

Democratic debate being held at Soldier field to a nearly sell-out crowd. Republican debate, being held in a airport hanger, 4 tickets sold.

But anyway, Keith Olbermann, another boyfriend of mine, is going to be moderating this one.

Democrats debate; unions delight
In national spotlight, candidates to court Big Labor in Chicago

They will probably sound like a giant barbershop quartet, singing different notes in the same song.

And that's perfectly fine with leaders of the AFL-CIO, who are savoring the prospect of the Tuesday night debate among seven Democratic presidential candidates that the labor federation is sponsoring at Soldier Field.

"All of them are talented and all of them are our candidates," Gerald McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees told a group of union political activists this weekend in Chicago. The forum will be "the biggest job interview ever," he added with a broad smile.
The labor federation's glee is easy to understand.

The candidates' eagerness to court organized labor is viewed as a message that labor is still a major player in national politics, despite its steadily shrinking numbers and a deep division within its ranks that led to a splinter federation two years ago. Organized labor, with 16 million members, today represents about only 1 out of 8 workers in the U.S.

The AFL-CIO's leaders are similarly pleased by the fact that the candidates' wooing will be very public.

More than 12,000 union members and their families are expected to attend the 90-minute gathering that will be broadcast live on MSNBC and WMAQ-Ch.-5 and over XM Satellite Radio, starting at 6 p.m.

In fact, the meeting was switched from McCormick Place West to the massive open-air stadium when ticket requests soared beyond expectations, union officials said. More than 17,000 tickets have been handed out to unions in the Chicago area, added officials with the half-million-member Chicago Federation of Labor.

MSNBC host Keith Olbermann will be the moderator. The candidates also will field questions from about 10 union members, who have been selected from across the U.S., as well as questions culled from several thousand submitted to the AFL-CIO over the Internet.
Democratic debate being held at Soldier field to a nearly sell-out crowd. Republican debate, being held in a airport hanger, 4 tickets sold.

LOL And the one's that are going to the GOP debate, are going to be wearing trench coats and sun glasses, so they won't be identified as repubolicans and iraq war-supporters.

You know what I just conciously realized the other day?

Of the top four Dem candidates in the polls, only ONE of them is a white, WASP-y male.

For some reason, that seems just cool.
Democratic debate being held at Soldier field to a nearly sell-out crowd. Republican debate, being held in a airport hanger, 4 tickets sold.

LOL And the one's that are going to the GOP debate, are going to be wearing trench coats and sun glasses, so they won't be identified as repubolicans and iraq war-supporters.

You know what I just conciously realized the other day?

Of the top four Dem candidates in the polls, only ONE of them is a white, WASP-y male.

For some reason, that seems just cool.

LOL, yes and wearing t-shirts that say "I'm a Libertarian, not a Republican" .
I cant wait to see Olberman and what he does with it.

Im hoping he asks ass kicking questions
LOL, yes and wearing t-shirts that say "I'm a Libertarian, not a Republican" .

There is as big a difference between libertarians and republicans as there is between libertarians and dempcrats.

For years on these boards I had Republicans calling me a koolaid drinking liberal for my opinion on the war and social freedoms, while I was called a neocon and a Bush boot licker for my opinions on personal economic freedoms.
Democratic debate being held at Soldier field to a nearly sell-out crowd. Republican debate, being held in a airport hanger, 4 tickets sold.

LOL And the one's that are going to the GOP debate, are going to be wearing trench coats and sun glasses, so they won't be identified as repubolicans and iraq war-supporters.

You know what I just conciously realized the other day?

Of the top four Dem candidates in the polls, only ONE of them is a white, WASP-y male.

For some reason, that seems just cool.

because real diversity lies within superficial appearances and income levels, rather than the exchange of ideas.

I want the best person for the job, whomever that may be. One's race, gender, or income level has no bearing on how I choose my president. No surprise though that a prole such as yourself would be elated at such factors
There is as big a difference between libertarians and republicans as there is between libertarians and dempcrats.

For years on these boards I had Republicans calling me a koolaid drinking liberal for my opinion on the war and social freedoms, while I was called a neocon and a Bush boot licker for my opinions on personal economic freedoms.

No, I know that, but I have seen a lot of republicans get the libertarian religion since bush took office, and then try and claim they were never republicans at all.
No, I know that, but I have seen a lot of republicans get the libertarian religion since bush took office, and then try and claim they were never republicans at all.

Well, I'll admit that I was more sympathetic to Republicans before I became more politically aware, but W and the monolithic Congress prior to this last election cycle squelched that pretty good. I still think Democrats are just the competing crime family to the Republicans though.
No, I know that, but I have seen a lot of republicans get the libertarian religion since bush took office, and then try and claim they were never republicans at all.

yep, they like to call themselves independent lately too Darla.
yep, they like to call themselves independent lately too Darla.

i love how democrats think it's a bad thing that republicans have lost party members, and how many republicans no longer identify with their former party. And they act to discourage such things and mock those that have openly decided that they no longer fit in. Shows how fucked up they are that they would prefer a different scenario.
I am just hoping It continues and another 30 yr cycle of demoncratic power begins.
Might not last as long this time though, peoples memories have gotten shorter.
Many seem not to be able to remember they voted for Bush :)
i love how democrats think it's a bad thing that republicans have lost party members, and how many republicans no longer identify with their former party. And they act to discourage such things and mock those that have openly decided that they no longer fit in. Shows how fucked up they are that they would prefer a different scenario.

Not one single person has said its a "bad" thing.

I find it hilarious, and very telling that Bush fans are pretending to not be Bush fans.
come on by Cawacko, I will tell the boys down the road a sweet CA boy is coming. They are working on their demolition derby cars right now.
Not one single person has said its a "bad" thing.

I find it hilarious, and very telling that Bush fans are pretending to not be Bush fans.

why would they do that? You think that for 30% of the population that image is more important than peoples inner beliefs?
Not one single person has said its a "bad" thing.

I find it hilarious, and very telling that Bush fans are pretending to not be Bush fans.

Maybe its the terminology that throws me. First, the idea that you are a 'fan' of someone because you voted for them but more than that the idea that because you vote for someone you (must) support everything they do 100%.

Talk about people being sheep.
Maybe its the terminology that throws me. First, the idea that you are a 'fan' of someone because you voted for them but more than that the idea that because you vote for someone you (must) support everything they do 100%.

Talk about people being sheep.

exactly. The Bush Admin. has done a lot of things just in the last 3 years that would be able to turn many people away. To act as though that it's impossible for people to begin to disagree with various activities/situations that have come to light is ridiculous. Reasonable people could have supported something in the past and drifted away.
Maybe its the terminology that throws me. First, the idea that you are a 'fan' of someone because you voted for them but more than that the idea that because you vote for someone you (must) support everything they do 100%.

Talk about people being sheep.

If a pollster called you tonight, and asked you if you approved, or disapproved of Bush's job as president, what would you say?