Truck Fump / h1b
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I pulled that part out becuase I held more objection to it than I did the main point of the argument. I didn't really disagree with the main argument.
Of course the rich will earn disproportionally more than your average person... that's why their rich. And of course they're going to make more than an employee, because they are the risk takers of the enterprise and therefore they earn the profit. The main reason they pay about 20% of the taxes more than they earn is because of, obviously, the progressive income tax. I've never really held any bones with the tax. My only real one is that it makes the government easier to grow because it's far easier to justifiably raise taxes - you can just do it to the people who won't mind as much. This is also one of the main reasons people have argued for it.
Multimillion dollar salaried CEOs hired by the board are taking no risk. they're paid this for their corrupt connections, slimy tactics, and willngness to sell others down the toilet for a quick buck.