tonight intervention of holyroller on A&E

low down on A&E's intervention show w/ the holyroller...

holyroller was molested (by a way older holyroller big suprise there) by a 25 year old holyroller the kid was nine, the parents had no clue (big suprise there), and the kid got fucked up

he would steal from whomever to get his crystal meth, rob cars, give blowjobs to get his meth...

now he's sober..
Well, that one was so-so. I've seen better ones. For some odd reason, I'm fascinated with addiction documentaries. The ones with crack-addicts are usually the wildest imo.
well so far, but he would sing holyroller songs w/ his mom while he was stoned, thats great family values there and his mom would give him money for his habit b/c she didn't want him to steal from others and get arrested.

now thats family values.

I know I love that w/ my family...
Well, that one was so-so. I've seen better ones. For some odd reason, I'm fascinated with addiction documentaries. The ones with crack-addicts are usually the wildest imo.

the mother was retarded.... HOW AND WHY DO YOU LET A 25 Y/O MAN HANG OUT W/ A 9 YEAR OLD AND THINK ITS OKAY??!!!

i knew he was messin before it came out in the show... what a moron the mother is and its all her fault

did you see the holyroller shirt the holyroller ped o was wearing

He showed it
we know it
that settles it

or something like that.
I like that show, it may be because I like to see how much better my life is than others. It reminds me that I am doing well.
I just find it strange that Rob who complains often about riffraff loves the shows about riffraff...
ie Judge Judy...
hmm, never watched that show either.
Thewre was a really good show on LINKTV last night about the downfall of the media.
Heros is on tonight.

Save the Cheerleader save the world!

Thats on my list too. I knew the Dad was going to be that politician. Is it just me or if Jake knows he's going to blow up the city, shouldn't he just leave and maybe move to an island somewhere or something? Why is hanging around trying to "save the world" when he's the one that will essentially blow it up?