Tom Tancredo: Absolute Moron

Tancredo's just an immigration loon that needs to get a life. He's the descendant of the KKK of the early 1900's.
You have no idea what you are talking about and clearly are only getting news of him from blogspots like Cypress. Seriously the guy advocates a stronger border policy, not an anti-immigration policy, it is only emotive trash to mix the two up.

It's an extremist view, if you want to have a secure border on the north and south then you are a "racist", total garbage, not based in any reality, limited view, closed-minded trash based on "newspeak" thought control. Do you honestly think I'd count a man as a friend that is a racist? If you do, then you are seriously becoming unhinged.
You have no idea what you are talking about and clearly are only getting news of him from blogspots like Cypress. Seriously the guy advocates a stronger border policy, not an anti-immigration policy, it is only emotive trash to mix the two up.

It's an extremist view, if you want to have a secure border on the north and south then you are a "racist", total garbage, not based in any reality, limited view, closed-minded trash based on "newspeak" thought control. Do you honestly think I'd count a man as a friend that is a racist? If you do, then you are seriously becoming unhinged.

I don't understand how standing up for border security must equate to being racist either. It's a call to enfore our country's laws regarding immigration.
I don't understand how standing up for border security must equate to being racist either. It's a call to enfore our country's laws regarding immigration.
It's a ploy to end discussion, people are particularly afraid in this nation to be called "racist", especially when they are in a positions such as Tancredo's. Therefore calling them a racist has a good chance of changing the way they speak on a subject, regardless of the validity of the point they are making.

The funny thing is, it is their side using "race" in an attempt to shut another side up.
It's a ploy to end discussion, people are particularly afraid in this nation to be called "racist", especially when they are in a positions such as Tancredo's. Therefore calling them a racist has a good chance of changing the way they speak on a subject, regardless of the validity of the point they are making.

The funny thing is, it is their side using "race" in an attempt to shut another side up.

Mexicans as a race aren't intelligent enough to handle our freedoms.
Anyway, the 6th Congressional district of Colorado keeps electing him because they like the way he votes in Congress and is very much in touch with the will of his voters.
Scary thought.

To put this into a perspective not unlike my own, consider the California 11th district. For years, they elected Richard Pombo, over and over. For reference, Pombo makes Dick Cheney look humane and contemplative.

In the last election cycle, however, the good people of the 11th decided to rejoin the human race by ditching that mutant.

There's hope for the Colorado 6th. Not much, perhaps, but stranger things have happened.
Mexicans as a race aren't intelligent enough to handle our freedoms.
Why do you only become so simple when speaking on this subject?

Find one objecting remark that Tancredo has against legal immigration. Just one. Find one remark that is against the "Mexican race".

You won't find them, because it isn't 'Mexicans' he is against, he is in fact for a stronger border policy not against immigration.
Scary thought.

To put this into a perspective not unlike my own, consider the California 11th district. For years, they elected Richard Pombo, over and over. For reference, Pombo makes Dick Cheney look humane and contemplative.

In the last election cycle, however, the good people of the 11th decided to rejoin the human race by ditching that mutant.

There's hope for the Colorado 6th. Not much, perhaps, but stranger things have happened.
Whatever... A strong border is not something that is incomprehensible as a national security issue during a "Global War on Terror"...

He's extremely popular among the voters here, and while I don't agree with him on everything, certainly not on the "never give a path to Citizenship except they return to their nation of origin and reapply" thing, I fully comprehend that borders are important in such a "war"...
Whatever... A strong border is not something that is incomprehensible as a national security issue during a "Global War on Terror"...

He's extremely popular among the voters here, and while I don't agree with him on everything, certainly not on the "never give a path to Citizenship except they return to their nation of origin and reapply" thing, I fully comprehend that borders are important in such a "war"...

He's extremely popular? Sorry, but a incumbent Republican winning 54% of the vote in a very conservative district against a weak Democratic challenger is hardly being 'popular'. Most recongnise him for the wacko that he is, while the majority of his "supporters" are delusioned into believing that although you may disagree with his Hitlerism "on some issues", he's an OK guy.
Tancredo's "immigration plan", notice the part marked "NO. 1":

1. Limit immigration to "traditional levels" (like, those that were in place whenever the population of this country was 10 million) and seeks to assimilate those already here.

2. Encourage illegal aliens to leave on their own.

3. Eliminate chain migration.

4. Tighten the employment based green card category.

5. Limit anchor babies to only giving one parent citizenship.

6. No in state tuition to legal aliens.

7. Require federal immigration authorities to assist state and local law enforcement in enforcing immigration law.
You see, Damo, they're all the same. They introduce a shadow issue (like border enforcement) that's scary at the moment and has driven the population into fearmongering, and then we get to their REAL agenda - stopping all legal immigration.

For all the chest-thumping about "Homeland Security," the blunt truth is that the United States is no safer today than it was the day before the 9/11 attacks two years ago and indeed, now that full-scale war has started, considerably less safe.

