Tom Tancredo: We must deny american children health care


California accepts about twenty forms of proof of identification. Only one of which is a birth certificate. A birth certificate is not required, if you can come up with another acceptable form of identification. Many of which can probably be faked. And many of which don't even require you to be a "citizen" of the united states
Right, as I stated, recently many states have worked to get away from that requirement.

However if you notice the list, all of them are either the certificate itself or a form of identification that requires you to provide it.

In order to get the driver's licenses, if you legally obtained the forms of identification for the ID, you would show that you are legally a resident of the US as well as a resident of the state.

I should have been more clear, they prove you are legally a resident. (I shouldn't have said "citizen") if you properly obtain the documents you use to get the license.

In fact, most of the documents have even harder requirements than just a birth certificate to obtain legally. But in every case it is more than just your utility bill that you have to show to obtain that legal document.

In short, your link proves my point. You have to show you are here legally (if you gain the documents legally) to get your driver's license.
Damo, I'd like you to answer if you think you should have to show proof of citizenship to call for Coast Guard Assistance, to use public utilities, or to use a public park or road.
I don't, nor has Tancredo ever suggested such. This is inane exaggeration of a point he made that they removed the requirement to show legal residency before simply giving away the farm.
Right, as I stated, recently many states have worked to get away from that requirement.

However if you notice the list, all of them are either the certificate itself or a form of identification that requires you to provide it.

In order to get the driver's licenses, if you legally obtained the forms of identification for the ID, you would show that you are legally a resident of the US as well as a resident of the state.

I should have been more clear, they prove you are legally a resident. (I shouldn't have said "citizen") if you properly obtain the documents you use to get the license.

In fact, most of the documents have even harder requirements than just a birth certificate to obtain legally. But in every case it is more than just your utility bill that you have to show to obtain that legal document.

Well then Tancredos argument is wholly without merit. Because to even get childrens health insurance, illegals have to jump through a number of already existing hoops just to get proper identification, to even apply for it.

So, he's just being xenophobic, and imagining a problem that doesn't really exist.
Well then Tancredos argument is wholly without merit. Because to even get childrens health insurance, illegals have to jump through a number of already existing hoops just to get proper identification, to even apply for it.

So, he's just being xenophobic, and imagining a problem that doesn't really exist.
No. The point was, that requirement was REMOVED from the law with the expansion. His objection is to removing that requirement, not to the expansion of the program itself.

He isn't being "xenophobic" he simply suggests that we disincentivize illegal immigration.
No. The point was, that requirement was REMOVED from the law with the expansion. His objection is to removing that requirement, not to the expansion of the program itself.

I'm sure they have to show some form of ID to apply for the benefits. A drivers liscence, an SS card, a temporary worker visa. Things that show they already jumped through hoops to prove they are legal residents.

Tancredos just throwing up another roadblock, by asking them to prove their legal status again at another state agency. You just said yourself that the simple possession of a DL shows they are here legally.
I'm sure they have to show some form of ID to apply for the benefits. A drivers liscence, an SS card, a temporary worker visa. Things that show they already jumped through hoops to prove they are legal residents.

Tancredos just throwing up another roadblock, by asking them to prove their legal status again at another state agency. You just said yourself that the simple possession of a DL shows they are here legally.
One more time. The legislation that expanded the program REMOVED THAT REQUIREMENT. And that was what Tancredo was objecting to. Either read your own link and around the bias of the story a bit and actually try to understand what he was saying, or don't post the link.
I still think that ANY child in the United States should be entitled to health care.

Tancredo doesn't.
I still think that ANY child in the United States should be entitled to health care.

Tancredo doesn't.
Actually, he believes that we can provide care to those here illegally, just not with this program. That disincentivizing illegal immigration should be a goal of the government.
Dl requirements vary from state to state.
They do. However, I have yet to see one of them that allows you to grab a utility bill and that is it. It is a legal document that "proves" your identity and the requirements are far more difficult than a utility bill. Also one should consider that very few 16 year olds ever pay utilities.
One more time. The legislation that expanded the program REMOVED THAT REQUIREMENT. And that was what Tancredo was objecting to. Either read your own link and around the bias of the story a bit and actually try to understand what he was saying, or don't post the link.

Damo, the legislation passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. Even most republicans voted for it. I seriously doubt there is any fatal flaw in it, that would give rise to mexicans streaming across the border to bankrupt it.

Your standing with the tiny minority that oppose it. I think it speaks volumes that Tancredo is one of the last remaining dead enders that is fear mongering about the bill
Damo, the legislation passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. Even most republicans voted for it. I seriously doubt there is any fatal flaw in it, that would give rise to mexicans streaming across the border to bankrupt it.

Your standing with the tiny minority that oppose it. I think it speaks volumes that Tancredo is one of the last remaining dead enders that is fear mongering about the bill
I don't oppose it you freak. I simply have explained Tancredo's position better than the story did. The story is deliberately misleading, takes words out of context then supplies you with a conclusion rather than letting you come up with one from an informed position.

Simply restating what Tancredo said and informing you of his one objection to the law, which was the removal of that requirement, does not give you my opinion.

This law isn't so bad, it is a form of welfare, but it has requirements of earning and won't incentivize people to drop insurance so they can use this one. I don't "like" giving away the farm, but think it would be morally wrong to deny good health care to children.

That being stated, I can understand Tancredo's objective and it isn't to "deny children" he isn't evil, and he has no objection to legal immigration.
I don't oppose it you freak. I simply have explained Tancredo's position better than the story did. The story is deliberately misleading, takes words out of context then supplies you with a conclusion rather than letting you come up with one from an informed position.

Simply restating what Tancredo said and informing you of his one objection to the law, which was the removal of that requirement, does not give you my opinion.

This law isn't so bad, it is a form of welfare, but it has requirements of earning and won't incentivize people to drop insurance so they can use this one. I don't "like" giving away the farm, but think it would be morally wrong to deny good health care to children.

That being stated, I can understand Tancredo's objective and it isn't to "deny children" he isn't evil, and he has no objection to legal immigration.


So... how does it feel? Sometimes I think we would be better off ignoring the nutter Cypress. I mean we could simply read if we wanted to know what they were having him parrot.

So... how does it feel? Sometimes I think we would be better off ignoring the nutter Cypress. I mean we could simply read if we wanted to know what they were having him parrot.

Oh, you could never ignore me. You love following me around like a poodle.

Here poochie, poochie! ;)

I'm glad you and Damo agree with me that ALL children in this country should get adequate healthcare. If you were here merely to "refine" tancredo's postion, I'm cool with that.