Today’s Teabagger News: Only 41% of Texans know humans did not live with dinosaurs

Have you been drinking? There is no evidence of God so water does not believe in God. There is no evidence that dinosaurs and man existed at the same time so water does not believe they did. You see that as a contradiction of some sort?


no, it is the lack of evidence :pke:

some do speculate that man walked with dinasaurs, some (or all at this ponit i don't know) of the findings have been called hoaxes, however, the debate is far from over and far from conclusive. that is a fact. it cracks me up that because, at this point, there is no evidence of man and dinos together allegedly MILLIONS of years ago.....that becomes fact that they did not walk together....

there is evidence of god, as i have repeatedly pointed out. it is that watermark and apparently you, choose not to believe that evidence. it is absolutely false to claim no evidence exist.
There is evidence that dinosaurs lived 60 million years ago. There is no evidence that they lived 30k years ago.

and you have no evidence there is no god.....

you mock those who use the negative to prove a point, yet you're using a negative here, that is, because there is no evidence, it must be so. that is like trying to solve a murder in the first hour and saying, well, at this point, there is no evidence, so there was no murder because 60 years ago, we had evidence for a murder in the first hour.....

no, it is the lack of evidence :pke:

Yes, again, no evidence = no belief. It is consistent in both cases.

some do speculate that man walked with dinasaurs, some (or all at this ponit i don't know) of the findings have been called hoaxes, however, the debate is far from over and far from conclusive.

There is no serious debate on whether dinosaurs and man walked together because there is no proof of it.

that is a fact. it cracks me up that because, at this point, there is no evidence of man and dinos together allegedly MILLIONS of years ago.....that becomes fact that they did not walk together....

It becomes pretty conclusive proof that they did not walk together.

there is evidence of god, as i have repeatedly pointed out. it is that watermark and apparently you, choose not to believe that evidence. it is absolutely false to claim no evidence exist.

Not getting into that. If you find proof in a snowflake fine, but it don't work for me.
whats truly funny is that you have no solid proof one way or the other, but you come in here prancing a theory around as if it is fact.

lmao, you're stupid cypress.
I hate to point this out to you Yurt but that was a scientifically illiterate thing to say.
Holy Crap! Yurt thinks its open for educated debate whether humans and dinos roamed the earth together! Yikes!

please post the unquestionable fact/link that man did not walk with dinosaurs. all you have is supposition based on the knowledge we have now. you do not have fact.

sorry to burst your stupid bubble, but you do not have 100% fact that man did or did not walk with dinosaurs. to claim it is 100% fact is dishonest.
ok...the probability is 99.999999999999999999% or greater that humans did not coexist with Dinosaurs.

Actually, these poll results from Texas correlate quite closely with the leadership of the Republican Party. My bad, for presenting this as shocking or appalling news.

4/11, almost 40% of the GOP’s presidential candidates – presumably, the best and brightest the Party has to offer – don’t believe in Evolution.


P.S Yurt – Wow. I don’t know how to respond. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who thought it was open to rational debate as to whether humans and Dinos coexisted. I don’t think I can even respond to this, without demeaning my dignity and self-respect. Carry on.
P.S Yurt – Wow. I don’t know how to respond. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who thought it was open to rational debate as to whether humans and Dinos coexisted. I don’t think I can even respond to this, without demeaning my dignity and self-respect. Carry on.

You must not be meeting many people. It's not all religion either. There are the crypto-zoologist and a lot of people don't know anymore than what they have seen in movies.
I wonder if you ask them with the words "Do scientists believe"... at the beginning of each sentence what the result would be?
I am not a scientist, but I certainly feel that scientists have gathered a preponderence of evidence to indicate the existence of evolution and a clear history regarding the existence of many species.

That said, the politicizing of science is a little disturbing. We all know that many scientists have historically been outcast as heretics for introducing new theories, but this is not only possible through religion.

If the state, state institutions, and the political class reach inaccurate conclusions and refuse to back away from policies that may be based on inaccurate conclusions, it could pervert the scientific process and stop new and relevant theories from emerging.
There is evidence that dinosaurs lived 60 million years ago. There is no evidence that they lived 30k years ago.

Seems pretty cut and dry when you put it that way...but then again, Yurt's backed himself into another corner and everyone knows once that happens he is incapable of admitting error.
There is evidence that dinosaurs lived 60 million years ago. There is no evidence that they lived 30k years ago.

yet you cannot say with certainty that dinosaurs did NOT live 30 million years ago.....or 5 million years ago.....or one million years ago.....and there is no reason to conclude that humans have only been around for 30k years....the date gets pushed back regularly as new evidence is found...

ScienceDaily (Feb. 28, 2005) — When the bones of two early humans were found in 1967 near Kibish, Ethiopia, they were thought to be 130,000 years old. A few years ago, researchers found 154,000- to 160,000-year-old human bones at Herto, Ethiopia. Now, a new study of the 1967 fossil site indicates the earliest known members of our species, Homo sapiens, roamed Africa about 195,000 years ago.

does anyone have a cite to the record of the last dinosaur dying?....
the oral histories of natives in both North and South America, as well as the Chinese include a multitude of references to flying lizards that may have been the last traces of pterodactyl long does it take for a species to become extinct?......
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yet you cannot say with certainty that dinosaurs did NOT live 30 million years ago.....or 5 million years ago.....or one million years ago.....and there is no reason to conclude that humans have only been around for 30k years....the date gets pushed back regularly as new evidence is found...

does anyone have a cite to the record of the last dinosaur dying?....
the oral histories of natives in both North and South America, as well as the Chinese include a multitude of references to flying lizards that may have been the last traces of pterodactyl long does it take for a species to become extinct?......

That's disingenuous as an argument, though. The museum that someone posted a picture of depicts man w/ dinosaur because it is propogating the literal Biblical belief that the history of earth is measured in terms of thousands of years, instead of millions or billions. Similarly, with the poll, I think it is reasonable to assume that most believe they co-existed because of religious beliefs or gaps in education; they are not saying they thought there were a few stray dinosaurs that existed 10's of millions of years after they were supposed to have died off...
That's disingenuous as an argument, though. The museum that someone posted a picture of depicts man w/ dinosaur because it is propogating the literal Biblical belief that the history of earth is measured in terms of thousands of years, instead of millions or billions. Similarly, with the poll, I think it is reasonable to assume that most believe they co-existed because of religious beliefs or gaps in education; they are not saying they thought there were a few stray dinosaurs that existed 10's of millions of years after they were supposed to have died off...

you only say it's disingenuous because you can't answer it.....that is, after all, the function of the word, disingenuous.....
yet you cannot say with certainty that dinosaurs did NOT live 30 million years ago.....or 5 million years ago.....or one million years ago.....and there is no reason to conclude that humans have only been around for 30k years....the date gets pushed back regularly as new evidence is found...

Good Christ, I had no idea this thread would bring out the wingnuttery in conservatives!

Log off the rightwing blogs, step away from your shrine to George Bush, and think!

The poll question didn't ask if it had been proven, beyond a shred of any possible doubt, and with an iron-clad guarantee that dinos died off 65 million year ago.

The poll asked what people believed. Presumably, people base their beliefs either on the preponderance of evidence, on misinformation, or on sheer blind faith.

Poll Question: Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: "The earliest humans lived at the same time as the dinosaurs."

Listen you George Bush-supporting dupe: It can't be proven beyond every single possible shred of doubt that Elvis didn't fake his death, and is now living incognito in Paris and stuffing his fat face with escargo. But to hold that belief would either make one a complete ignorant jackass...or, a two-time Bush voter.

61% of Texans Believe Jesus Rode a Dinosaur: