Tom Tancredo: We must deny american children health care

Tom Tancredo's argument against the expansion of children's healthcare:

"We must deny american children healthcare, because there's a tiny chance illegal immigrants might get it":

Where in the article did he say that? Just to make sure you are aware... when you put something in quotes, that means it is a direct quote and attributable to the person you indicated.
They actually removed the requirement to check in the expansion of the law whether the recipient is an American citizen or not.

Of course, one must recognize that the Denver Post is a left-wing rag that takes quotes of his out of context to put them in the darkest possible light. If this is his only objection, don't you think they could fix it rather easily?
They actually removed the requirement to check in the expansion of the law whether the recipient is an American citizen or not.

Of course, one must recognize that the Denver Post is a left-wing rag that takes quotes of his out of context to put them in the darkest possible light. If this is his only objection, don't you think they could fix it rather easily?

Which is what Cypress appears to be doing as well... except Cypress simply makes up lines of crap and puts quotes around them.... he knows most left wingnutters won't bother reading the article to see that Tancredo never said what Cypress quoted him as saying. They will simply drink the kool-aid and begin the chant....Dems are good, Reps are evil... Dems are good, Reps are evil.
Which is what Cypress appears to be doing as well... except Cypress simply makes up lines of crap and puts quotes around them.... he knows most left wingnutters won't bother reading the article to see that Tancredo never said what Cypress quoted him as saying. They will simply drink the kool-aid and begin the chant....Dems are good, Reps are evil... Dems are good, Reps are evil.

You gonna take that Cypress? Are you chicken?

Which is what Cypress appears to be doing as well... except Cypress simply makes up lines of crap and puts quotes around them.... he knows most left wingnutters won't bother reading the article to see that Tancredo never said what Cypress quoted him as saying. They will simply drink the kool-aid and begin the chant....Dems are good, Reps are evil... Dems are good, Reps are evil.

LOL...have a beer and calm down dude. Is this going to turn into another accuastion that my "misleading" posts are as bad as Bush misleading us into a war? ;)

I honestly didn't think anyone was stupid enough to think that was a real quote. That was MY interpretation of what tancredo's argument is, at its core. No politician is going to be stupid enough to literally say we should deny american kids health care.

1) What evidence do you have that vast quantities of illegals are streaming across the border to bankrupt the children's health insurance program?

2) What's up with having to show "citizenship papers"? What is this country turning into - the Fuhrer's Fatherland? I've never had to show citizenship papers for social services: not at the motor vehicle adminstration, not when I use fire or police services, not when I use public utility service, or garbage collection services. What is the sudden obsession with requiring people to prove their citizenship? Xenophobia perhaps? Look, if you want to stop illegal immigration, don't punish children who have no control over the action of their parents - instead go after the Chamber of Commerce and the various american buisness interests that encourage illegal immigration. And crack down - HARD - on employers of illegal immigation. Don't go after little kids. That's evil. That's republican.

3) Anyone who supported Bush and the iraq war - and the sending of tens of billion of dollars to build iraqi health clinics, iraqi schools, and iraqi roads, doesn't have a shred of credibility to criticize where a few million dollars get spent on healthcare for children of migrant workers.

4) Allegedly, it costs more money than it saves, to "check" citizenship papers

5) I believe that ANY child in this country should get health care. It's evil to deny it to them. They are not responsible for their parents actions. If you were really concerned about illegal immigration, you would go after the US Chamber of Commerce, Archer Daniels Midland, and corporate agribusiness. .
A birth certificate is all it takes to prove citizenship, it is no great hardship. And many Americans have a sense of justice that cringes at rewarding illegal behavior with something given freely.

Also, illegals can get health care.

And what makes you think that Tom does not? He is quite tirelessly working towards solutions in more ways than you want to believe he is.
A birth certificate is all it takes to prove citizenship, it is no great hardship. And many Americans have a sense of justice that cringes at rewarding illegal behavior with something given freely.

Also, illegals can get health care.

And what makes you think that Tom does not? He is quite tirelessly working towards solutions in more ways than you want to believe he is.
Many other Americans have a sense of justice that cringes at denying needed healthcare to anyone just because of some Puritanical obsession with the possibility that someone, somewhere might abuse the system someday.

Tancredo's credo is what gives rise to blue laws and Wars on Plural Nouns. He embraces emotion rather than reason, clinging to superstitious beliefs void of empirical support.

He probably even wears buckles on his shoes.
Which is what Cypress appears to be doing as well... except Cypress simply makes up lines of crap and puts quotes around them.... he knows most left wingnutters won't bother reading the article to see that Tancredo never said what Cypress quoted him as saying. They will simply drink the kool-aid and begin the chant....Dems are good, Reps are evil... Dems are good, Reps are evil.

