Tom Tancredo: Absolute Moron

Hiring someone is "abusing" them? Holy shit, I'm being abused! I better sue, then I can get free money.

Of course, Cypress, all of these people sit in their evil lairs all day, cackling about destroying the American worker. We need to put their evillness in jail and refuse to forgive anyone ever. We're not dealing with real people here, only the people we've stereotyped and apathized with.

It's not like there's any poor farmer out there who hires illegals to work the fields so that he can feed his family. Those stupid brats should quit school anyway and work at the grocery store to feed themselves. They're part of an ignorant breed and are hardly deserving of life. Who cares about some loony judge who throws their dad in prison for 10 years without parole for hiring a person who wanted a job - we're not dealing with real people.

Evading the law, because you want to hire someone who has no protections - wage, labor, or safety - gives the employer almost dictatorial advantage over an employee. There's even cases of illegals getting hired to do work, and then not getting paid. The employer knows full well they're not going to complain to the state labor agency.

If a farmer needs seasonal migrant workers, they can hire migrant workers legally. There's already a program for that. Or, they can boost wages and hire americans. There's no reason to evade the law, and knowingly hire illegals. There's only one reason to do that - exploitation.

I'm open mined to expanding legal migrant worker programs, if there's a demonstrated and legitimate need by agriculture.
Evading the law, because you want to hire someone who has no protections - wage, labor, or safety - gives the employer almost dictatorial advantage over an employee. There's even cases of illegals getting hired to do work, and then not getting paid. The employer knows full well they're not going to complain to the state labor agency.

If a farmer needs seasonal migrant workers, they can hire migrant workers legally. There's already a program for that. Or, they can boost wages and hire americans. There's no reason to evade the law, and knowingly hire illegals. There's only one reason to do that - exploitation.

I'm open mined to expanding legal migrant worker programs, if there's a demonstrated and legitimate need by agriculture.

"boost wages and hire Americans" - yeah man, that's really great economics there. Hire some random kid at 5.15 and you're "boosting wages". No one wants to work as a farmer, farming is dead.
Fining is fine, but your previous posts only spoke of the benevolent nature of those who might hire them, speaking of how wrong it is to do anything at all to people who might hire them and suggesting that hiring them is not taking advantage or victimizing them in any way.

I never said they had a benevolent nature. They may very well be fascists. Hiring an illegal neither proves nor disproves your worth as a human being. We really overuse jail punishments in our society, though.
"boost wages and hire Americans" - yeah man, that's really great economics there. Hire some random kid at 5.15 and you're "boosting wages". No one wants to work as a farmer, farming is dead.

So, you believe that american business should be able to hire workers outside the scope of any laws, or any protections: no wage laws, no safety laws, no labor laws.

Welcome to the law of the jungle. That's fine if that's what you believe.

I personally don't think we should return to the guilded age, were workers weren't afforded any protections of any kind.
So, you believe that american business should be able to hire workers outside the scope of any laws, or any protections: no wage laws, no safety laws, no labor laws.

Welcome to the law of the jungle. That's fine if that's what you believe.

I personally don't think we should return to the guilded age, were workers weren't afforded any protections of any kind.


That's an interesting conclusion you've come to. I shall think on it after I've sung "Casa bonita! Casa bonita!"
Read my post above. The belief that they are not victimized by the employers who promote the continued status quo is seriously a dangerous view. These people are very often victimized many times, first to get here, and later when they arrive, often by the very people you attempt to protect here.

Damo is right about this, the only thing he is right about on this thread.
Well Damo, I watched the R debate on Abc this morning, and I don't like Tancredo. At all. And if there is a resemblance between you and him, I missed it.
However, you only post the numbers of people that have been deported, not those that were the parents of an Amendment 14 citizen, which you must admit to not knowing. That number is much lower, and were the actual people of which I was speaking.
No one knows the number because ICE refuses to provide it. I conclude that they refuse to provide it for a reason -- specifically, because knowing that number would horrify too many Americans.
No one knows the number because ICE refuses to provide it. I conclude that they refuse to provide it for a reason -- specifically, because knowing that number would horrify too many Americans.
You assume, not 'conclude'. The absence of evidence is not evidence at all, therefore it must only be considered an assumption.

And as I stated, that number would still not be the number that I speak of in this thread. Those that have Amendment 14 children are almost never separated from them. Even when representing themselves they simply show they have a citizen child and are given release, and papers that allow them to get driver's licenses and other things because of the judge's writ showing that they were released back into the US.
Tancredo is right on the money.

We SHOULD bomb Mecca, if there’s another attack by the evil-doers.

Islam preaches violence, hate, and war. It teaches that the "infidel" christians must be made to submit. Honestly, there are nights I lie awake in a cold sweat, thinking about hordes of al Qaeda invading my hometown of Colorado Springs, and forcing us to worship a cow…or whatever it is those weirdos worship.

In fact, the only thing I agree on with the rag head religion is their view on homosexuals. Those who engage in homosexual activity, should be beheaded.

And just for the record - I got a massage from a man. It wasn’t sex.

Warmest regards,

But they do have great connections to some really good smack via the Afganis.

Or are you strictly an upper kind of guy Ted?
I like the stories of the British troops chasing the Taliban into the MJ forests of Afganistan and and using MJ to camoflage their tanks :)