tonight intervention of holyroller on A&E

the mother was retarded.... HOW AND WHY DO YOU LET A 25 Y/O MAN HANG OUT W/ A 9 YEAR OLD AND THINK ITS OKAY??!!!

i knew he was messin before it came out in the show... what a moron the mother is and its all her fault

did you see the holyroller shirt the holyroller ped o was wearing

He showed it
we know it
that settles it

or something like that.

She sure wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He played on her weakness if I remember correctly. Didn't he pretend to be all holier than thou too? Beats me. I don't try to draw logic from stupid or crazy people. You'll go in cirles forever.

On another note, I don't understand supporting an addict on so many levels. All it ever did for my family member that was an addict was enable him in my opinion.
Didn't see the program, but if he is giving blow jobs he should more accurately be described as a faggot rather than a hollyroller.
Umm past spiritual advisor to bush, head of some big christian organization, and a huge church and following....
I say actions speak louder than words. If you suck dicks and preach you are a fag. sucking is doing, preaching is talking.
US, sometimes they pretend to be. They are good at deception.

The point is...I said I didn't see this program. But Stud says this guy is a Hollyroller and I don't know why. Does he call himself that? I say if he is out sucking dicks then he should more correctly be called a fag.
I just find it strange that Rob who complains often about riffraff loves the shows about riffraff...
ie Judge Judy...

i love shows about trash... i love watching trash....

don't forget cops, i love watching losers get arrested...

I was watching COPS this weekend and a guy who was shooting meth tied a lamp cord around his arm b/c he took too much and he thought that tying the lamp around his arm would stop the meth from getting into his blood stream....

only he ended up breaking the lamp and tied the cord too tight and almost had to have his arm amputated...

I love watching idiots...

not to mention cops is a double bonus cuz i get to see all the hotties in their uniforms.
US, sometimes they pretend to be. They are good at deception.

The point is...I said I didn't see this program. But Stud says this guy is a Hollyroller and I don't know why. Does he call himself that? I say if he is out sucking dicks then he should more correctly be called a fag.

i say if your w/ mom singing songs about jesus and belonging to a singing church traveling band, then yes you are a holyroller...