How difficult do you think it is to make the case that this creep doesn't care about actual people, including CHILDREN?

The Bill expands health care for CHILDREN. In my opinion, anyone who would deny health care to CHILDREN is evil. It could be that your opinion is "fuck 'em" .. which would be your opinion .. but I'd consider that an evil opinion..

Not only is it evil to deny CHILDREN, ALL CHILDREN in the US, access to health care, it's also DUMB. CHILDREN who don't recieve treatment for their medical problems quite often have those problems grow into larger problems as adults, thus creating additional cost later on.

Here is what two REPUBLICANS, Hatch and Grassley, who helped craft the bill had to say .. and these are actual quotes .. "As Republican leaders on the committee of jurisdiction, we've been working day and night to reach an agreement on CHILDREN'S health insurance legislation because it is imperative that this important program, which has helped so many children, be continued."

emphasis on CHILDREN is mine

Take Tancreepo's quickness to deny health care to CHILDREN in context with his other votes, and he put's the quotes around Cypress's statement himself.

HR 6 - Repeal tax cuts to oil companies and have them pay a tax for Gulf oil

HR 5 - Lower the interests rates on student loans

HR 4 - Allow the government to negotiate directly with drugmakers for lower prescription drug prices

HR 2 - Increase the minimum wage

HR 1 - Implement 9/11 Commission recommendation to require cargo to the US to inspected oversees, gives faster and more efficient funding to first responders, creates an independent civil liberties watchdog group within the executive branch

HR 4297 - Extend the Bush tax cuts

HR 6 - Offer further tax cuts to oil companies

HR 2956 - Bill to reduce the number of US troops stuck in Hell in Iraq,
He skipped that vote

HR 1591 - Provides funding for the troops but sets timetables and benchmarks

H CON Res 63 - Non-binding resolution against troop buildup in Iraq

This motherfucker ain't too big on people.

Finally, The creeps vote against supporting SCHIP is counter to what NINETY-ONE PERCENT of Americans believe.

The vast majority of American voters strongly support extending State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) coverage to more uninsured children, according to a nationwide poll released today by Georgetown University's Center for Children and Families. This is the first poll to ask voters about much debated issues --- such as covering parents and higher income children --- arising in the SCHIP reauthorization debate. With 9 million children lacking health insurance, the public believes Congress should take action to cover more children.

In the nationwide poll conducted by a bipartisan team of pollsters, Lake Research Partners and American Viewpoint, 91 percent of Americans said that they want Congress to help states cover more uninsured children and the vast majority also supported covering uninsured parents in low-income working families. Voter support for SCHIP crosses party lines, according to the poll results.

"These poll results indicate that the American public considers health care coverage for our nation's children a number one priority," said Center for Children and Families Executive Director Cindy Mann. "Voters are looking to Congress and President Bush to help move the nation forward -- not backward -- in covering uninsured families."
Which is what Cypress appears to be doing as well... except Cypress simply makes up lines of crap and puts quotes around them.... he knows most left wingnutters won't bother reading the article to see that Tancredo never said what Cypress quoted him as saying. They will simply drink the kool-aid and begin the chant....Dems are good, Reps are evil... Dems are good, Reps are evil.

This left wingnutter just assumed the qoute wasn't from Tancredo, but rather Cypress' intrepetation of what Tancredo's opinions are. I do that myself, in fact, it's one of my favorite things to do, so I wasn't confused.
A birth certificate is all it takes to prove citizenship, it is no great hardship. And many Americans have a sense of justice that cringes at rewarding illegal behavior with something given freely.

Also, illegals can get health care.

And what makes you think that Tom does not? He is quite tirelessly working towards solutions in more ways than you want to believe he is.

I don't consider the ability to go to the hospital emergency room, to be health care.

I also don't want to live in the Third Reich, or the Soviet Motherland, where we have to show citizenship papers for any public social service.

The day that Tancredo demands that all of us have to show citizenship papers to use police and fire services, use public utilities and garbage collection, use public water and sewer systems, and use public parks, is the day that I think he really has a consistent and principled position of this.

The fact that he's singling out little kids to prove their citizenship for a social service, indicates to me that he is an evil, unprincipled xenophobe. Simply because he's worried there's a small chance for abuse in the system.
I don't consider the ability to go to the hospital emergency room, to be health care.

I also don't want to live in the Third Reich, or the Soviet Motherland, where we have to show citizenship papers for any public social service.

The day that Tancredo demands that all of us have to show citizenship papers to use police and fire services, use public utilities and garbage collection, use public water and sewer systems, and use public parks, is the day that I think he really has a consistent and principled position of this.

The fact that he's singling out little kids to prove their citizenship for a social service, indicates to me that he is an evil, unprincipled xenophobe. Simply because he's worried there's a small chance for abuse in the system.

