Today’s Teabagger News: Only 41% of Texans know humans did not live with dinosaurs

What about ancient primate (that presumably had a lot of evolutin' to do) and dinosaur?

I don't know why I am even posting this, but it seems like the thing to do right now...
I love how Yurt goes from "solid proof" to "100% fact" so seamlessly.

What a fool....

this post fails and shows the ignorance of its creator

apparently in some people's world there is a vast difference between solid proof and 100% fact, thank goodness i don't live in such a loony world

i'm still laughing that you guys are so positive man did not walk with dinosaurs because there is no solid evidence at this point, yet, you mock those who believe in god because there is no evidence of god in your opinion

the intellectual dishonesty is humorous
this post fails and shows the ignorance of its creator

apparently in some people's world there is a vast difference between solid proof and 100% fact, thank goodness i don't live in such a loony world

i'm still laughing that you guys are so positive man did not walk with dinosaurs because there is no solid evidence at this point, yet, you mock those who believe in god because there is no evidence of god in your opinion

the intellectual dishonesty is humorous

I guess that old proverb is correct:
If you wait by the river long enough, you'll see the bodies of all your enemies float by.
What about ancient primate (that presumably had a lot of evolutin' to do) and dinosaur?

I don't know why I am even posting this, but it seems like the thing to do right now...

So far as I recall, the evidence shows that the first mammals appeared at some point significantly later than the extinction of the dinosaurs. So mammals in general did not coexist with dinos at all.
So far as I recall, the evidence shows that the first mammals appeared at some point significantly later than the extinction of the dinosaurs. So mammals in general did not coexist with dinos at all.

The first true mammals appeared in the Late Triassic (ca. 200 million years ago)

It is predicted that all dinosaurs became extinct around the date of 61 million years ago which is shortly past the Cretaceous Period.

I assume those are acceptable to you as suitably "evolutionary"......apparently they co-existed for a mere 140 million years.....
So far as I recall, the evidence shows that the first mammals appeared at some point significantly later than the extinction of the dinosaurs. So mammals in general did not coexist with dinos at all.

All I know is that when people refer to the extinction of the dinosaurs, they often state that the death of the dinosaur (which "ruled the Earth") allowed for mammals to take over as the dominant force on Earth. No one's ever clarified in those comments about whether mammals (specifically primates) coexisted and were kept weak by the presence of dinosaurs, or if they came along at some point.

Naturally, the dinosaurs were not the only thing that disappeared. There was a mass extinction from all sorts of species on Earth due to the impact of the asteroid on the southern cape of Mexico...
this post fails and shows the ignorance of its creator

apparently in some people's world there is a vast difference between solid proof and 100% fact, thank goodness i don't live in such a loony world

i'm still laughing that you guys are so positive man did not walk with dinosaurs because there is no solid evidence at this point, yet, you mock those who believe in god because there is no evidence of god in your opinion

the intellectual dishonesty is humorous

I mock those who think dinosaurs walked with humans, because there is no evidence of that. I mock those who believe in God, because there is no evidence of that.

This is the exact same trick you pulled before, saying that I believed there was no God rather than that I did not believe in God. You're trying to transform a negative into a positive so that you can more easily defend your position. That is intellectual dishonesty.
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yet you cannot say with certainty that dinosaurs did NOT live 30 million years ago.....or 5 million years ago.....or one million years ago.....and there is no reason to conclude that humans have only been around for 30k years....the date gets pushed back regularly as new evidence is found...

Yes, that's how science works, PMP. Things change as we get knew evidence. Now, what field of knowledge was it that is totally resistant to any change no matter what evidence comes up against it? I need a memory refresher here.

If there was an abundance of dinosaurs living the past 60 million years, they would've left fossils. It would be exceedingly strange for them to have been the only fucking things in existence not leaving fossils. The only descendants of dinosaurs alive today are from a small group of therapods that evolved into birds.

does anyone have a cite to the record of the last dinosaur dying?....
the oral histories of natives in both North and South America, as well as the Chinese include a multitude of references to flying lizards that may have been the last traces of pterodactyl long does it take for a species to become extinct?......

There are plenty of myths, PMP. If there were dinosaurs that late, what caused them all to dissapear? Why didn't they, or any of their millions and millions of years worth of ancestors, leave any fossils?

The fact is, the dinosaurs nitch had long been eliminated, and none could've survived that long. That's why they evolved into birds tens of millions of years ago.
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I am not a scientist, but I certainly feel that scientists have gathered a preponderence of evidence to indicate the existence of evolution and a clear history regarding the existence of many species.

That said, the politicizing of science is a little disturbing. We all know that many scientists have historically been outcast as heretics for introducing new theories, but this is not only possible through religion.

If the state, state institutions, and the political class reach inaccurate conclusions and refuse to back away from policies that may be based on inaccurate conclusions, it could pervert the scientific process and stop new and relevant theories from emerging.

In an environment of free inquiry, they'd probably look stupid. In a democratic environment, they would probably be voted out at one time or another and a new person would step in and realize the merits. With both freedom of thought and democracy, science is probably naturally going to come out on top, barring brief interventions.

The only time this doesn't happen is when people have motives for believing things that clearly can't be true. That's religion. Like in the Islamic world, where the only way to prevent people from voting in an oppressive theocratic regime is to have some sort of very powerful non-democratic institution preventing it (like the military in Turkey).
this post fails and shows the ignorance of its creator

apparently in some people's world there is a vast difference between solid proof and 100% fact, thank goodness i don't live in such a loony world

i'm still laughing that you guys are so positive man did not walk with dinosaurs because there is no solid evidence at this point, yet, you mock those who believe in god because there is no evidence of god in your opinion

the intellectual dishonesty is humorous

Did I ever say that I didn't believe in god? No.

And yes - there is a vast difference between solid proof and 100% fact. There really isn't that much that is 100% fact. But solid proof? Yeah, there is solid proof that man did not exist in the time of the dinosaurs. Things like radioactive dating, and the fossil record.

You're a hopeless fool, and once again, you have been badly, badly embarassed on a thread. I'm enjoying it, as usual.

In an environment of free inquiry, they'd probably look stupid. In a democratic environment, they would probably be voted out at one time or another and a new person would step in and realize the merits. With both freedom of thought and democracy, science is probably naturally going to come out on top, barring brief interventions.

The only time this doesn't happen is when people have motives for believing things that clearly can't be true. That's religion. Like in the Islamic world, where the only way to prevent people from voting in an oppressive theocratic regime is to have some sort of very powerful non-democratic institution preventing it (like the military in Turkey).

It's questionable to claim outright that state-financed research institutions are environments of free inquiry.

As well, and not to be dramatic or jump to conclusions, but isn't a global expansion of socialist policy a motivation for politically-biased science as it relates to climate change?

I'm not saying these folks will get what they want, but you can't say they don't have a motive aside from saving the planet.
Listen you George Bush-supporting dupe: It can't be proven beyond every single possible shred of doubt that Elvis didn't fake his death, and is now living incognito in Paris and stuffing his fat face with escargo. But to hold that belief would either make one a complete ignorant jackass...or, a two-time Bush voter.

61% of Texans Believe Jesus Rode a Dinosaur:

Is there a difference?
this post fails and shows the ignorance of its creator

apparently in some people's world there is a vast difference between solid proof and 100% fact, thank goodness i don't live in such a loony world

i'm still laughing that you guys are so positive man did not walk with dinosaurs because there is no solid evidence at this point, yet, you mock those who believe in god because there is no evidence of god in your opinion

the intellectual dishonesty is humorous
only to be exceeded by your scientific illiteracy but what the hell, believe what ever you want too.