, and even tried to challenge some votes? Yep. But it isn't even CLOSE to what the Trump 'snowflakes' have engaged in since November 6th, and in fact before that. IT IS NOT CLOSE. That bears repeating.
This is all I do all day.


We have an elderly obese women in a wheelchair.
Can you help us bring her down a flight of stairs.
I'll take that old fat bitch and throw her down the flight of stairs.


I said he's a no good PR and out he goes.
Go hug the PR you no good Mc luv'n guinea!
I'm in charge. I make these decisions and I threw him out.

Wires, water, kids upstairs. What do you do? Just leave it there.

How did you get the hernia? From his heart attack!

My POP - As long as this garbage is here you're always going to have a job. :laugh:
Both sides complain about the other, that’s expected. But the term snowflake came about when democrat voters retreated into safe rooms with coloring books and stuffed unicorns wearing diaper pins after the hillbag lost. Now that was pretty darn pathetic.

If it happened sure, but 99.97% of (D) voters didn't do that mythical thing.
After watching the video, do you feel it was worth your time?

I don't go in for propaganda, sorry. That's why I avoid Breitbart, Newsmax, Fox, CNN (other than articles on world events), Daily Kos, etc. Wonkette's righteous though, because it's hilarious, like Andy Borowitz. lol
I don't go in for propaganda, sorry. That's why I avoid Breitbart, Newsmax, Fox, CNN (other than articles on world events), Daily Kos, etc. Wonkette's righteous though, because it's hilarious, like Andy Borowitz. lol

Funny, I never believed you were a Snowflake until now.

The Conservatives in America have to deal with the dishonest, partisan hateful mainstream media every day.

But our fine feathered friend can't stand to see any truths that offend her belief system.

Maybe you should change your name to, 'ThatCHICKENWoman'?

Of course not. But when we see Lebron James wearing a diaper pin because hillbag lost it doesn’t look good for progs.

It's called a safety pin. Calling it a diaper pin is just rhetoric. I had no problem with that. It was simply a symbol of protest. No one stabbed anyone with it. Unlike the American flags that were carried by the insurrectionists. This was NEVER about Hillary losing, it was about Trump winning. He had disqualified himself on many levels.
Funny, I never believed you were a Snowflake until now.
The Conservatives in America have to deal with the dishonest, partisan hateful mainstream media every day.

Wah wah wah. But no, no snowflakes to see here, folks. lol

But our fine feathered friend can't stand to see any truths that offend her belief system.
Maybe you should change your name to, 'ThatCHICKENWoman'?


And here comes the ad hom, right on schedule. I see my Arrow of Truth has hit home. It's funny that you Reichwingers think that MSM (which includes CNN to you) is "dishonest, partisan hateful" propaganda, but the dreck that you absorb that confirms your bias is not. It's not funny ha-ha though. It's funny as in sick and pathetic.

It goes like this. We'll pretend that the topic is climate change, for the sake of illustrating this scenario.

RWer: (posts some bullshit from OANN claiming that the planet is not warming)
LWer: That's not true. (posts a counter from a more credible source like NOAA or Journal of Atmospheric Sciences)
RWer: That's a liberal source! I'm not going to read it!

Kind of like the other day when you asked members to state one thing in America that needs repair, and I did so -- and your dozen posts in response were just partisan bullshit and propaganda. You never did address the thoughtful reply that I provided in response to your OP. It was about national health care, remember?

That's not unexpected since evidently your only reason for being here is to promote your fascist nutbaggery propaganda, and wait for the echoes from the faithful to come back to you.
Wah wah wah. But no, no snowflakes to see here, folks. lol

And here comes the ad hom, right on schedule. I see my Arrow of Truth has hit home. It's funny that you Reichwingers think that MSM (which includes CNN to you) is "dishonest, partisan hateful" propaganda, but the dreck that you absorb that confirms your bias is not. It's not funny ha-ha though. It's funny as in sick and pathetic.

It goes like this. We'll pretend that the topic is climate change, for the sake of illustrating this scenario.

RWer: (posts some bullshit from OANN claiming that the planet is not warming)
LWer: That's not true. (posts a counter from a more credible source like NOAA or Journal of Atmospheric Sciences)
RWer: That's a liberal source! I'm not going to read it!

Kind of like the other day when you asked members to state one thing in America that needs repair, and I did so -- and your dozen posts in response were just partisan bullshit and propaganda. You never did address the thoughtful reply that I provided in response to your OP. It was about national health care, remember?

That's not unexpected since evidently your only reason for being here is to promote your fascist nutbaggery propaganda, and wait for the echoes from the faithful to come back to you.

Thanks for reminding me.

I hadn't had anything to remind me that I should return to considering your comment but I think the fact that I haven't gotten back to you on the idea, which, if I recall, I said some good things about, is because I guess I don't have a great interest in health care except to use as a litmus test.

If it will cost people jobs and wages and compel them to work for two or more employers and force businesses to change how and sometimes IF they will do business and eventually lead to government control of it, THAT is absolutely no go.

And then, I use it to point out to devoted Trump-haters that the one to worry about isn't an 'in-your-face' guy like Trump, but a good looking, smooth talking, wily guy like Obama.

See what they did? You would be out of your mind incensed if Trump did this. But because it wasn't done by Trump, many of you know nothing about it.

Nov 10, 2014

ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public
The Apothecary

Avik Roy
Forbes Staff

The Apothecary Contributor Group
Commentary from Forbes’ Policy Editor
This article is more than 6 years old.

You’ve got to hand it to MIT economist Jonathan Gruber. The guy dubbed the “Obamacare architect” is a viral YouTube sensation. A few months back, he was caught on tape admitting that Obamacare doesn’t provide subsidies for federally-run insurance exchanges; it's now the topic of a new case before the Supreme Court. Today, new video surfaced in which Gruber said that “the stupidity of the American voter” made it important for him and Democrats to hide Obamacare’s true costs from the public. “That was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” said Gruber. “But I’d rather have this law than not.” In other words, the ends—imposing Obamacare upon the public—justified the means.
Wah wah wah. But no, no snowflakes to see here, folks. lol

And here comes the ad hom, right on schedule. I see my Arrow of Truth has hit home. It's funny that you Reichwingers think that MSM (which includes CNN to you) is "dishonest, partisan hateful" propaganda, but the dreck that you absorb that confirms your bias is not. It's not funny ha-ha though. It's funny as in sick and pathetic.

It goes like this. We'll pretend that the topic is climate change, for the sake of illustrating this scenario.

RWer: (posts some bullshit from OANN claiming that the planet is not warming)
LWer: That's not true. (posts a counter from a more credible source like NOAA or Journal of Atmospheric Sciences)
RWer: That's a liberal source! I'm not going to read it!

Kind of like the other day when you asked members to state one thing in America that needs repair, and I did so -- and your dozen posts in response were just partisan bullshit and propaganda. You never did address the thoughtful reply that I provided in response to your OP. It was about national health care, remember?

That's not unexpected since evidently your only reason for being here is to promote your fascist nutbaggery propaganda, and wait for the echoes from the faithful to come back to you.

Is Fascism Right Or Left? - Dinesh D'Souza