You are required to show proof of citizenship when applying for a job, when applying for a drivers license, when applying for a passport, when applying for social security etc... It is a safeguard against fraud. To compare it to the third Reich or USSR is idiotic at best. You are not required to show your ID upon command for no reason.

As for your... "I thought everyone would know my quote of his wasn't actually a quote"... yes, I knew it wasn't... you are quite well known for your exagerations and misrepresentations of peoples positions. You are a partisan hack that likes to be overly dramatic... we get it... as I said... you're a nutter.
You are required to show proof of citizenship when applying for a job, when applying for a drivers license, when applying for a passport, when applying for social security etc... It is a safeguard against fraud. To compare it to the third Reich or USSR is idiotic at best. You are not required to show your ID upon command for no reason.

As for your... "I thought everyone would know my quote of his wasn't actually a quote"... yes, I knew it wasn't... you are quite well known for your exagerations and misrepresentations of peoples positions. You are a partisan hack that likes to be overly dramatic... we get it... as I said... you're a nutter.

I've never had to provide citizenship papers for a drivers lisence.

Passport? Well, you're going to a foreign country. Proof of citizenship is required to get a visa.

I've never had to show citizenship papers for 99% of the public services I use: driving on public roads, using police or fire services, using (god forbid) the coast guard in a boating emergency, using public utilities and water services, using public parks. That would be like living in the Soviet Motherland if I had to continually "show my papers".

Why are you and Tom singling out little kids, SF? ;)
I wish people would understand this issue from a financial point.

When you do preventative care you GREATLY reduce the cost of overal care.

When you force people to use as an only resort the MOST expensive type of service(Emergency care) as their health care You explode the costs.

Now we are paying for these people already and doing it in the MOST expensive way.

Time to get smart even if you dont have a heart.
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I've never had to provide citizenship papers for a drivers lisence.

Passport? Well, you're going to a foreign country. Proof of citizenship is required to get a visa.

I've never had to show citizenship papers for 99% of the public services I use: driving on public roads, using police or fire services, using (god forbid) the coast guard in a boating emergency, using public utilities and water services, using public parks. That would be like living in the Soviet Motherland if I had to continually "show my papers".

Why are you and Tom singling out little kids, SF? ;)

So you can obtain a drivers license in your state without a birth certificate?

Also... I am 99% certain you have to show proof when applying for Medicare and Medicaid as well. Which is exactly what Tancredo is trying to make sure holds true for this as well.
I think there's a box I check on the DL form, where I formally state that I'm a citizen. I don't recall ever having to show a passport or birth certificate.

Medicare and SS are for people over the age of 65. Republicans apparently ammended the law in 2005 to require proof of citizenship, I think you're right about that. I seriously doubt there's any evidence that Mexican seniors are streaming across the border to try to get a SS retirement check.

As for children - I think every child in this country should get health care. Regardless of nationality or status. No child should be denied, for any reason.

That's just me.

Why don't we have to show citizenship papers for 99% of all other taxpayer funded public services? Wouldn't you like to see the fire department ask for proof of citizenship, before helping you?
I think there's a box I check on the DL form, where I formally state that I'm a citizen. I don't recall ever having to show a passport or birth certificate.

Medicare and SS are for people over the age of 65. Republicans apparently ammended the law in 2005 to require proof of citizenship, I think you're right about that. I seriously doubt there's any evidence that Mexican seniors are streaming across the border to try to get a SS retirement check.

As for children - I think every child in this country should get health care. Regardless of nationality or status. No child should be denied, for any reason.

That's just me.

Why don't we have to show citizenship papers for 99% of all other taxpayer funded public services? Wouldn't you like to see the fire department ask for proof of citizenship, before helping you?

No that will just be your propery tax paid reciept before the fire dept will put out your house on fire ;)
"I think there's a box I check on the DL form, where I formally state that I'm a citizen. I don't recall ever having to show a passport or birth certificate."

Then it is obviously a state issue. In many states you are required to show a birth certificate when you first get your license. Most states will not make you repeat this if you are moving from another state or are renewing before your license expires... because they assume you have done so in the other state.

"Medicare and SS are for people over the age of 65." True

"Republicans apparently ammended the law in 2005 to require proof of citizenship, I think you're right about that. I seriously doubt there's any evidence that Mexican seniors are streaming across the border to try to get a SS retirement check."

Never said there were a bunch of mexican seniors sneaking over. Not sure if it was amended that recently. If anyone knows for sure, please inform.

"As for children - I think every child in this country should get health care. Regardless of nationality or status. No child should be denied, for any reason."

I honestly do not disagree with the above. At the same time, I do not think a position like that of Tancredo is wrong either. I understand his position and if it was in reference to adults I would agree with it.

That's just me.

thats just me