Here we go!!! Let's see what grievances are on the top of the minds of our favorite Trumptards today:
"Owl thing asks for help" Nothing like a call out thread to show your obsession for another poster.
"White cop kills WHITE KID holding airsoft gun.- USUAL MEDIA BLACKOUT" More white mans burden from TDAK.
"Liberals buddys kill gays but they still suck up to them.m" From our most illiterate poster, Bullet Boy.
"blm rioter arrested on the 6th" Bob again with his usual bullshit"
"Everything Is Racist To Freakazoids"
The racists seem to be particularly agitated as the Chauvin verdict approaches.
"Owl thing asks for help" Nothing like a call out thread to show your obsession for another poster.
"White cop kills WHITE KID holding airsoft gun.- USUAL MEDIA BLACKOUT" More white mans burden from TDAK.
"Liberals buddys kill gays but they still suck up to them.m" From our most illiterate poster, Bullet Boy.
"blm rioter arrested on the 6th" Bob again with his usual bullshit"
"Everything Is Racist To Freakazoids"
The racists seem to be particularly agitated as the Chauvin verdict approaches.