Today’s Teabagger News: Only 41% of Texans know humans did not live with dinosaurs


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Only 41% of Texans know that humans did not live alongside dinosaurs.

Nearly a third of Texans believe humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time, and more than half disagree with the theory that humans developed from earlier species of animals, according to the University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.

The differences in beliefs about evolution and the length of time that living things have existed on earth are reflected in the political and religious preference of our respondents, who were asked four questions about biological history and God…….

Democrats (28 percent) are less likely than Republicans (47 percent) to think that humans have always existed in their present form and more likely (21 percent to 7 percent) to think humans have developed over millions of years without God's guidance. About the same percentages of Democrats and Republicans (40 and 36 percent, respectively) believe that evolution took place over time with God's guidance. Democrat Bill White's voters were the most likely to believe in evolution without a divine hand (33 percent); on the Republican side, by comparison, only 6 percent of Rick Perry's supporters were in that category.

Has life on earth always existed in its present form? Republicans are more likely to agree (29 percent) than Democrats (16 percent). They're less likely to believe that life evolved over time with no guidance from God (8 percent to 24 percent). Democrats are slightly less inclined to believe in evolution with a "guiding hand from God" (50 percent to 55 percent).

Republicans are less likely to believe that humans developed from earlier species of animals; 26 percent agree, while 60 percent disagree. Among Democrats in the survey, 46 percent agree that humans evolved from earlier species; 42 percent disagree. Perry's voters were most hostile to this premise — 67 percent disagree.

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whats truly funny is that you have no solid proof one way or the other, but you come in here prancing a theory around as if it is fact.

lmao, you're stupid cypress.
whats truly funny is that you have no solid proof one way or the other, but you come in here prancing a theory around as if it is fact.

lmao, you're stupid cypress.

Holy Crap! Yurt thinks its open for educated debate whether humans and dinos roamed the earth together! Yikes!

please post the unquestionable fact/link that man did not walk with dinosaurs. all you have is supposition based on the knowledge we have now. you do not have fact.

sorry to burst your stupid bubble, but you do not have 100% fact that man did or did not walk with dinosaurs. to claim it is 100% fact is dishonest.
please post the unquestionable fact/link that man did not walk with dinosaurs. all you have is supposition based on the knowledge we have now. you do not have fact.

sorry to burst your stupid bubble, but you do not have 100% fact that man did or did not walk with dinosaurs. to claim it is 100% fact is dishonest.

Alright, yurt, can you show me where the fossil record of man and dinosaurs intersect?
To say that "yurt exists!" is not 100% fact. There's no such thing as 100% fact. But to draw an equivalency in the soundness between all knowledge using this argument is intellectually dishonest.
Alright, yurt, can you show me where the fossil record of man and dinosaurs intersect?


from the guy who bitches about proving negatives. just because the fossil record we have today doesn't show it, doesn't mean it didn't exist/happen etc.....

you're one of those flat earthers that demands proof from the fossil record that the earth is round. i laugh at you, seriously. you demand proof god exists, yet you wholly believe man did not walk with dinosaurs because -- there is no proof (at this time) he did.

come on guys, the only evidence provided is the lack of evidence....the same thing grind, watermark et al wail about with proving god. you can't prove a negative and both watermark and grind believe there is no god based upon the lack of evidence that god exists.

yet, here, when there is a lack of evidence, it must prove that which is lacking.

i'm still laughing over this. watermark is probably freaking out right now and in a fetal position.

from the guy who bitches about proving negatives. just because the fossil record we have today doesn't show it, doesn't mean it didn't exist/happen etc.....

you're one of those flat earthers that demands proof from the fossil record that the earth is round. i laugh at you, seriously. you demand proof god exists, yet you wholly believe man did not walk with dinosaurs because -- there is no proof (at this time) he did.


There is evidence that dinosaurs lived 60 million years ago. There is no evidence that they lived 30k years ago.
come on guys, the only evidence provided is the lack of evidence....the same thing grind, watermark et al wail about with proving god. you can't prove a negative and both watermark and grind believe there is no god based upon the lack of evidence that god exists.

yet, here, when there is a lack of evidence, it must prove that which is lacking.

i'm still laughing over this. watermark is probably freaking out right now and in a fetal position.

Have you been drinking? There is no evidence of God so water does not believe in God. There is no evidence that dinosaurs and man existed at the same time so water does not believe they did. You see that as a contradiction of some sort?