Too close to Hillary?

I watched every debate from start to finish. He was walking around in a small area behind her. BFD.

A job such as President is not one where emotions should rule and there is no denying women are more apt to act on emotion than men as Hillbag demonstrates.

I wouldn't feel as safe with a woman as President.

I watched that debate from start to finish. He was disgusting, like a little kid with ADHD who couldn't sit still. Anyone with two eyes and an ounce of common sense could see it.

I never thought in 2017 America a woman would say a woman isn't suited to be POTUS. Countries like England and Germany are way more advanced than the US in this regard.


I can just imagine the content. :rolleyes:



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He was breathing down her neck like a creepy stalker. Are you saying what he did was okay just because you despise Hillary?

I can just imagine the outrage if Biden had done the same during his debate with Palin.

No, but I can't fathom someone wanting to breath down Hillary's neck. I think it is wishful thinking on her part. She is so desperately trying to be important.
I watched that debate from start to finish. He was disgusting, like a little kid with ADHD who couldn't sit still. Anyone with two eyes and an ounce of common sense could see it.
Most of us call that paying close attention.

I never thought in 2017 America a woman would say a woman isn't suited to be POTUS. Countries like England and Germany are way more advanced than the US in this regard.
Oh, we would love a female potus, just not that one.
No, but I can't fathom someone wanting to breath down Hillary's neck. I think it is wishful thinking on her part. She is so desperately trying to be important.

Whatever. It's all on tape. There was no reason for him to be following her around the stage. He wouldn't have dared do that had be been debating a male candidate. He disrespected her because he's an oafish boor trying to look like an alpha male.
Whatever. It's all on tape. There was no reason for him to be following her around the stage. He wouldn't have dared do that had be been debating a male candidate. He disrespected her because he's an oafish boor trying to look like an alpha male.

Hillary and her supporters seem to have some weird imagination. Why do you have to come up with crap like that? Do you think it makes Hillary look more intelligent, more likeable, more worthy? No it doesn't. It just confirms what a sore loser she is, how vindictive she is, how desperate she is.
It is difficult to lose an election, I get that. Republicans were just as butt hurt when Obama won. It is time to move on. Come up with a better candidate, make sure to analyze the Democrats. This is like watching little kids who had their little plastic bucket toppled at the playground and are moping and throwing tandrums.
Please take another look at Hillary. She is a disgruntled has been. It is over. Nothing will change that. No lies, no made up stories, no wishful thinking. Move on and do better next time.
I see him pretending to be an alpha male. A really secure person doesn't need to be so blatantly obvious. He had all the subtlety of a peacock trying to impress a potential mate.

she wuz just mad cuz she wanted him & he wouldnt grab her by the pussy even after she tried to move close 2 him

i watched the debate and it wuz obvious
Cuntiefan is one of those dissociated libtards who thinks she uses thread ban appropriately. She really is a vacuous twat. She is a perfect example of why women need men. She could never support herself

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her kind thinx if they whine nonstop 4 the next 7 years hillary will be prez or sumthing i guess :rofl2:

poor guy lookz like hez trying hard not 2 puke

Cons are still obsessed with Hillary. No liberal thinks that if/when trump goes away, Hillary will step in. That's the fantasy you guys have to keep alive to distract from the miserable failure-in-chief.
Cons are still obsessed with Hillary. No liberal thinks that if/when trump goes away, Hillary will step in. That's the fantasy you guys have to keep alive to distract from the miserable failure-in-chief.




who brought up hilldogz allegationz about trump?

wuz it trump?