Top 1% paying high % tax than ever before

We need to allow as many in as our economy can logically handle without affecting the poorest workers too badly. Expanding the VISA program in fields where there isn't much American worker interest would be a good idea also.

We shouldn't set some kind of arbitrary random number of immigrants and VISA workers that we allow, it should adjust depending on economic conditions. Immigration is really one of the few things keeping us ahead in the world.

WHat's too badly? Many are already totally out of work.

Immigration is why this country will eventually be reduced to a third world shithole.

This "growth at all cost" concept is simply a value arbitrarily put in place by anti-american interests, specifically to change the population mix in america to one more amenable to totalitarianism. I can reexplain anything you didn't understand.
"WHat's too badly? Many are already totally out of work."

I haven't been noticing it. Unemployment is at 4%, which is just about what it's always been at. Immigrants don't have nearly the current effect that you exagerrate. We could "handle" several million more.

"Immigration is why this country will eventually be reduced to a third world shithole."

Explain. You're logic makes little sense.

"This "growth at all cost" concept is simply a value arbitrarily put in place by anti-american interests, specifically to change the population mix in america to one more amenable to totalitarianism. I can reexplain anything you didn't understand."

Immigrants generally come to the US because they agree with it. We get the most liberal out of all societies coming to the US all the time. Generally they are fully integrated after the second generation. The most populist and totalitarian of any of the populations in the US is African Americans, not immigrants. Mexicans only vote Democrat by like 5% in comparison.

You're conspiracy theory is somewhat ridiculous. Get this through your head - there's no massive conspiracy to kill all Americans.
"WHat's too badly? Many are already totally out of work."

I haven't been noticing it. Unemployment is at 4%, which is just about what it's always been at. Immigrants don't have nearly the current effect that you exagerrate. We could "handle" several million more.

"Immigration is why this country will eventually be reduced to a third world shithole."

Explain. You're logic makes little sense.

"This "growth at all cost" concept is simply a value arbitrarily put in place by anti-american interests, specifically to change the population mix in america to one more amenable to totalitarianism. I can reexplain anything you didn't understand."

Immigrants generally come to the US because they agree with it. We get the most liberal out of all societies coming to the US all the time. Generally they are fully integrated after the second generation. The most populist and totalitarian of any of the populations in the US is African Americans, not immigrants. Mexicans only vote Democrat by like 5% in comparison.

You're conspiracy theory is somewhat ridiculous. Get this through your head - there's no massive conspiracy to kill all Americans.

Desperate poor people will accept the erosion of their rights, if it means they can eat. Totalitarian minded people would rather have these kind of people than better off people who insist on rights of various kinds. It's perfectly logical. You just have a rosy view of corporations and the government officials they hire.

Immigrants are coming here now to change it, not to assimilate. It's a significant change in mindset.

Google "reconquista" or "la raza" or get educated about "jihad" and "caliphate".
But I thought we were a "nation of immigrants".

Pretty much everyone has an immigrant in their family somewhere down the line, even if you count the British at the time of founding as native. But I'm talking about first generation immigrants. Second generation immigrants really don't count, and third generation immigrants obviously don't count. Ralph fucking Naders a second generation immigrant, and he's more anti-totalitarian than any of the "natives" up there in Washington.
Yes class warfare lovers rejoice they are currently paying a higher percentage of their income than they ever have.
Another interesting point. The top 1% pay more taxes than the bottom 40%.
This from the IRS

And they should pay more?:pke:
Yes, they should. Because, you see, that same 1% own a bit more than 50% of the personal wealth of the nation. That includes more than 50% of the equity in publicly traded corporations, by the way, which is why all of the blather about a large percentage of Americans owning stock is just more smoke and mirrors.

Can you demonstrate any significant hardship or damage that these people have suffered due to these allegedly high tax rates? I am fascinated by the concept.