The reason is that the government still refuses to halt immigration and take control of its own borders, allowing hordes of immigrants to enter the country, stay as long as they please, and do more or less whatever they can get away with—including, very possibly, acts of terrorism.

Only one public official has made any effort to correct that situation. Last month Colorado's Rep. Tom Tancredo introduced what he calls the Mass Immigration Reduction Act of 2003, a bill that is essentially what is usually called a "moratorium" on legal immigration into this country.

This is, of course, from one of the loon sites. I didn't want you to think I'm being biased.
I couldn't vote for a guy insane enough to say he would bomb Mecca. Even if the dude was for universal healthcare, and free legal pot for everyone ;)
Tancredo's "immigration plan", notice the part marked "NO. 1":

1. Limit immigration to "traditional levels" (like, those that were in place whenever the population of this country was 10 million) and seeks to assimilate those already here.

However this is not "no immigration", is it? It is also a bit deeper and includes migratory workers being allowed legally.

2. Encourage illegal aliens to leave on their own.

I already mentioned that I disagree with him on this one, and where I disagree with him. However, his reasoning is based on the fact that those who came legally are getting short-changed in this one, it is based in a sense of justice.

3. Eliminate chain migration.


4. Tighten the employment based green card category.

So that we keep better track of those who have come here so that those who overstay, like the 9/11 bombers, are more quickly identified and dealt with.

5. Limit anchor babies to only giving one parent citizenship.

Currently neither parent gets citizenship, this would be a major change a two for one. It is more likely that he wants those born here to gain automatic citizenship only if one of their parents is a citizen. However if this is what he has publicized I would be pleasantly surprised.

6. No in state tuition to legal aliens.

I agree, why should those who break the laws get all the same benefits as those who have not?

7. Require federal immigration authorities to assist state and local law enforcement in enforcing immigration law.

Again, what is wrong with this one?
I don't really care about the other points, Damo. None of them have any real, signifigant long term effects on the US besides the one that wants to limit legal immigration to "traditional levels". I assume this is 200,000 a year, which is one fifth of the current level.
You see, Damo, they're all the same. They introduce a shadow issue (like border enforcement) that's scary at the moment and has driven the population into fearmongering, and then we get to their REAL agenda - stopping all legal immigration.

For all the chest-thumping about "Homeland Security," the blunt truth is that the United States is no safer today than it was the day before the 9/11 attacks two years ago and indeed, now that full-scale war has started, considerably less safe.

The reason is that the government still refuses to halt immigration and take control of its own borders, allowing hordes of immigrants to enter the country, stay as long as they please, and do more or less whatever they can get away with—including, very possibly, acts of terrorism.

Only one public official has made any effort to correct that situation. Last month Colorado's Rep. Tom Tancredo introduced what he calls the Mass Immigration Reduction Act of 2003, a bill that is essentially what is usually called a "moratorium" on legal immigration into this country.

This is, of course, from one of the loon sites. I didn't want you to think I'm being biased.
None of what you posted that he promotes stops legal immigration, you are attempting fear mongering of your own.
"I agree, why should those who break the laws get all the same benefits as those who have not?"

No in state tuition for people with parking tickets!

No free speech either, they don't deserve the same rights.
I couldn't vote for a guy insane enough to say he would bomb Mecca. Even if the dude was for universal healthcare, and free legal pot for everyone ;)
All joking aside, I'm afraid that I feel the same way. That kind of trumps everything else. I can see where it might not for some people but I couldn't ever get past it.
None of what you posted that he promotes stops legal immigration, you are attempting fear mongering of your own.

The bill would've completely stopped legal immigration until 2008. I assume, had it passed, and had he not been passed off as the loon he is, he probably would've declared another "crisis" in America, and "one" of the "solutions" would be to extend it indefinitely. I've seen before how "moratiums" are applied by fascists.
I don't really care about the other points, Damo. None of them have any real, signifigant long term effects on the US besides the one that wants to limit legal immigration to "traditional levels". I assume this is 200,000 a year, which is one fifth of the current level.
You assume?

What were the traditional immigration laws? You know... before there were limitations?

The US had some requirements but no limits on numbers traditionally before they began, after WWII to set limitations by numbers.
You assume?

What were the traditional immigration laws? You know... before there were limitations?

The US had some requirements but no limits on numbers traditionally before they began, after WWII to set limitations by numbers.

The system set up in the 20's was that they would take the national orgins of each American, and every nationality was limited to immigrate to America by one sixths of 1 percent of the total population of that nationality in America.

This was replaced in the 50's by a limit of 200,000 to those of all nationalities. In the 80's, it was set to 1 million a year.
"I agree, why should those who break the laws get all the same benefits as those who have not?"

No in state tuition for people with parking tickets!

No free speech either, they don't deserve the same rights.
Except the law that they broke actually deals with where they live. Had they not broken the law where would they be?