Too close to Hillary?

What on earth is this woman smoking? You are saying Trump has a big ego? Really?

the October 9 debate in St. Louis in which Trump followed her closely about the stage, lurking behind her as she fielded questions from a live television audience. The debate came two days after an audiotape emerged in which Trump was heard bragging about groping women.

"This is not OK, I thought," Clinton says. "It was the second presidential debate and Donald Trump was looming behind me.

"We were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled.

"It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching: 'Well, what would you do?' Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space? Or do you turn, look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly: 'Back up, you creep. Get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women but you can't intimidate me.'"
she didnt get creeped out by this tho

He was breathing down her neck like a creepy stalker. Are you saying what he did was okay just because you despise Hillary?

I can just imagine the outrage if Biden had done the same during his debate with Palin.

He did nothing of the sort.

She and her emotional bullshit are a perfect example of why a woman is not suited to be POTUS.
He did nothing of the sort.

She and her emotional bullshit are a perfect example of why a woman is not suited to be POTUS.

I watched that debate from start to finish. He was disgusting, like a little kid with ADHD who couldn't sit still. Anyone with two eyes and an ounce of common sense could see it.

I never thought in 2017 America a woman would say a woman isn't suited to be POTUS. Countries like England and Germany are way more advanced than the US in this regard.
I watched that debate from start to finish. He was disgusting, like a little kid with ADHD who couldn't sit still. Anyone with two eyes and an ounce of common sense could see it.

I never thought in 2017 America a woman would say a woman isn't suited to be POTUS. Countries like England and Germany are way more advanced than the US in this regard.

izzat so?

maybe u should move there

i hear the muzlim men there luv lib wimmen

A wave of sexual attacks in Cologne on New Year’s Eve in 2015, believed to be carried out by men of North African origin, also fuelled fears that the surge in immigration could trigger higher rates of sexual crime.

“Crimes committed by [asylum-seeking] immigrants saw a disproportionate increase last year — there’s nothing there we can gloss over,” said German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière. He said when it came to violent crimes there were “about 90 per cent more immigrant suspects in 2016” than in the prior year.

Mr de Maizière cited the cramped conditions of refugee hostels as a contributory factor, as well as “potentially explosive” ethnic and religious tensions between different immigrant groups.

He also noted that many of the refugees were young men aged between 18 and 21 — a group where the crime rate is four times higher than that of the average population.

Cases of murder and manslaughter increased 14 per cent, of rape and sexual assault by 13 per cent and grievous bodily harm by 10 per cent.

if ud rather get raped in englandistan i can find thoze statz 4 u 2 :rofl2:
I watched that debate from start to finish. He was disgusting, like a little kid with ADHD who couldn't sit still. Anyone with two eyes and an ounce of common sense could see it.

I never thought in 2017 America a woman would say a woman isn't suited to be POTUS. Countries like England and Germany are way more advanced than the US in this regard.

I watched every debate from start to finish. He was walking around in a small area behind her. BFD.

A job such as President is not one where emotions should rule and there is no denying women are more apt to act on emotion than men as Hillbag demonstrates.

I wouldn't feel as safe with a woman as President.
y even bother

christiefa antifa iz grasping at strawz 2 soothe her intense butthurt feelz

dont try 2 refute her bs

pour salt on her open woundz & inflame her festering flesh

like this


I watched every debate from start to finish. He was walking around in a small area behind her. BFD.

A job such as President is not one where emotions should rule and there is no denying women are more apt to act on emotion than men as Hillbag demonstrates.

I wouldn't feel as safe with a woman as President.

*incredulous look* You think trump doesn't act on emotion every single day? Good lord.