Pretty much everyone has an immigrant in their family somewhere down the line, even if you count the British at the time of founding as native. But I'm talking about first generation immigrants. Second generation immigrants really don't count, and third generation immigrants obviously don't count. Ralph fucking Naders a second generation immigrant, and he's more anti-totalitarian than any of the "natives" up there in Washington.

Second generation immigrants do count when they are not assimilated, and remain hostile to the nation. In fact, In europe, native born muslims are the most fertile hosts of radical belief.
Hmm christian fundamentalists here in the good ol USA are pretty radical as well. And have stated goals of taking over our govt. Falwell and Robertson for a couple.
Hmm christian fundamentalists here in the good ol USA are pretty radical as well. And have stated goals of taking over our govt. Falwell and Robertson for a couple.

Hmmmm. So why can you criticize christians, who are much less radical, and not the islamics, who wish to take society back to the stone ages.

What's the most radical thing falwell would want? Outlawing abortion?
Second generation immigrants do count when they are not assimilated, and remain hostile to the nation. In fact, In europe, native born muslims are the most fertile hosts of radical belief.

Not many people immigrate to nations they are "hostile" to. Even if all the first and second generation immigrants absolutely hated America and wanted to scheme to destroy in a massive conspircay, that would still be like 15 or so percent of the population.
Yes, they should. Because, you see, that same 1% own a bit more than 50% of the personal wealth of the nation. That includes more than 50% of the equity in publicly traded corporations, by the way, which is why all of the blather about a large percentage of Americans owning stock is just more smoke and mirrors.

Can you demonstrate any significant hardship or damage that these people have suffered due to these allegedly high tax rates? I am fascinated by the concept.


That would be net worth...

Not income.
Yes class warfare lovers rejoice they are currently paying a higher percentage of their income than they ever have.
Another interesting point. The top 1% pay more taxes than the bottom 40%.
This from the IRS

And they should pay more?:pke:

Good Morning and Happy Easter!

Top...I think you got your info from this article?

The ONLY way the top 1% can pay a higher portion of taxes after a major tax cut than they did the previous year without the tax cut, is for the top 1% to make BOOCOOS more money with the tax cut...while the middle and the lower classes stay stagnet in their income.... the top 1% are capturing more and more of the income wealth total in this country....thus, even with a lower tax rate, they are paying more of the income tax total.

And if you include SS taxes, the top 1%'s tax obligation of the total taxes drops by around 7%....while the middle class's tax obligation of the total stays the same or up slightly and the poor's goes up slightly.

by giving the top 1% a tax break, they have more money in their hands to spend or invest, making them even more money, thus a higher portion of the total taxes because they have much more money to be taxed....WHILE the middle and the lower classes stay STAGNANT with their income/wealth.... it is the only way the top 1% can be paying a higher portion imo.

Not many people immigrate to nations they are "hostile" to.

Yes they do. And that's hostile withouth quotes. It's not a questionable form of hostility as you imply with your superfluous quotation marks.
Even if all the first and second generation immigrants absolutely hated America and wanted to scheme to destroy in a massive conspircay, that would still be like 15 or so percent of the population.

The massive conspiracy to destroy america is called jihad by islamics, the reconquista by hispanics, the new world order by neocons, and justice by liberals.
Care4 and Asshat brought my point home nicely.

Tax something less and you will get more of it.

Class dissmissed:clink:
Ohh tax the top one percent less and they will make more money. Yes that is obvious, but not necessaraily acceptable to the other 99%, except for the 1% wannabees.
Oh contray, mr anti education.

Tax them less and they pay more total dollars.
Most people want to be rich and don't want their ship attack when it comes in.
Most people want to be rich, yes that is true, but virtually none of those will achieve this gola. But I see the politics of keeping them hoping. Kepep them hoping they will get there so they won't pick on the ones that are already there guarding the doors to keep the new money folks out.

Just like movie and rock stars for every success story there are thousands of failures.

Keep playing that market, the money that people make on the market comes out of others hopeful pockets.
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