tonight intervention of holyroller on A&E

US, sometimes they pretend to be. They are good at deception.

The point is...I said I didn't see this program. But Stud says this guy is a Hollyroller and I don't know why. Does he call himself that? I say if he is out sucking dicks then he should more correctly be called a fag.

he was suckin to get money for his meth addiction.... but also his mom gave him money sometimes so he wouldn't have to steal from other po' dems or trailer dems, he had a nice house, but i would say he was a drug dem.
>>i say if your w/ mom singing songs about jesus and belonging to a singing church traveling band, then yes you are a holyroller

I think that might mean your mom is a holyroller. Doesn't mean you are anything.
Rob, holy rollers are just a part of the "Christians" in this country.

well they were evangelicals, which we all know what i think of them....

its well known where they are on Rob's Hierarchy of HOlyrollers, and their damage to the country...
>>i say if your w/ mom singing songs about jesus and belonging to a singing church traveling band, then yes you are a holyroller

I think that might mean your mom is a holyroller. Doesn't mean you are anything.

Quite correct Toby, It does not sound like the druggie was a Christian.

Chenys daughter is a lezzie, is Cheny ?
Pappy Bush's father dealt with Hitler, does that mean he or George does ?
Is you mom Gay Rob ?
Not getting personal just trying to show what I am talking about.
Holyrollers think homosexuality is wrong, so if they suck dicks they are not holyrollers they are fags trying to pass. Just lying POS fags.
>>i say if your w/ mom singing songs about jesus and belonging to a singing church traveling band, then yes you are a holyroller

I think that might mean your mom is a holyroller. Doesn't mean you are anything.

the kid would sing songs w/ mom about jesus... not to mention he had more crusifixies in his room on his wall than eddie has dog bones.

in any event the holyroller dropped the F** word... i was like, who's the druggie thief loser again sucking **** to support their habit again???
I have to sort of agree with toby, from what you say the guy was no holy roller that is for sure. I sometimes sing various songs, that does not mean I believe in old McDonald or Santa Clause.
holyrollers don't suck dicks, fags suck dicks.........that would mean he is a fag and not a holyroller.
He was a holy roller. He always prayed about his addiction but then went right back out into the streets.
He may have been a hypocritical and sinning hollyroller (we all know there are plenty of those out there), but he was nonetheless a holyroller. Constantly in church, deluding himself into thinking it was some kind of test from God, praying, but not doing anything to really stop it. I didn't see a followup show of him, but a lot of them end up right back on the drugs.
He may have been a hypocritical and sinning hollyroller (we all know there are plenty of those out there), but he was nonetheless a holyroller. Constantly in church, deluding himself into thinking it was some kind of test from God, praying, but not doing anything to really stop it. I didn't see a followup show of him, but a lot of them end up right back on the drugs.

exactly... the note at the end said he relapsed several times but now is sober since feb 06 ( and i am happy for him)

but i think he's errr. gay... i don't think i could eat a p___ssy for any amount of money
So I guess LadyT that is how Bush is still a conservative ? Because he is still a republican ?
I don't count all those who attend church Christians aka holy rollers in some denominations.
I went in a liquor store a few months ago, but I am no alcoholic.
So I guess LadyT that is how Bush is still a conservative ? Because he is still a republican ?
I don't count all those who attend church Christians aka holy rollers in some denominations.
I went in a liquor store a few months ago, but I am no alcoholic.

Well, when you see the show you can feel free to label him a hollyroller or not. Rob and I saw and felt he was a holly roller. I don't really get your comparisons of alcohol or Bush's brand of conservatism to the topic at hand. #1, alcoholism is mainly defined by being addicted to alcohol, #2 I've never argued that your political party defines your political ideology - how you side with issues does #3 Our assessment of his 'holyrollerness' was based on his actions and words, and not simply whether or not he attended a church session or two.
many of those attending church are a work in progress. You don't just walk in the door and are miraculosuly healed of all your sins.
Some never make it, some do. some say they did and did not.