Today's right wing grievances

Here we go!!! Let's see what grievances are on the top of the minds of our favorite Trumptards today:

"Owl thing asks for help" Nothing like a call out thread to show your obsession for another poster.
"White cop kills WHITE KID holding airsoft gun.- USUAL MEDIA BLACKOUT" More white mans burden from TDAK.
"Liberals buddys kill gays but they still suck up to them.m" From our most illiterate poster, Bullet Boy.
"blm rioter arrested on the 6th" Bob again with his usual bullshit"
"Everything Is Racist To Freakazoids"

The racists seem to be particularly agitated as the Chauvin verdict approaches.
Is Fascism Right Or Left? - Dinesh D'Souza

I see your response when accused of posting fascsist nutbaggery propaganda is to post more fascist nutbaggery propaganda.

While Dinesh D'Souza may be a hero to the far right, his viewpoints on the definition of fascism have little to do with the reality of what fascism really is. Fascism is a far right ideology. Anyone that denies that is not being honest.
"What the race-baiters hope you won't discover"

Fortunately for me, I have Legion on ignore and I won't discover it either.
I see your response when accused of posting fascsist nutbaggery propaganda is to post more fascist nutbaggery propaganda.

While Dinesh D'Souza may be a hero to the far right, his viewpoints on the definition of fascism have little to do with the reality of what fascism really is. Fascism is a far right ideology. Anyone that denies that is not being honest.

D'Souza is a convicted criminal that got a Trump pardon. Says all you need to know.
So many good ones today. A veritable smorgasbord of stupidity:

"Question for JPP wokies" - Apparently Nigerian Americans are Darth's target today"
"CNN interview with VP Harris ridiculed for extreme social distancing" - I guess Putin hasn't given dukkha his marching orders for today yet.
"Indeed very stupid" - You got me. I have no idea who or what.
"Black Babysitter Murders White 1 Year Old"
"Similarities between Lenin’s Red Terror and America’s woke culture" - Woke seems to be a popular theme again today. Much pearl clutching over that one.
" Biden kissing the progressive radicals butts" - Bullet Bob. Enough said.
"Mental Illness Rampant Among White Liberals/Democrats"
"dutch uses the n word and proud lefty thinks its funny" Nothing like a double call out thread to get the week jump started
"Pedodent Biden cancels debt of ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!"

Quite the collection. And it's early.
Let's keep track:

"Police chief and cop who shot daunte wright FORCED TO RESIGN"
"Media doxes cop who killed Daunte Wright. Still censors ID of cop who killed Ashli"
"CNN is giving this idiots Aunt"
"Thug Life"

But they aren't racists. Nope, no way.

Tune in tomorrow for more crying, whining, and playing victim.

This week's leftist meme:

"Racial Justice"

As most white and black Americans know: There is no justice, it's just us.

It's bizarre. How did Trump come to know more about the military than 'the generals'? More about Russia than the intelligence agencies? More about Covid than the country's foremost virologists? More about climate change than the climate change scientists? And yet he left the country in an absolute shambles and couldn't seem to keep a single competent person on his cabinet or in his administration. How did that happen?
It's bizarre. How did Trump come to know more about the military than 'the generals'? More about Russia than the intelligence agencies? More about Covid than the country's foremost virologists? More about climate change than the climate change scientists? And yet he left the country in an absolute shambles and couldn't seem to keep a single competent person on his cabinet or in his administration. How did that happen?

Lots of Russian planning
This week's leftist meme:

"Racial Justice"

As most white and black Americans know: There is no justice, it's just us.

This week?

Are you fucking deaf
We have been saying it for decades

You racist cretins just keep lying in the middle of the road screaming about “but we want to remain the kings of racism and stupid”

We’re about to just run you over
This week?

Are you fucking deaf
We have been saying it for decades

You racist cretins just keep lying in the middle of the road firewards screaming about “but we want to remain the kings of racism and stupid”

We’re about to just run you over


PS: There's a lot of Black Americans out there, this will not go well for you retard SJWs.

The leftist's problem is that they overestimate the amount of stupid people in America. By a yuge margin.

Even most of the guys waiting for day work at the spot know better than the bullshit the news and leftists spew daily.
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It's bizarre. How did Trump come to know more about the military than 'the generals'? More about Russia than the intelligence agencies? More about Covid than the country's foremost virologists? More about climate change than the climate change scientists? And yet he left the country in an absolute shambles and couldn't seem to keep a single competent person on his cabinet or in his administration. How did that happen?


The only thing Trump was good at is making everyone in America miserable. He made Democrats miserable for winning in 2016- and he made his base miserable for losing in 2020.

That is everybody! So at some point, he made us all miserable!