
I didn't have to vote for Kerry not to vote for Bush.

I had to vote for the one most likely to defeat bush. Not just a "protest" vote.
Bush needed to go.
But it has worked out as I propheised. by staying Bush has dragged down the republicans.
If Kerry had been elected it would all just have been on his head.
I had to vote for the one most likely to defeat bush. Not just a "protest" vote.
Bush needed to go.
But it has worked out as I propheised. by staying Bush has dragged down the republicans.
If Kerry had been elected it would all just have been on his head

Boy, isn't that the truth.
You have got to be kidding me.

Repiglicans, Repuglicans, Repugs or any other of a dozen or so names that posters use to insult Republicans on here doesn't bother you but my lazy ass doesn't use two letters and now all of a sudden its an insult?

Desh you are about as partisan as it can get so of course in your eyes everything someone says on the right is wrong or a lie and everything someone on the left said is at least believable. There's nothing wrong with that, you are free to believe as you like. That is the beauty of our country. But this idea that I am to feel guilty coming from a partisan on the left does not stick with me.

I can end an argument for why I voted for Bush in two names; Al Gore and John Kerry, enough said.

You forgot Repukes, which is how I like to refer to them.