
If a pollster called you tonight, and asked you if you approved, or disapproved of Bush's job as president, what would you say?

I don't know how I'd answer. It would depend on my mood.

So is one to assume how you answer means you either support him 100% or are against him 100%?
I don't know how I'd answer. It would depend on my mood.

So is one to assume how you answer means you either support him 100% or are against him 100%?


This is too funny. What a weasel answer. EVERYONE has an opinion of whether, on balance, Bush has done a good job or a bad job.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Republicans and Bush voters too embarrassed to admit whether they support or approve of the guy ;)

This is too funny. What a weasel answer. EVERYONE has an opinion of whether, on balance, Bush has done a good job or a bad job.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Republicans and Bush voters too embarrassed to admit whether they support or approve of the guy ;)

Weasel answer my ass it's the truth. There are days I say I can't believe I voted for the guy and there are days I say I like what he is doing. Sorry if I don't fit into your neat little partisan box.

I admit and have admitted I'm a Republican and I voted for Bush twice. I'm not hiding shit unlike uscitizen, for example, who claims to be an independent when 100% of what he states comes right out of the Democrat talking points. Why am I am Republican? Because when I compare the two party platforms I agree with more of the Republicans than I do the Democrats. I do not agree 100% with the Republican platform nor do I disagree 100% with the Democratic platform.

That's real.
exactly. The Bush Admin. has done a lot of things just in the last 3 years that would be able to turn many people away. To act as though that it's impossible for people to begin to disagree with various activities/situations that have come to light is ridiculous. Reasonable people could have supported something in the past and drifted away.

No. I can believe that about somebody who voted for bush in 2000. But not about somebody who voted for him in 04, and then claims now that they are disenchanted because of the things they've done in the past 3 years.

Everything they've done in the past 3 years, they did already by 04. If you didn't know, you didn't want to know, and you shouldn't have been voting in that case. Suspending disbelief is great for an action movie, but not in the voting booth.
Yes Darla, I have little faith in the opinions of anyone who voted for Bush in 04.
They have clearly been shown to have a defective decision making process.
Weasel answer my ass it's the truth. There are days I say I can't believe I voted for the guy and there are days I say I like what he is doing. Sorry if I don't fit into your neat little partisan box.

I admit and have admitted I'm a Republican and I voted for Bush twice. I'm not hiding shit unlike uscitizen, for example, who claims to be an independent when 100% of what he states comes right out of the Democrat talking points. Why am I am Republican? Because when I compare the two party platforms I agree with more of the Republicans than I do the Democrats. I do not agree 100% with the Republican platform nor do I disagree 100% with the Democratic platform.

That's real.

It is the Democratic party not the democrat party.

Now if you ever want to see any respect from anyone on the left side of the street you need to at least not use the Name that Republican party invented to insult the Democratic party.

You will find yourself as history remembers this little era in a pickle.

There was no good reason to believe anything that Bush said in 2000, there was absolutely No reason to believe what Bush said in 2004.

The problem is he was lieing the entire time and anyone who paid attention with their brain instead of their emotions knows this.

People I completely disagree with on policy saw this and it wasnt just Dems who knew it.

You will have to explain this to people the rest of your life.

That is why I suspect many will start to lie about voting for Bush ever.
Maybe its the terminology that throws me. First, the idea that you are a 'fan' of someone because you voted for them but more than that the idea that because you vote for someone you (must) support everything they do 100%.

Talk about people being sheep.

you have to keep in mind that Cypress IS a sheep. So he assumes everyone else is as well. The concept of disagreeing with leaders you support or used to support is foreign to him. Thinking about being able to change your mind on a topic, results in his banging his head against the wall. The drugs in the kool aid will not allow him to have individually produced thoughts. If it isn't on or commondreams.crap he is not allowed to think it.
Weasel answer my ass it's the truth. There are days I say I can't believe I voted for the guy and there are days I say I like what he is doing. Sorry if I don't fit into your neat little partisan box.

I admit and have admitted I'm a Republican and I voted for Bush twice. I'm not hiding shit unlike uscitizen, for example, who claims to be an independent when 100% of what he states comes right out of the Democrat talking points. Why am I am Republican? Because when I compare the two party platforms I agree with more of the Republicans than I do the Democrats. I do not agree 100% with the Republican platform nor do I disagree 100% with the Democratic platform.

That's real.

Anyone who follows politics as closely as us message board posters has an opinon on whether, broadly speaking, bush is doing a good job or a bad job.

Sorry, I'm not buying the claim that you can't decide ;).
It is the Democratic party not the democrat party.

Now if you ever want to see any respect from anyone on the left side of the street you need to at least not use the Name that Republican party invented to insult the Democratic party.

You will find yourself as history remembers this little era in a pickle.

There was no good reason to believe anything that Bush said in 2000, there was absolutely No reason to believe what Bush said in 2004.

The problem is he was lieing the entire time and anyone who paid attention with their brain instead of their emotions knows this.

People I completely disagree with on policy saw this and it wasnt just Dems who knew it.

You will have to explain this to people the rest of your life.

That is why I suspect many will start to lie about voting for Bush ever.

You have got to be kidding me.

Repiglicans, Repuglicans, Repugs or any other of a dozen or so names that posters use to insult Republicans on here doesn't bother you but my lazy ass doesn't use two letters and now all of a sudden its an insult?

Desh you are about as partisan as it can get so of course in your eyes everything someone says on the right is wrong or a lie and everything someone on the left said is at least believable. There's nothing wrong with that, you are free to believe as you like. That is the beauty of our country. But this idea that I am to feel guilty coming from a partisan on the left does not stick with me.

I can end an argument for why I voted for Bush in two names; Al Gore and John Kerry, enough said.
You have got to be kidding me.

Repiglicans, Repuglicans, Repugs or any other of a dozen or so names that posters use to insult Republicans on here doesn't bother you but my lazy ass doesn't use two letters and now all of a sudden its an insult?

Desh you are about as partisan as it can get so of course in your eyes everything someone says on the right is wrong or a lie and everything someone on the left said is at least believable. There's nothing wrong with that, you are free to believe as you like. That is the beauty of our country. But this idea that I am to feel guilty coming from a partisan on the left does not stick with me.

I can end an argument for why I voted for Bush in two names; Al Gore and John Kerry, enough said.

Al Gore and John Kerry did not cause your hand to wander over and pull the lever for Bush. There were at least half a dozen candidates on the california state ballot for president. You could have pulled the lever for the Libertarian candidate ;)

Plus, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that Al Gore would have been as bad and incompetent as Bush. :clink:
Al Gore and John Kerry did not cause your hand to wander over and pull the lever for Bush. There were at least half a dozen candidates on the california state ballot for president. You could have pulled the lever for the Libertarian candidate ;)

Plus, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that Al Gore would have been as bad and incompetent as Bush. :clink:

Don't misunderestimate Al Gore. He's bad. :)