Top 1% paying high % tax than ever before

I pulled that part out becuase I held more objection to it than I did the main point of the argument. I didn't really disagree with the main argument.

Of course the rich will earn disproportionally more than your average person... that's why their rich. And of course they're going to make more than an employee, because they are the risk takers of the enterprise and therefore they earn the profit. The main reason they pay about 20% of the taxes more than they earn is because of, obviously, the progressive income tax. I've never really held any bones with the tax. My only real one is that it makes the government easier to grow because it's far easier to justifiably raise taxes - you can just do it to the people who won't mind as much. This is also one of the main reasons people have argued for it.

Multimillion dollar salaried CEOs hired by the board are taking no risk. they're paid this for their corrupt connections, slimy tactics, and willngness to sell others down the toilet for a quick buck.
Multimillion dollar salaried CEOs hired by the board are taking no risk. they're paid this for their corrupt connections, slimy tactics, and willngness to sell others down the toilet for a quick buck.

If our system allows corruption and slimy tactics every business will be forced to use them. It's one of the largest flaws in capitalism - trying not only to negate the obvious flaws (like stealing and fraud), but the more subtle ones that are ambigious and hard to detect.

Yes, CEO's are paid for that. They are also paid for their ability to lead. But these traits are useful to a company.

I was more referring to the start-up business owner who takes the risks. The stockowners who vote in the CEO make more of a profit than he does - and they are the risk takers.
USC is really a pissant. LOFL
A million is not what it used to be, man I smell smoke he must have really wracked his brain on that one.
Two months ago he'w whining his wife got to much money, he's only making 60M and doesn't invest but the farm is cool.

Yeah, remind me again how being in the top 8% net worth in the county aint' shit mr laidoff but new found rich boy. LOL:tongout:
This is a sad and silly way to view it, IMO. That the million isn't "what it used to be" is much like the "I walked 17 miles to school, uphill, both ways!" stories.

It is a great number to achieve whether it be in worth, or in actual spending power. To say otherwise denies the significance of the achievement, it is designed to make others feel better for being barely ten-thousandaires...

No. To say otherwise acknowledges inflation and the dramatic increase in housing. Heck, a million isn't what it used to be 6 years ago considering real estate prices.
No. To say otherwise acknowledges inflation and the dramatic increase in housing. Heck, a million isn't what it used to be 6 years ago considering real estate prices.
It is still a rather significant number. It is designed to take away from the accomplishment of others. How many of us can say we reached that milestone? Even with the fact that it is easier to reach now than it was before.
I have earned over 1 million in my life so far.. sigh where did it all go, 2 wives, and one son I guess. Now working on my second milion for retirement.

On the accompolishment part. Well imho money is not the most important thing in ones life....Raising children successfully, a good lifes partner, and living a "good" life is more important to me. If you have that, money will most likely follow at least in the quantities we really need.
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It is still a rather significant number. It is designed to take away from the accomplishment of others. How many of us can say we reached that milestone? Even with the fact that it is easier to reach now than it was before.

Between 8 and 9 million I think. It still doesn't negate the fact that a million cannot buy you nearly what it could years before.
Yep the average new home is what ? Nearly 1/4 milliion ?
Was about 30k in the early 70's

I know home prices have more than doubled around here in only the last 10 years
Gas prices too
Utility bills have gone up significantly as well
And wages have ingreased 10% or so ?

But our economy is doing great so why worry :D

OOPS wages have probably risen 25% in the last 10 years.
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$10 doesn't buy what it did last year.

Not one of the people saying it doesn't buy what it used to actually has a million though a fith grader could tell you they are correct.

It is still a measument for old people like me to judge financial success.
I made it 12 yrs faster than the median guy.
I do not consider my self financially rich but hope to be by retirement in 7yrs.
Most def socially rich, gorgious wife who is a sweetheart and 3 college athlete sons and plenty tennis buddies.:clink:
$10 doesn't buy what it did last year.

Not one of the people saying it doesn't buy what it used to actually has a million though a fith grader could tell you they are correct.

It is still a measument for old people like me to judge financial success.
I made it 12 yrs faster than the median guy.
I do not consider my self financially rich but hope to be by retirement in 7yrs.
Most def socially rich, gorgious wife who is a sweetheart and 3 college athlete sons and plenty tennis buddies.:clink:

LOL, you revel in bragging about yourself. Not that I really care, but I hope you don't do this in real life. It tends to put a spotlight on your weaknesses and people tend to pay attention to those rather than the accomplishments you try to highlight.